Chapter 466

"General, it's not good. General Wang was captured by Zhao Yun and Ma Chao."

Just when Lu Wenlong was planning to do a big fight with Wei Qing and Yang Yansi, his personal guard hurried to report
"What? Brother Wang was captured? How is it possible?"

When Lu Wenlong heard this, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the place where Wang Yanzhang was in disbelief, and suddenly found that Wang Yanzhang was being held down by several Northern Dark Army forces.
"Damn it, the whole army obeys orders and follows me to rescue Wang Yanzhang!"

Now that Wang Yanzhang was captured, he couldn't continue to entangle with Yang Yansi, he could only abandon Yang Yansi and lead the army to intercept him!
"The thief will go away, let Wang Yanzhang go!"

Lu Wenlong glared his eyes angrily, held two guns in his hand, took the lead, rushed over swiftly, and rushed straight to Zhao Yun.

After all, he and Wang Yanzhang have worked together for a long time, and they are already brothers and sisters, so naturally they don't want to see Wang Yanzhang imprisoned!
"Hmph, courting death!"

Zhao Yun has had a bad year recently. He has been chased away by the Eastern Qin army from the north, retreated hundreds of miles, and has already been suffocated. At this time, Lu Wenlong came to pester him, so he was naturally very angry in his heart!
"Zhao Zilong, let Wang Yanzhang go, or don't blame a certain family for not recognizing anyone!"

Relying on his own strength, Lu Wenlong didn't pay attention to Zhao Yun at all. After all, his Qingluan dual spears are amazing!

"Hmph, Lu Wenlong, leave Wang Yanzhang if you want, have you asked Ma Chao?"

Wang Yanzhang surrendered because of Zhao Yun and Ma Chao with all their strength, how could the cooked duck fly away, so he yelled angrily with rather bad words!
"Ma Chao, for the sake of the White Tiger God of War, I don't have the same knowledge as you, so you'd better get out of the way!"

Lu Wenlong's master Hou Xian and the White Tiger God of War Ji Wushuang are sworn brothers, so Lu Wenlong is still quite polite to Ma Chao!
"Hmph, I don't need you for my master's sake. If you dare to pester me again, I'll keep you together today!"

Ma Chao is respected as a mighty general, with combat power and unstoppable bravery, so he naturally eats the soft but not the hard!
"Hmph, since that's the case, then Lu must learn a lesson and see why you speak so brazenly in front of this general!"

Lu Wenlong's expression turned cold when he saw that Ma Chao was so disrespectful, and he rushed towards Ma Chao with both guns dancing!

"Qingluan's double spears, the clouds break the blue sky!"

"The white tiger roars the sky spear, smashing thousands of troops in anger!"


"Hmph, I have some abilities, but if you want to challenge me with this ability, you are too naive!"

With one blow, the two passed by each other, the golden guns flashed, the silver light continued, the golden tiger howled, the twin dragons danced, and the clanging sound entered the ears, the golden light and the silver light intertwined, and after a long time subdued, the two were evenly divided;
However, Lu Wenlong was not worried at all. Through the confrontation just now, he already knew where Ma Chao's limit was, so a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!
"Hmph, you'll know right away if you're qualified or not!"

Ma Chao's heart was shaken, but he refused to admit defeat, and a ruthless energy flashed in his eyes, as if he had some plans!
Qingluan Double Spear Lu Wenlong is ranked fifth among the top ten generals in Dongzhou. He has already been famous in Dongzhou, and his reputation is even higher than him, so his natural combat power is not weak;

But he never thought that Lu Wenlong would be so difficult. Through the battle, he knew that he would lose in three rounds at most, and he felt a little unwilling in his heart!
"Then Lu will capture you personally and return to Brother Wang, hum!"

Lu Wenlong saw that Ma Chao was so reckless that he killed the duck with a hard mouth, and suddenly made a plan in his heart, planning to capture Ma Chao alive and exchange for Wang Yanzhang!

"Hmph, don't be ashamed of your big words, it's not certain who will capture who, just shoot me!"

As the saying goes, it is better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster. Ma Chao is naturally able to strike first when he knows he is at a disadvantage!
And Zhao Yun, Yang Yansi, and Wei Qing didn't intend to go up to help, but each led thousands of people, like wolves into a herd of sheep, killing the Eastern Qin army crying for their father and mother!

Five thousand against twenty thousand, but they didn't lose the slightest bit, and they played with vibrancy!

The direction to the north was the worst. Li Cunxiao and Li Yuanba had already put their whole heart and soul into it. Regardless of the others, they were indistinguishable from the battle!
Many of the spikes on King Yu's Shenlance were smashed, and there were countless potholes on the drum beating Weng's golden hammer, which looked quite ugly.

The two had no scruples, and they abandoned their horses to fight on the plain, but Li Yuanba had the upper hand, but because of his wrist injury, he only had about [-]% of his fighting strength left;
Therefore, Li Cunxiao did not lose the wind in the slightest. Bi Yanluo was dexterous, but full of lethality. Once the Eastern Qin army approached, he would be rewarded with a slap immediately. The head of the Eastern Qin army was broken and bloody, and the death was extremely miserable!

Huo Qubing is worthy of being a great man with double walls. He is a strong general in the battlefield, and now he has been tempered. He fought against the old-school general Su Dingfang, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.
"I underestimated you, I never thought Bei Minghao would have such a strong general like you!"

The corners of Su Lie's eyes twitched, this Bei Minghao is so lucky, his commanding generals are like a cloud, not to mention Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others, just this young general in front of him is not weaker than him, and he is also extremely brave!

This shocked him very much, and of course he felt helpless for a long time!

"Hmph, there are so many powerful generals under the lord's command, Huo is just the most inconspicuous one!"

Huo Qubing snorted coldly, but a trace of complacency flashed in his eyes. Although he worked late, he didn't think he was worse than Zhao Yun and others at all!
"Stop talking nonsense, no matter how strong you are, you will definitely be defeated by this general today!"

Su Lie snorted coldly, opened and closed the long saber in his hand, and slashed towards Huo Qubing. He was eager to end the battle as soon as possible, and this battle really couldn't be delayed!
"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

"The gale red flame gun, the red flames start a prairie fire!"

Suddenly Huo Qubing let out a roar, and the spear in his hand struck like lightning, as swift as a gust of wind, as violent as a raging fire, and swooped towards Su Lie!

"Five Tigers Soul Breaking Knife, Soul Breaking End of the World!"

Su Lie let out an angry roar, and Zaicai used the special move "Soul Breaking the End of the World" that he and Guan Yu used against the soldiers before!


The gale red flame gun is violent, the wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire boosts the power of the wind. This move is indeed very powerful, and stabs at Su Lie one by one with an indomitable momentum!

And Su Lie's Five Tiger Soul-Breaking Knife has a tyrannical knife intent, and when it is struck out with one knife, the yin and yang are separated, making people feel as if they have passed away, extremely sharp and powerful!
The two fell into a frenzied battle again, but in the end they still meet each other, and no one can do anything!
"Hmph, take the last move of a certain family. With this move, you will definitely die. You still have to surrender!"

Suddenly, Su Lie's eyes were normal, and his tone was very dignified.

"Hahaha, what a joke, unfortunately, a certain family also failed to use a trick, why don't you and I see who is better!"

Both of them are proud people, how can they admit defeat, they already have plans in their hearts, and their eyes are full of fighting spirit!

"Drink, Five Tigers' Soul-Breaking Knife, the battle turns and the stars move, the stars fall!"

"George Red Flame Spear, Wind Fiend Scarlet Flame, Wind Kill!"

At this moment, the two of them unanimously used their lore skills. With one move, the thief vowed not to return unless he killed the enemy!

Following the use of Su Lie's Five Tiger Soul-Breaking Knife, that knife was astonishing, as fast as lightning, and as fast as a gust of wind, even the Gale Wind Chiyan Spear, which is known for its speed, could not be avoided!
And Huo Qubing didn't seem to intend to dodge, only to see that his eyes were full of madness, and his body was filled with endless evil spirit, like crazy like a demon!
"Ah, no, Yuwen Chengdu, save Huo Qubing!"

At this time, Bei Minghao noticed Huo Qubing's crisis, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted angrily!

At the same time, he bent his bow and took an arrow, aiming at Su Lie and Huo Qubing!
However, Yu Wencheng had already discovered the situation, and attacked like lightning, trying to prevent this time of burning jade and stone together!
"Auspiciousness from the dragon and the phoenix, the wrath of the dragon and the phoenix!"

At such an urgent moment, if you want to save the two, you must use your own strength to resist the two's unique skills;

At this critical moment, Yu Wencheng rushed forward without hesitation, shouted angrily, and the phoenix-winged gilt boring was thrown out, and the golden dragon sword was also unsheathed!








Following two clanging sounds, Huo Qubing and Su Lie were blown away by the huge force, smashed hard on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Naturally, Yu Wencheng was not unscathed, there was a crack in his battle armor, blood slowly flowed out, a mouthful of blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth, and he became sluggish.
Although Su Lie and Huo Qubing's killing skills were blocked, all three of them were seriously injured and temporarily lost their fighting power!
And Bei Minghao's flying arrow also shot into Su Lie's thigh at the right time, nailing Su Lie to the ground!
"Yuanba, save Su Dingfang quickly!"

At this moment, Li Shimin discovered Su Lie's crisis, shouted angrily, and ordered Li Yuanba to rescue him!

(End of this chapter)

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