Call of the Deer

Chapter 444 Heavenly secret crossbow power, bloody battle flying

Chapter 444 Heavenly secret crossbow power, bloody battle flying

Feiyang Pass, located in the south-central part of Jianzhou, was a barrier to guard the barbarians, but now it has become the arm of the barbarians!

Outside Feiyangguan, Aixinjueluo Xuanye led an army of 20, and finally arrived here in a hurry!

"Report to Commander, the [-] Han army is stationed at Feiyang Pass, blocking our army's way to Tanlang City"

The scouts sent by Aixinjueluo Xuanye finally came to report the news, which made Xuanye's face darken.

"A mere [-] troops just want to defend Feiyang Pass, hmph, what a wishful thinking."

Aixinjueluo Xuanye sneered, extremely disdainful of the [-] army Bei Minghao left behind.

After all, Feiyangguan defends the north from the south, but if it defends the south from the north, the advantage is not so obvious.

"However, Bei Minghao will not send troops to attack our army for no reason. I'm afraid he is stepping up his attack on Greedy Wolf City. No, we must break through Feiyang Pass as soon as possible and rush to help!"

Aixinjueluo is naturally not a fool. After thinking about it in his heart, he knew that the purpose of Bei Minghao's army to block the attack was Greedy Wolf City, so he immediately decided to pass the level in a flash and go to the rescue
"Soldiers, attack Feiyang Pass with all your strength, if everything stands in the way, shoot and kill!"

Following Aixinjueluo Xuanye's order, 20 troops rushed towards Feiyang Pass like lightning.

After Feiyang closed the door, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Yu Wencheng looked at the Hu people killed by Haohao Tangtang, and their expressions changed slightly!

"I'm afraid this army is the Eight Banners Army of Huren's Aixinjueluo Clan. It really is a well-known soldier. This hour is really hard."

"Hehe, Brother Wei, the Eight Banners Army is formidable, but our Northern Underworld Army is not a vegetarian. Besides, our army guards the gate, and it's nothing to worry about for an hour."

Guan Yu gently caressed his beautiful beard, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his right hand, and Danfeng's eyes slanted against the menacing barbarians!
"Yun Chang, don't take it lightly. In the Hu army, the five armies of the Golden Qixue Army, the Tiefutu Army, the Tiancang Warrior Cavalry, the Desert Cang Cavalry, and the Eight Banners Army must not be underestimated. If one is not good, it may be a ditch. Shipwrecked."

As a general, Wei Qing naturally had a thorough understanding of the various armies, so he spoke to persuade him!
"Brother Wei is right. I have heard that these five armies, the Golden and Xue Army, are a thousand-chosen barbarian heavy cavalry trained by Temujin himself. No less than ordinary light cavalry;"

"The Wanyan Wushu of the Wanyan family of the Tiefutu Hu people personally trained a defensive and powerful heavy armored cavalry. Their combat power is comparable to that of the Golden Xue army. Each has its own advantages, but the number is somewhat insufficient."

"Tiancang War Cavalry is a cavalry trained by Modun, one of the two prides of the prairie. This cavalry is still and disciplined, and it is also a very terrifying army!"

"The desert cavalry is the fastest cavalry on the grassland. This cavalry is good at riding and shooting. It was jointly trained by the grassland arrow god Jebe and Temujin. So far, it has never appeared in the world."

"The Eight Banners Army is the cavalry trained by the Aixinjueluo family. The individual combat ability is much inferior to other cavalry. It is divided into eight divisions. However, the Eight Banners can form an extremely powerful formation: Eight Desolation Breaking Army Formation !"

At this time, Huo Qubing also spoke, his understanding of the barbarian cavalry was even more thorough than that of Wei Qing!

"Of course, as long as Yiqi is eliminated first, the Eight Desolation Breaking Army Formation will not be able to form, so you don't need to be too nervous."

"Huh, don't care about the Eight Banners or the Nine Banners. If you dare to attack Feiyang Pass, I will let them take a good look at why the flowers are so red."

Holding Zhang Ba Snake Spear in his hand, Zhang Fei shouted dissatisfiedly!

"They're here!"

Yu Wencheng, who was watching from a distance, suddenly spoke, and everyone followed his gaze.
I saw dense swarms, like locusts, appearing on the plain in the distance, rolling up thousands of piles of yellow dust!
The midair is full of yellow sand, the flames are like torches, the waves are like anger, and the smoke is howling, covering the sky and covering the earth, one by one, rushing over with murderous intent
The Eight Banners Army, at this time, seemed to be condensed into a rope, piercing through like a sharp sword!

At this time, even Zhang Fei, who was shouting loudly, stared at the Eight Banners Army with big eyes and a solemn expression!
"The whole army obeys the order and sticks to Feiyang Pass!"

Wei Qing took a deep breath, and immediately shouted angrily, already planning to go all out!
At this time, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched;

No matter what, Feiyang Pass must be guarded for an hour, otherwise the event will be over. Tanlang City is the burial place of one hundred thousand soldiers of the Northern Underworld!
"The whole army listens to the order, the Tianji crossbow is ready, let me release the arrow!"

The [-] iron cavalry that went north this time were all equipped with Tianji crossbows that could fire in bursts!
This kind of Tianji crossbow is more powerful than the Great Qin Crossbow, and it can fire in bursts, and the number of bursts is more than that of Zhuge Liannu. It can be said to be an enhanced version of Daqin Nu and Zhuge Liannu!

Of course, the Tianji crossbow was exchanged by Bei Minghao, and the price was not cheap. Each one needed ten taels of gold. Of course, in order to deceive people, it was secretly taken out of the unmanned factory!

The crossbow bolts from the Tianji crossbow roared out like a storm, towards the barbarians outside the Feiyang Pass. The crossbow arrows were like raindrops, densely packed and pervasive.
Seeing that the Hu people hadn't killed them, they shot directly into the Hu people's formation first.
"Soldiers, the moment of life and death has come, shoot me hard, kill these wolf thieves like tigers and leopards, don't let a single one go."

Wei Qing roared angrily, and ordered the soldiers to fire arrows at the barbarians. Fortunately, when they set off this time, they had prepared a lot of crossbow arrows, so there was no need to save money.
Time passed quickly in the stalemate between the two sides, a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, half an hour and seven quarters of an hour.
Finally, there was only a quarter of an hour before an hour, when the Beiming Army had run out of crossbow arrows, and the Huren Eight Banners Army left tens of thousands of corpses outside Feiyang Pass;
Fortunately, the barbarians were finally frightened by the terrifying power of the Tianji crossbow, and retreated temporarily
"Commander, the crossbows and arrows of the Han army are so powerful, they are no less powerful than bows and arrows, and they are densely packed. How should our army attack Feiyang Pass?
Aobai rode his horse and stood behind Aixinjueluo Xuanye, asking with a sad face
"Hmph, it's been almost an hour, and you immediately led the [-] Banners into battle. I really can't believe that their arrows are really like raindrops, worthless."

Aixinjueluo Xuanye's face was gloomy, but his reason was there. Reason told him that the Han army's crossbow arrows were definitely running out, or even used up.
Aobai led the army and rushed towards Feiyang Pass tremblingly!

"Soldiers, hold on for another quarter of an hour, after a quarter of an hour, the whole army will retreat!"

"Archer, get ready, shoot me an arrow!"

At this time, Wei Qing and others had to use bows and arrows to fight against the enemy. Although bows and arrows are powerful, there are countless Hu people, and the results of the battle are few;

When all the Hu people saw that the Han army had lost the densely packed and powerful crossbow arrows, their courage suddenly became bolder, and they rushed towards Feiyang Pass without fear of death!

Without the suppression of the Tianji Crossbow, the momentum of the Hu people could no longer be suppressed. In half a quarter of an hour, the Hu people had already killed Guanxia, ​​and the ladders were erected one by one.
But at this moment, it was time to really go all out. I saw Zhang Fei roaring, holding a snake spear, and directly smashed a ladder away. The barbarian on the ladder was also carried away by the ladder, and hit the ground hard Die without regret.
Guan Yu, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, is extremely cold and gorgeous, no barbarian will swing his Qinglong Saber just as soon as he shows up;

With one blow, silver light flashed, blood bloomed, and the body was in two halves!

He is so straightforward, so glamorous, and so domineering!

In Yuwen Chengdu, the phoenix wings are gilded and bored, and the corpses are smashed every sentence, bleeding the city head, blood in the setting sun!

The blood-stained barbarians in the day's golden light armor further brought out his rage, his ferocity, and his bravery!

Huo Qubing, wearing black armor and a long spear, has no enemies wherever he goes, and the barbarians he kills are so frightened that they dare not move forward!

Wei Qing sat in the center, commanding the Northern Underworld Army, fighting for the last half an hour.
Finally, the Beiming Army persisted for an hour, Wei Qing immediately shouted angrily, and immediately ordered the Beiming Army to retreat!

"Yunchang, Yide, Chengdu, Qubing, the time has come, retreat quickly!"

The four of them looked at each other when they heard the words, and then they met in one place. The four of them worked together to cut off the back for the retreating Beiming army.

As soon as the Beiming army left, the four turned over and got off the city wall, got on their mounts, shouted angrily, followed Wei Qing, and headed towards Tanlang City
At this time, the gate of Tanlang City was finally smashed open by Li Cunxiao with great force
(End of this chapter)

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