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Chapter 436 People of the Charter Family

Chapter 436 People of the Charter Family (3)
Or, there really is only so much fate between him and Qi Jie.

Thinking of the scene of his mother sitting on the floor in pain and sweating coldly when he came home last night, Zhang Qun couldn't help but hate Qi Jie a little bit.

Isn't it because my mother begged for a talisman to boil water? If you don't want to drink it, don't drink it. Why push people?

And lied to him...

In the ward, Zhang's mother stretched her face, and the old lady was lying on the bed upright, groaning non-stop, not only feeling sorry for the bowl of magic charm water that was poured out, but also feeling sorry for her 3000 yuan, which was her private money. Ah, I didn't even give it to my daughter, I didn't expect it to be in vain like this, ouch, I feel so sorry for her...

The old lady babbled, her eyes flickered unnaturally when she saw her son coming in, she was somewhat guilty.

In fact, her waist was caused by a thorn in her mouth when Qi Jie went out last night. Then she slipped her foot and fell to the ground.

If so.His back was hit by a chair behind him. ]
The back of his hand was hit by the corner of the table... Then, there were bruises in Zhang Qun's eyes.

It's just that she didn't know whether it was anger or something at the time, and she even told Zhang Qun that it was Qi Jie's fault. She listened to other people's words and asked her for a magic talisman. She didn't appreciate it. She even pushed her hard, and then watched Seeing her being pushed to the ground, Qi Jie turned around and went out the door without paying attention...

"Son, go to work. Mom is fine. She just twisted her waist. There are nurses here. Mom doesn't care."

"Mom, it's okay. I've already asked for leave. I'll buy what you want to eat later."

"Xiaojie... hasn't she come home yet?"

"Don't mention her, mom, come, eat an apple, I just bought it, it's big and red."

"Well, dear son."

The old lady smiled with her eyes narrowed, and she ate half of an apple with her son's hand. The satisfaction in her heart, she thought she was just a rural woman, who raised her son so hard with salary so that he could study Isn't it just for this day to live frugally and let him make progress?

Thinking of going to the market with my mother when I was young, the old fortune-teller gave her a comment, saying that I was blessed with life.

Thinking about it now, that man was really accurate.

Who said it wasn't, look at her now, she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, and she can eat meat, chicken, fish, and shrimp.

I still live in a building and have a car to go out...

No one I knew before could have imagined that she would have such a day. The envious eyes of the neighbors around her when their son picked her up into the city will never be forgotten by the old lady until she dies.Thinking of the scene when the wife of the village chief came out to see her off specially when she was about to leave the village, the old lady grinned happily and couldn't close her mouth... I never thought that she would have a day when they would look up to her.

It's good to have a son.

The old lady always fell asleep with a smile. In her dream, her son grew up and became a big boss, and married a daughter-in-law who was obedient and respectful to her. Of course, this daughter-in-law was not Qi Jie. She gave birth to a pair of twin grandchildren, and the old lady's grin grew wider and wider, until she laughed out loud in her dream. Fortunately, there was no one else in the ward, otherwise everyone would be terrified.

There is a saying that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, it is true, but if this big tree falls down one day, I don’t know if anyone has observed it, the fastest and the front are definitely these so-called "shade" ones People, this is the saying that 'the tree falls and the monkeys scatter'. If Cheng Yiting, the eldest son of Cheng, had been the favorite of heaven a few years ago, the Cheng family at that time was a mysterious existence in the eyes of everyone. It was a towering tree, and then, on a certain day a few years ago, this big tree was sawn down artificially.

(End of this chapter)

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