Chapter 453

"Little Beiming, take your life!"

Seeing Bei Minghao, Lu Bu's eyes turned blood red, holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, he slashed at Bei Minghao!

"Slave of the three surnames, dare to be arrogant, I, Zhang Fei, will kill you!"

Seeing Lu Bu appear, Zhang Fei's face changed suddenly, and he took the Zhangba Snake Spear, and stabbed at Lu Bu!
"My defeated general, get the hell out of here, today I will only kill Beiming's son"

When Lu Bu saw Zhang Fei approaching, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and with a roar, he swung his halberd in the air, and deflected Zhang Fei's snake spear!
"Slave with three surnames, return my elder brother's life first."

Zhang Fei was indomitable, he was willing to let go, held the snake spear, turned his horse's head, and charged at Lu Bu again!

"go away"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was coming again, Lu Bu swiped his halberd backwards and deflected Zhang Fei's snake spear again. He aimed to kill Bei Minghao, so naturally he would not tangle with Zhang Fei. Bye bye, he lost a great opportunity !
But Zhang Fei didn't follow him, still holding the snake spear, biting Lu Bu's back tightly, and bullied himself to kill again!
"Since you are looking for death, you black servant, then I will kill you first, and then kill Beiming Xiaoer!"

Lu Bu was so annoyed by Zhang Fei, his heart trembled, he thought that he might as well occupy Zhang Fei, the buzzing fly first, and then it would not be too late to kill Bei Minghao!

"The white tiger howls the heavenly halberd, howls the common people angrily!"

Lu Bu let out an angry roar, a golden light flashed from the painted halberd in his hand, and with a flash of sharpness, he smashed towards Zhang Fei's face!

"Ah, Soaring Snake Cracks the Ground Spear, Soaring Snake Bloodlust!"


"go to hell!"

With one blow, Lu Bu gained the upper hand, but Zhang Fei was hit backwards by the blow. Lu Bu took advantage of the situation to attack again, stabbed diagonally with his halberd, and slashed towards Zhang Fei's throat!
Zhang Fei looked at the painting halberd that was getting closer and closer, his whole body was cold, and he entered the ice cellar, knowing that he was going to die this time.
"Ah, brother, here I come."

"Third brother, no."

Seeing that Zhang Fei was in a desperate situation, Guan Yu's eyes were shattered, and with a howl of blood, his opening was immediately revealed, and Su Lie also attacked at this time!

On the other side, just when Zhang Fei thought he was going to die under Lu Bu's painted halberd, he heard a gunshot followed by a crisp sound.

But the pain he expected didn't come. He opened his eyes and saw the back of a silver armor and white robe, which was Zhao Yun!
"Zilong, thank you for saving your life, I will definitely repay you!"

Zhang Fei was very fortunate for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and he was also very grateful to Zhao Yun!

"Hahaha, Yide, you are welcome, you and I will work together to capture Lu Bu first!"

Zhao Yun chuckled, he knew Zhang Fei very well, Zhang Fei was quite heroic and loyal, he admired him very much!
"Okay, you and I will work together to kill the slaves of the three surnames first."

Zhang Fei's murderous intentions were inherently heavy, and he had a sworn feud with Lu Bu, so he naturally agreed to everything, and he didn't care about bullying the few with more!
"Zhao Zilong, if you dare to ruin my good deeds, I will kill you."

On the other hand, Lu Bu's eyes were bloodshot and angry, but he was trembling with anger.

Originally, he was almost able to kill Zhang Fei, a confidant who was a big worry, under the halberd. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and rescued Zhang Fei who was about to be killed by himself;

He was still talking nonsense in front of himself, just to put him in the eyes of the general, such a shame, uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!

"Go to hell, White Tiger Roaring at the Heavenly Halberd, Tiger Roaring at the Five Sacred Mountains!"

"Slave of the three surnames, take your life, the snake will split the spear, and the snake will come out of the hole!"

Zhang Fei was very angry, and immediately resorted to his housekeeping skills, flying a snake to split the ground with a spear!
"Lu Bu, if you dare to ambush our army, you will surely die today!"

Zhao Yun's voice was cold, and he also wanted to kill Lu Bu. After all, the red wolf cavalry under Lu Bu's command had killed many Beiming troops, which was very harmful to the Beiming army!
However, Lu Bu is not a mediocre person. Although Zhao Yun joined, the two sides are evenly matched.

On the other hand, Su Lie, who had seized the opportunity, was like a wolf and a tiger. The five tigers' soul-breaking knives were fierce and domineering, and Guan Yu who killed Guan Yu kept retreating.
Su Lie turned his long saber, rested on Guan Yu's shoulder, and slashed across. The saber was as swift as electricity and fierce as thunder!
"Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Qinglong goes to sea!"

"Five Tigers' Soul-Breaking Knife, the knife is absolutely soul-breaking!"


At this moment, Guan Yu finally found a gap in the intensive attack, and quickly used the Jedi Survival in the Azure Dragon Saber Technique, the defeat-turned-victory knife move Qinglong Going to Sea!
With one blow, the two were evenly divided. With Su Lie's advantage, Guan Yu could not completely break free from the cage!

"Hmph, you scumbag, you shameless one!"

Guan Yu was taken advantage of by Su Lie, and after dozens of tricks, he could only defend himself. Naturally, he was very upset. Dan Feng's eyes were full of endless anger, and his killing intent was dazzling!
"Hmph, as a martial artist, how can you be distracted in front of the formation? Martial Saint Guan Yu doesn't deserve his name!"

Su Lie was also very surprised in his heart, this Guan Yu was able to fight back and break free from his fight when he was controlled by him everywhere, it was amazing, but he did not forget to hit Guan Yu!
"Hmph, the Five Tigers' Soul-Breaking Knife is like a knife for chopping firewood and melons. It's so common that it's not worth seeing."

Seeing Su Lie belittle himself, Guan Yu, who was originally arrogant, was naturally very upset, and also ridiculed him!

"Hmph, Guan Yu, it's not for you to judge whether Lao Tzu's sword technique is a knife for chopping firewood."

Su Lie was ridiculed by Guan Yu, his face turned red immediately, full of anger, he picked up the long knife and slashed at Guan Yu!

"Hmph, good time, eat me with a knife"

"Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the sun and the moon have no life!"

"Five Tigers Soul Breaking Knife, Soul Breaking End of the World!"

I saw that after Guan Yu used the move "Sun and Moon Wu Sheng", the sun and the moon turned pale immediately. This move was extremely domineering, and he walked across the battlefield with killing intent.
And Su Lie used the Wuhu Soul Breaking Knife's ultimate skill "Soul Breaking the End of the World". With this move, everyone felt as if they were desperate and hopeless, and a desolate atmosphere permeated the air.


With one move, flying dust filled the sky, and between the dust, there were electric sparks and crisp sounds.
Under one blow, the two were evenly divided, and neither could do anything to the other. The two returned to their horses and fought again, facing each other.
Guan Yu held the long knife in his hand, and the Yanyue knife was shining between the sand and stones. Danfeng only stared at Su Lie, and his energy and energy reached the peak.
Su Lie held the saber in both hands, trusting the horse to let go of the reins, his star eyes also focused on Guan Yu, and the two horsemen galloped towards each other, both of them planning their last move!
"Qinglong Yanyue Saber, the dragon strikes the nine heavens, and the Qinglong breaks!"

"Five Tigers' Soul-Breaking Knife, Sangtian's Change, Haijiao Mourning!"




The two passed by each other, the blue and yellow light shone, and a bloody light flew down.
"The name of Martial Saint is well-deserved, Su Lie admires it!"

"The end of the soul, the end of the world, the end of the world, is the enemy of my life!"

After the blow, the clouds gathered and the rain rested, the two turned their backs to each other, their swords were like a rainbow, quietly staying in their hands
On Su Lie's crimson battle armor, there is a line of blood, which is slowly flowing
The hilt of Guan Yu Yanyue came out, and there was also a bloody light.
With this blow, the two were evenly divided, the Yanyue Saber cut through Su Lie's waist armor and injured Su Lie;
However, the Broken Soul Knife cut Guan Yu's arm. At this time, his combat power has been reduced to the third, and it is difficult to return to the peak
At this moment, only the sound of hooves kicked from the east and west, the neighing of war horses, and the sound of killing came from a distance.
"Soldiers, the lord is right ahead, follow me to save the lord"

It turned out that at this moment, Ma Chao, Wei Qing and others finally led their troops to kill the enemy from the east and the west.
"Damn it, how could it be? How could this Bei Minghao have reinforcements, could it be..."

On the other hand, Li Shimin looked at the dust flying in the distance, but his heart was already in a mess, and his heart became uneasy.
"Soldiers, kill the enemy, whoever can behead Bei Minghao will be rewarded ten thousand taels, and ten thousand households will be rewarded."

Suddenly, a stern look flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, he roared angrily, and offered a huge reward to Bei Minghao
Sure enough, following Li Shimin's roar, the Eastern Qin army rushed towards Bei Minghao with bloodshot eyes as if they had been shot with stimulants.
As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. These Eastern Qin soldiers were fascinated by the heavy rewards, and they all went forward one after another, spreading to Bei Minghao
"Hmph, damn Bei Minghao, even if I employ people today, I will pile you up to death."

Li Shimin stared fiercely at Bei Minghao who was surrounded, and muttered to himself.
"Hmph, Li Shimin, Li Shimin, are you finally going to jump over the wall?"

Bei Minghao witnessed Li Shimin's actions, showed a disdainful smile, and looked at Li Shimin like a clown.
"It's a pity that the battle between you and me was already over when you made a move."

After finishing speaking, Bei Minghao swung the Nine Dragons Splitting Heavenly Halberd, bleeding for a while, and a Shura domain appeared. (To be continued!)

 ps: Dear book friends, it’s the beginning of the month. Give me recommended tickets and monthly tickets. I hope you will give me a lot of support. I will continue to work hard and strive for continuous updates in September. Please help me, give me some support, give me Get motivated.)

(End of this chapter)

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