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Chapter 417 Will You Be Disappointed Without Children

Chapter 417 Will You Be Disappointed Without Children (1)

Under the dizzy yellow light, Rongyan's body stiffened invisibly, her lips moved slightly and closed again.

The atmosphere in the room was silent for an instant, and then, she only felt that the breathing around her ears became heavy. Lu Tianlin's eyes firmly held her body, and his deep eyes were like a handful of small hooks hooking her. The heart also trembled, the heart on the face slowly softened, and a bright smile slowly bloomed on the lips, "Love, Lu Tianlin, I love you."

Rong Yan's voice was very soft and slow, but after saying this sentence, her whole body lightened accordingly.

How can you not love?
Although the entanglement between her and Lu Tianlin is very complicated, it can almost be written as a novel, but after a few years of marriage and three children, they are the most familiar people in the world with each other's bodies. She knows how to make him get the most pleasure, and he can find the sensitive spots on her body at a glance.

They are already the most compatible people in the world.

If she said that she didn't love the man in front of her at all, she might even say that she was being hypocritical.

"Yanyan, thank you."

In front of his chest was Lu Tianlin's muffled voice, his face was slightly red under the eyes.

This man is elegant and noble on the outside, he is the eldest son of the Lu family, but he lost his composure because of his simple three words.

What more can she ask for if she has a husband?
"Go to sleep, there are still many things to be busy tomorrow."

"OK, good night."

Gently embracing Rongyan, Lu Tianlin placed a light kiss on Rongyan's forehead, and the two of them lay down in their clothes, doing nothing but leaning on each other quietly, embracing each other to feel each other's warmth and body temperature. In this quiet and sad night in the Lu family mansion, Rong Yan and Lu Tianlin slowly fell asleep relying on each other...

The two keep each other warm and support each other.

In the dream, Lu Tianlin's brows and eyes gradually softened.An unconscious smile slowly formed on the corner of Rongyan's lips.

The Lu family's mansion is very large, including the garden at the back and the guest rooms where the servants live, and so on, covering a large area.

Moreover, the entire Lu Mansion adopts the style of ancient buildings in Europe and America.

It is dazzling.

It is very easy for people who are newcomers to be shocked for the first time, but for people who have lived here for a long time, such as Jun'er Lu Tianlin, they have long been familiar with it. Seeing the surprise of outsiders after meeting, they just laugh it off , Walking on the small road paved with bluestones, Jun'er's eyes glanced at the lights of the entire Lu Mansion from time to time, and slowly stopped on a swing in the back garden.

Looking at the past, the surrounding area is surrounded by flowers, and the swing in the sea of ​​flowers sways with the wind.

Shaking out Jun'er's eyes, shaking into her shaking thoughts...

The swing was made by Mr. Lu himself.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Mr. Lu is a very powerful old man, but in Jun'er's eyes, this old man is the first person who completely changed her life, and also the most important person in her heart.

When she was young, she just came to the Lu Mansion, and she was autistic and inferior, and she felt afraid and terrified when facing a servant of the Lu Mansion.

Lu Tianlin himself was still a child, and his relationship with Mr. Lu was sometimes tense and sometimes gentle, so how could he always notice her?

It's Mr. Lu.

He was the first to discover something was wrong with him. During that time, Mr. Lu took her with him wherever he went...

Until she gradually adapted to the whole Lu family, she was no longer so afraid of people.

(End of this chapter)

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