divorce us

Chapter 424 I Can't afford to Lose

Chapter 424 I Can't afford to Lose (3)
Another hour passed.

The sky in the east was pale, and occasionally there was a little more noise in the hospital.

And following Ayako's scream in the delivery room, a baby's cry rang in the ears of several people.

Breaking through the entire hospital, it also ushered in the first dawn in the east.

"Here, Mrs. Cheng, she gave birth to Ayako, and I'm going to be a father. Haha, thank you, Mr. Cheng, thank you."

Fang Shide grinned, his eyes were slit, and he danced happily.

The door of the delivery room was gently pushed open from the inside, and the doctor came out and smiled at several people, his eyes fixed on Fang Shide, "Congratulations to Mr. Fang on his precious daughter, hehe, a very healthy and beautiful baby, and mother and daughter Safety."

"Happy and happy, doctor, can I go and see my wife now?"

"It should be ok, but she just fell asleep, don't disturb her, because the mother insisted on giving birth before, so she is exhausted and weak now, she needs to rest well. But your daughter, the nurse will bring her over, you can read more One glance."

"Thank you, doctor, for your hard work, thank you."

The doctor gradually walked away, Fang Shide was still smirking, he became a father.

Haha, he has a daughter.

"Mr. Cheng, I'm a father now. Ms. Mo, I have a daughter. It's a daughter. Hehe, that's great."

"Go and see Ayako first, Yuan and I will go buy something to eat, and we'll come back later to help you."

"Thank you both, I'm sorry to trouble you so much."

"You're welcome."

Beibei pulled Cheng Zhiyuan before he wanted to leave. At this time, the nurse had already pushed Ayako out of the delivery room and changed to a ward, and the baby was cleaned up by the nurse and carried over, soft and wrapped in a small quilt. He was sleeping with his eyes closed, as if he could feel everyone's gazes, he clicked his lips and then slowly quieted down again, his red and wrinkled little face was extremely cute, Beibei wanted to reach out but pinched it but was afraid that he would be frightened she.Fang Shide couldn't look away from the little guy after seeing that Lingzi was just sleeping soundly and nothing happened.

Is such a small soft thing his daughter?
It seems that it is really the nature of father and daughter. The little baby who was closed by Beibei just now opened his eyes when Fang Shide walked over, like a big-eyed black gem with a bit of wet mist, Googling around for a few times, at the end it seemed that I was bored or felt that it was a great gift for me to open my eyes and look at the person in front of me, so I slowly opened my mouth a few times, and then slowly closed it her eyes.

There are many snack bars near the hospital, and the two randomly picked a clean one and walked in.

He ordered a cup of soy milk, a cage of steamed buns and crystal dumplings, and Beibei ordered a bowl of white porridge to drink by himself.

In the end, he packed food for Fang Shide, and asked the shopkeeper to specially cook soft millet porridge for Ayako, and then the two slowly hugged each other and walked towards the hospital.Leaning on Cheng Zhiyuan's broad shoulders, Bei Bei's face was tightly covered, only half of his face and eyes and nose were exposed, and even his voice was muffled, "Yuan, the little baby is very cute It's so soft that I dare not touch it, I've never seen such a small guy before."

"What's so cute, it's so ugly."

Under the morning sun, Cheng Zhiyuan raised his head slowly, rubbing his broad forehead against Beibei's cheeks, a strange expression flashed across his eyes, and then curled his lips in disdain, "What's so interesting, look at Fang Shide's beauty Then you will know, that little girl must be ugly when she grows up."

(End of this chapter)

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