Call of the Deer

Chapter 463 The last battle

Chapter 463

This blocking battle was over the moment Xiang Yu killed Borhu!

In the entire battle, only Xiang Yu, Yang Zaixing, Xiang Yu's 72 black dragon guards, and [-] black dragon cavalry participated, and the battle lasted only a quarter of an hour
A quarter of an hour later, nearly [-] gold soldiers Xue Jun was killed, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he knelt down and begged to surrender, hoping to escape with his life!
It's a pity that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. Facing Xiang Yu, who is famous for being fierce and one of the two evil spirits of Qiongzhou, everything is in vain!

This is the iron-blooded warrior who once killed 20 Qin elites. He is a mere barbarian, and it is impossible to survive at all!

The most they can get in return for their surrender is a simple death, no need to be trampled by war horses, no place to die, that's all
In this battle, Xiang Yu was like a madman, riding alone, beheading 36 enemy generals including Borhu;

In addition, there is also the Golden Qixue army in front of you, like a war meat grinder, wherever it goes, people and horses are smashed, killing into blood!

Outside the Killing Pass, there are corpses and bones, and the red stream is flowing, washing the layer after layer of sand, but the more it washes, the brighter it is, the more dazzling it is!
And Zhou Yafu was stunned at this moment, with a big mouth, fixedly looking at the body standing proudly in the field, that body like a demon god, his body was stiff!
At this moment, he was even doubting whether it was right for him to let Xiang Yu enter the customs, and then he gave up this thought, and rode forward mechanically!
"Brother Xiang is indeed the God of War alive, no, even the God of War, I'm afraid he can't compare to Brother Xiang's heroic appearance."

"Zizizi has a total of [-] gold and fear Xue Jun. This is the master of the grassland. In just a quarter of an hour, he was slaughtered by Brother Xiang. It really makes Zhou admire the five-body surrender."

At this time, Zhou Yafu had recovered from the shock, and looked at Xiang Yu in amazement!

"Hmph, they're just a group of beasts with human faces and beast hearts. Xiang Yu killed them, he really dirty a certain family's war halberd!"

Xiang Yu snorted coldly with extreme disdain. At this moment, Xiang Yu looked quite calm after venting the anger in his heart, at most it was just the indifference of strangers!

"Brother Xiang, I think this golden cowardly Xue army should be the last thieves left in the south. How about you and me going south tomorrow?"

Zhou Yafu saw that the [-] gold and cowardly Xue troops were killed by Xiang Yu in an instant, and he knew that Killing Diguan might have nothing to do with him, so he returned home!
"After this battle, although the main force of the Hu people is still alive, I'm afraid they won't dare to invade the south for a while, so it's all right to return to the teacher!"

Xiang Yu thought for a moment, and knew that the battle that had lasted for eight months had finally come to an end, so he nodded
On the bank of the north bank of the Wei River, a cavalry force of [-] appeared. This cavalry was full of travel and dust, and all of them looked tired!
"My lord, the Wei River is in front of us. After crossing the Wei River, we will be safe."

Ma Chao's face was full of exhaustion, and the white robe and silver armor had been stained with red blood, and the blood had already solidified!

Since the last ambush, Li Shimin has been completely insane;

Chasing along the road at all costs, chasing and intercepting, made the Beiming army exhausted, and lost [-]% of the [-] soldiers, which made Beiminghao feel extremely heartbroken!

They even sent a message to the barbarians who stayed in the south to intercept along the way. Fortunately, the Northern Dark Army's combat power was strong, so they broke through the obstruction and reached the bank of the Wei River safely!
"Meng Qi, don't be careless, I'm afraid Li Shimin will never be reconciled, and there is still a tough battle to be fought on the Wei River."

Zhao Yun was not as optimistic as Ma Chao, dragging his tired body, jumped off the horse, fell on the ground, and listened quietly.
"My lord, they are coming, and they are probably less than twenty miles away from our army."

For a moment, Zhao Yun's face did not change, and he said rather ugly
"Hmph, it really is a wicked heart. If that's the case, then I will fight with you and see who can have the last laugh!"

Hearing the words, Bei Minghao's face darkened, a stern look flashed in his eyes, his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous aura, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly!
"The whole army obeys the order, rest in place, and follow me to meet the East Qin army!"

After finishing speaking, Bei Minghao took out a letter from his bosom, tied it to the leg of a white dove, and let the dove fly. The dove flapped its wings and flew to the south bank of Weihe River
"My lord, this is"

"Hehe, my father has already sent Wei Wang Ranmin to wait on the south bank of the Weihe River. As long as Ranmin receives the letter, he will definitely come to help."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Bei Minghao's mouth, he couldn't help admiring his father's arrangement.
"In the past, there was an overlord of Western Chu who would die and die, but today the king wants to fight with his back. What does Zilong think?"

Bei Minghao looked at the Weihe River with black water, and said with a faint smile!
"My lord, this plan is very clever. Now that we are returning home, but Li Shimin is holding on to our army. He wants to drive us to death. It will definitely make the soldiers hold grudges."

"With deep hatred and feelings of returning home, the soldiers have no reason not to die. The Weihe River is surging, and they will fight with their backs. Our army will surely win a complete victory in this battle and repel the Eastern Qin army."

After all, Zhao Yun recovered his memory, and he still remembers very clearly the allusion of the overlord of Western Chu's desperate battle;
So when he saw that Bei Minghao was going to use this trick, he immediately applauded!
Seeing that Zhao Yun agreed with the plan, Bei Minghao didn't hesitate immediately, shouted loudly, and started to implement it!
"Soldiers, Li Shimin's thieves have no regard for morality. They ambushed our army before and then chased and killed our army. The aggressiveness is tolerable or unbearable. Today, I want to kill me. This is such a humiliation. This king and Li Shimin are incompatible."

"Today, this king wants to fight to the death with Li Shimin here, are you willing to join hands with me to fight against the enemy?"

Bei Minghao's angry shout was sonorous and forceful, and every word was full of grief and indignation, which made the soldiers furious after hearing it!

The king is worried about the humiliation of his ministers, and the king is humiliating his ministers to death; seeing Bei Minghao's grief and indignation, all the generals are furious from the bottom of their hearts, with overwhelming anger!

"My lord, don't worry, the general will cut off the head of Li Shimin's dog thief in order to vent the hatred in my lord's heart!"

When Li Cunxiao heard this, his eyes were shattered, his hands firmly held the weapon in his hands, and he was full of murderous aura!
"The last general must kill all the Eastern Qin army and vent his anger on the lord"

All the generals were filled with righteous indignation, full of anger, with murderous intent in their eyes, looking at the north with murderous intent
Seeing that he had aroused the murderous aura of the whole army, a smile appeared on the corner of Bei Minghao's mouth, he exchanged a glance with Zhao Yun, and then rode his horse to look to the north
I saw the dust flying in the north, and the sound of horseshoes rolling in, shaking the earth, with a sharp aura, full of momentum, coming straight to the Northern Underworld Army
At this moment, the time for the decisive battle has finally arrived. The duel between the two heroes of Dongzhou is also the first battle after the end of the Northern Campaign.
This battle will determine the future fate of Dongzhou. The winner must be the overlord of Dongzhou, and the loser will only be drowned by history!
"Brother Beiming, you are easy for Li to find."

Li Shimin led an army of [-], and was surrounded by a group of generals of the East Qin Army smiling, fearing that he would be tricked!
"Hmph, Li Shimin, I have to admire you, you are hiding so deeply, how is the King of the Eastern War?"

Bei Minghao looked at Li Shimin's complacency, and he became angry as if he was convinced of himself, and said through gritted teeth!
"Brother Beiming, Mr. Li doesn't know what you are talking about, what do you mean by that?"

The corners of Li Shimin's eyes twitched when he heard the words, and then he remained calm, pretending not to understand
"Hmph, don't speak dark words in front of the wise, don't pretend to be hypocritical, it will only make people disgusting, this king said this, today either you die or I die! Let's make a move!"

A sneer and contempt appeared on the corner of Bei Minghao's mouth, and he snorted very unhappily, and directly dropped the pick!
"Hehe, since brother Beiming is so anxious to go to hell, how can Li not fulfill it?"

"Su Dingfang listened to the order, today the Northern Underworld Army will not leave a single one, kill me!"

"Soldiers, the King of Ben and you are bathing in blood together today, and we are about to kill him. The blood is flowing like rivers, kill him!"

At this point, Bei Minghao didn't hesitate, he rode forward, shouted angrily, and charged towards the East Qin army.
At the same time, in Ran Min's army on the south bank of the Weihe River, Ran Min had just received Bei Minghao's letter from Feige!
 ps: Dear book friends, it’s the beginning of the month. Give me recommended tickets and monthly tickets. I hope you will give me a lot of support. I will continue to work hard and strive for continuous updates in September. Please help me, give me some support, give me Get motivated.
(End of this chapter)

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