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Chapter 411 Poor Parents in the World Heart the Regrets of Father Lu

Chapter 411 Poor Parents in the World Heart the Regrets of Father Lu (1)

Beibei found Mr. Lu sitting on a chair in a sunny room on the third floor of the main residence of the Lu family, who was about to fall asleep.


Standing at the door and looking at the old figure of Mr. Lu and the decadent aura on his body that became more and more obvious against the sunlight, even though he was only half asleep and half awake, Bei Bei still felt very distressed.At this moment, she forgot all the bad things about Mr. Lu, and only heard the old man's hard work for the Lu family, his brother and her for most of his life...

At this moment, she finally completely let go of all the knots in her heart.

About her biological parents, whom she had never met before, about the old man in front of her who forced her son away with her own hands, and took her elder brother away from her parents, which eventually indirectly led to the death of her parents, and she and the only one The fact that my brother has been separated for so many years...

She doesn't blame anymore.

Tears, drop by drop, wet the back of her hand.At this moment, Mr. Lu is full of strength, and some are just the weakness of ordinary old people and the vicissitudes and burnout when he is about to die. He is no longer the shrewd and majestic head of the Lu family, but just an ordinary old man...

The grandfather of Lu Tianlin and Beibei, and the great-grandfather of Zihan Zihan and others.

The soft sobbing sound finally awakened Mr. Lu, and he slowly raised his head. His eyes were dimmed with sleepiness and the confusion of getting old. The old man raised his head for a moment, and then his eyes met the red-rimmed Beibei at the door. , and then his eyes gradually cleared up, and his spirit also improved. With a slight smile, he stretched out his hand and greeted Beibei, "It's Beibei, come over to Grandpa."


Beibei walked over obediently, remembering what the doctor said before, her face was not good-looking at all.

It's so sad, is there really nothing you can do?

"Grandpa, don't stay here if you are weak. This house has been unoccupied for a long time and is not popular. Let's go downstairs."

"Girl, do you know whose room this is?" Mr. Lu held Beibei's hand and smiled kindly. If you listen carefully, you can hear the trill in his words. Bei could feel the loose flesh on his hands being pulled, which was a sign of aging.

"It's where your father lived from childhood to adulthood."

Without waiting for Bei Bei to answer, the old man didn't seem to want Bei Bei to answer anything. He just smiled and continued, "That child has been mischievous since he was a child, but he is also very smart. He is very cute. You can't even get angry if you want to, um, just like Hanhan, it makes people love and anger at the same time, your grandma and I were speechless at the time, wondering who this child has followed..." Following Mr. Lu's narration slowly, A man who looked similar to Lu Tianlin appeared in front of Beibei's eyes, but with a little more expression and agility in his eyebrows and eyes.Slowly, Beibei couldn't help pursing her lips, she thought, now she finally knew who Han Han had followed.

Compared to Lu Tianlin's elegance and arrogance, the son that Mr. Lu said was obviously more aura and cunning.

The corners of Beibei's mouth curled up, and she pursed her lips into a snicker.

It turns out that my father was also so naughty when he was young, he went up the tree to hunt for bird eggs, was found climbing the window, and then hid in the closet...

This kind of joy followed Mr. Lu's words until the first son of Mr. Lu grew up and fell in love, but the girl was the daughter of the enemy.

How does old man Lu, who has been arrogant and domineering all his life, accept this?
They beat mandarin ducks several times, and the last time they locked Lu's eldest son in the house for half a month! !

But who knows that Lu's eldest son is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he promised his parents to compromise, and in a blink of an eye, he eloped with another girl a few days after he was free... If it's just like this, it's fine, old man Lu is angry In just a few days, when the anger dissipated, I still felt sorry for my son, and then I turned the big things into small things. After a year or two, the son and daughter-in-law cooked rice and brought the grandchildren back. Naturally, all the anger disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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