Call of the Deer

Chapter 441 Even the bloody battle, King Qin came late

Chapter 441 Even the bloody battle, King Qin came late
Lone Wolf Deng Qiang VS Tiger Ertai!
I saw Deng Qiang's vicious eyes locked on Ertai, the general of the Hu people who was killing all directions. This man was holding a mace, which was covered with blood and flesh of the Han army, very ferocious and terrifying!
And the lone wolf Deng Qiang came here on blood, his whole body was stained with blood, his blood hair fluttered in the wind, and the blood threads were messy in the wind, with a cruel smile appearing on the corner of his mouth, he rushed straight to Ertai!
But in an instant, the two got close to each other, and then they clamped the horse's belly, and in a short stride, they killed together!
"Lone Wolf Xing Tian Po!"

"The fierce tiger howled the mountain, and the blood tiger came out of the cage!"

The long knife in Deng Qiang's hand slashed at Ertai's head with great force and force. This knife was overbearing and fast, with amazing explosive power, like lightning, and it was close to Ertai's head in a flash!
And Ertai is not a person who has earned his fame, and the mace in his hand also greeted Deng Qiang's long knife from the bottom up!


With one blow, a bell-like sound spread out in all directions!

The weapons of Deng Qiang and Ertai were also repelled by each other, and they almost lost control.

"Damn you thief, you have some skills, but I'm going to kill you to prove the majesty of my general, so die."

Deng Qiang looked at Ertai, who was his opponent, and kissed his chapped blood-donating lips with his scarlet tongue, and a fiery madness burst out in his eyes!
"Lone Wolf Punishes Heaven's Wrath!"

"Tigers come out of the mountains!"

Seeing that Deng Qiang's momentum had changed, the corners of Ertai's eyes twitched, and then he used all his strength to meet him with a mace!

A lone wolf who is abnormally calm is scary, but a lone wolf who is insane is even more terrifying!
Deng Qiang's eyes flashed with blood, he was like a madman, like a madman, shouted angrily, and slashed down with a long knife in his hand like a star chasing the moon!

"Get out of here!"


"Go to hell, you thief who killed a thousand swords!"

"Oh no."


Under one blow, Ertai was indeed no opponent, and was directly knocked off the horse by Deng Qiang with a stick. He was in a state of embarrassment, and before he could react, he saw a silver light flashed by the knife, and then fell into the darkness
But at this time, Zhang Liao on the other side had already beheaded Fukang'an under his horse, while Zhang Dingbian, the first fierce general of the Ming Dynasty, had already had a bloody battle with Aobai.

"Tap Tap"

At this moment, the west suddenly killed an army of 20, and saw the leader, like a demon god, holding a double-edged spear, riding a red-blooded war horse, flying towards the blood
"Soldiers, meritorious deeds are just a few days away, kill all the thieves, and return my rivers and mountains, kill."

This person is the Northern Wei Wang Ranmin who came here after hearing the news. After Ran Min killed the Hu thief, he left behind [-] soldiers and horses, and his general Liu Ling was stationed to guard the river. Come, help the main force!
And with Ran Min, it was Meng Tian's army that had bypassed the Luochuan River in advance and came from the west!
Seeing the main force arrive, Di Qing, Zhang Liao and others were extremely excited, because they really persisted until the reinforcements arrived;
At this time, the loss of the [-] army has exceeded [-]%, and the [-] Han army died tragically under the iron hoof of the Hu army.
"Brother Ran, why are you here? Where is Weihe? Who is guarding it?"

Seeing Ran Min come back, Meng Tian's expression changed slightly, and he asked anxiously.

"Haha, Brother Meng, there is no need to worry. My general Liu Ling is stationed at the Weihe River, which is enough to make the Weihe River impenetrable."

"Besides, I've received news that King Yanhuang had leveled Pojun City last night and slaughtered the entire city. None of the 50 barbarians in Pojun City were spared, and they were all slaughtered. Hahaha, good kill, kill very happy"

Speaking of this, Ran Min laughed heartily. He was originally the implementer of the Hu Killing Order, and he was naturally very happy and gratified to have someone who was steadfast and on his side.

"What? You said that King Yanhuang slaughtered 50 barbarians? This."

When Meng Tian heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he said in disbelief.

"Hahaha, if you don't believe me, brother Meng, the Hu people will withdraw their troops soon. Before the Hu people withdraw, let's kill his mother's dog [Japanese] Hu thief first."

After finishing speaking, Ran Min rode his horse into the formation of the Hu people. With the addition of Ran Min's [-] fresh troops, and the Hu people lost three generals one after another, their morale plummeted. Naturally, the army was defeated like a mountain.
On the other side, Murong Xuehu is really the God of War alive, with only 30 troops, he blocked the [-] troops under Mao Dun's encroachment;
And the Shuoyue Knife in his hand is even more like a cold moon hanging high in the clouds, noble and cold, not stained with dust, everywhere it goes, there are corpses everywhere, but his Shuo Knife has no blood, it is extremely miraculous
Under his command, the [-] troops stood at every step, blocking the crazy attack of the barbarians!

And all the generals under his command tried their best to kill the enemy bravely, and the Hu people who killed the enemy were terrified, as if they were facing an abyss, trembling with fear!
"Who is the thief general? Sign up quickly. I, Sun Ce, will kill the nameless ghost!"

"Hmph, I am Xiao Dalin, the general under the command of Generalissimo Maodun, and I saw that I chopped off your head!"

A general appeared in the Hu people's formation. This man had a hulking back and a gnarled face. He was hideous and ugly. Holding a huge axe, he rode his horse and charged at Sun Ce.
"Hmph, the light of the firefly, dares to compete with the bright moon, so die to me."

"Overlord marksmanship, pull mountains and rivers!"

"Eat me with a tomahawk strike, and a lightning strike!"


"The overlord removes his armor!"

"Total Annihilation!"

"Fallen Shadow Chasing Soul!"


"Good marksmanship, I won't be wronged if I lose"

Sun Ce used his overlord marksmanship, and immediately gained the upper hand. At the same time, he pressed everywhere, and beheaded the barbarian general Xiao Dalin under his horse.
"Hahaha, a weak chicken-like existence, go to hell"



"Hmph, it's your honor to die at the hands of me, Yelu Dashi!"

I saw a barbarian general beheading the head of a general under Murong Xuehu's command.
"Ah, Jiang Qin."

At this moment, a member of the general roared angrily, and then rushed over with a long knife in his hand, his whole body exuding a cold killing intent!
"Damn you"

"Hey, here comes another one who wants to die. Since you insist on courting death, then I, Yelu Dashi, will fulfill your wish. Go die!"

Yelu Dashi saw another Han general coming to kill him, his eyes lit up immediately, and another battle achievement was sent over, and he immediately looked at the Han general with a long knife in his hand!
"Ah, horizontal water knife technique, kill me!"



"Hahaha, Brother Jiang Ting, Zhou Tai has avenged you."

On the other side, I saw a Han general holding a longbow, shooting and killing more than a dozen enemy generals one after another. At this time, a Hu general finally rushed over angrily.
"Damn Han general, he actually stabbed people in the back and killed so many brothers of mine, I'll come and kill you."

"Taishi Ziyi be careful, I will help you."

"Hehe, I don't take it seriously, Bo Fu, you don't have to come here."

This person turned out to be Tai Shici. At this time, Tai Shici retracted his long bow and took out a dragon-bladed blood halberd. Seeing that Tai Shici abandoned the bow and used the halberd instead, Wo Kuotai showed a cruel smirk on his face, looking ferocious. jumped over.
"Chiyue Divine Whip, go to hell with me!"

"Hmph, Flood Dragon Soul Eater Halberd, get the hell out of here!"

Tai Shici showed a relentless look on his face, and he used his Dragon Soul Devourer Halberd, and with one halberd, the Chiyue Divine Whip was sent flying, there was nothing he could do about it!

"Hmph, come again."

Taishi Ci leaped on his horse and held his halberd, and approached Wo Kuotai with a stride, and his dragon halberd was shining with blood, and he kept hitting the Chiyue Divine Whip away.
The two fought back and forth, and fought for a hundred rounds. Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Tai Shici changed his mind and sold an opening, and Wo Kuotai really fell for it!

Afterwards, Tai Shici stepped forward and pierced Wo Kuotai's battle armor like lightning. It's a pity that this person was wearing a gold silk armor, so he didn't cut Tai's belly, but more than ten bones in his body were broken, and he was still injured. Not light.

At this moment, horns sounded from the barracks of the barbarians in the north, and at this moment, they suddenly called Jin to withdraw the troops.
"Retreat, retreat quickly"

Disturbed by the sudden ringing sound, Wo Kuotai was taken aback for a moment, then turned his horse's head and rushed north with Hu Qi;
But Tai Shici seized this opportunity, quickly took out his bow and arrows, took out nine arrows, and aimed at Wo Kuotai with one shot.
"Nine Stars Lianzhu, kill him for me."

"call out"

Wo Kuotai was vigilant in his heart, and immediately swung the Chiyue Divine Whip, but unfortunately the Chiyue Divine Whip was too soft, and was missed by the first arrow, and then eight arrows hit Wo Kuotai's throat impartially. shot through the throat
Walking through Yang with a hundred steps, Tai Shici killed the enemy general Wo Kuotai with a nine-star Lianju, and became famous in the first battle!
But at this time, Li Shimin came late with an army of [-];
Murong Xuehu was covered in red blood and his face was blood red. Of the one hundred thousand troops under his command, only less than forty thousand were left, and more than half of them were lost.
"Li Shimin, you came in time."

Murong Xuehu gritted her teeth and stared at Li Shimin, almost roaring.
"There was a delay on the way, I hope brother Murong forgive me"

Li Shimin's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, without apology at all
(End of this chapter)

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