divorce us

Chapter 449 3 Days 3 Nights

Chapter 449: Three Days and Three Nights (2)
Lu Tianlin wasn't much better either, the two of them didn't eat or drink, didn't speak or speak, just buried their heads in a competition like a competition.

Rongyan even felt that she had returned to the scene of the earthquake a few years ago.

Watching those people on TV coming out for their own relatives or wanting to save one more person who was buried below, army soldiers and volunteers from all over the country were desperately cleaning up and excavating there... Rong Yan never imagined that one day such a situation would become a reality and really He really appeared in front of her, and it was her husband, and it was her relatives who had the accident...

Rongyan didn't say a word, didn't ask, but every day except pick up a few children in the family to go to school to sleep, and then come back here to accompany Lu Tianlin, Cheng Zhiyuan, and Mo Xichen who joined later, her expression was always the same from the beginning to the end. She seems to be the most normal one. Compared with Jun Er's despair and sadness and helplessness, she is now the most sensible one among all of them. On behalf of the Cheng family of the Lu family and Ankang, she refused all reporters to interview her. She came forward to deal with the swarming reporters around And some people, she even had to bite the bullet and deal with the stock turmoil of all the companies under Lu's name...

She works directly here, using the car as a mobile office.

I watched her give orders one after another in an orderly manner, and watched her frowning and arguing with managers one by one, but I couldn't see her turning her eyes to the scene not far from the car. The dust covered the sky and Cheng Zhiyuan, Lu Tianlin and Mo Xichen were buried in the sound of the sky.Jun'er feels very puzzled, facing the separation between life and death, why she can be so calm, does she really not care about this Lu family, does she not care about brother? Sister Beibei treats her so well.

"Sister-in-law, don't you think that you are too much? Those things in the company are not as important to you as Sister Beibei and my brother?" At noon on the third day, Cheng Zhiyuan, Lu Tianlin and Mo Xichen met again. After pushing out Jun'er and Yanyan, who delivered the food once, Jun'er couldn't help but snorted coldly when she saw that she was still calm and handed the lunch box to the person on the side, ready to turn around and get in the car to deal with the company's affairs. Come out, "Sister-in-law, sister Beibei is gone now, my brother and brother Cheng haven't had a sip of water for three days and two nights, do you really not care at all?"

The face turned around slowly, and the hands hanging on both sides stopped silently. She raised her head, her eyes were calm and even indifferent, "Jun'er, your brother and Cheng Zhiyuan are adults, they know how to measure. And, if you let They think this can vent the anger in their hearts. I would rather they vent it now, lest they be stuck in their hearts and die in depression for the rest of their lives. Also, believe me, I am very sad that something happened to the north and the north, but being sad and doing things are two different things, gentleman , We are adults, can we let go of our responsibilities when we are sad? No one is in charge of the Lu family now, the stock is fluctuating, your brother is not mental, the general manager and even those shareholders are not lacking, and they want to take advantage of this opportunity to drive your brother out. If you don’t stand up, what will be the consequences?”


"Jun'er, trust me, it will pass."

After saying this, Rong Yan turned around and got into the car, Jun'er leaned helplessly against a tree, but her heart was heavy.

She couldn't refute what Rong Yan said, and she knew it was true, but she couldn't accept it.

In the car, Yan Yan was lying on the steering wheel, her head resting on her hands, her body was extremely exhausted.

She is different from them. All she has known since she was a child is that everything depends on herself.

So what if you are hurt, sad, crying, can you eat it?

The first thing a person wants to live depends on himself. No one can help you. What she believes in is that even if your teeth fall out, as long as you can’t, you have to swallow blood in your stomach and can’t spit it out, because what you spit out The result may be to make you more sad or worse than death.

She thought that she was always different from people like Lu Tianlin and Jun'er.

They can treat money as nothing, but she never gives up her persistence, because she feels that she can only rely on herself.

Jun'er's living environment is different from hers. She doesn't know that if she wants to live, have a job, and not suffer, she has to bite the bullet and keep going.As long as she wasn't dying of illness or really unable to get out of bed, or dying tomorrow, she had to hold on.

This is what she has known since she was a child, and it has been imprinted in her bones.

Raising his head to wipe away the tears, his face regained his calmness again, Lu Tianlin's sadness will always pass.

All she can do now is to help him support his company and family.

After making him truly calm, he can still maintain his own pride and glory.

Three days, three whole days.

The ground was cleaned up, and Cheng Zhiyuan found someone to get the blueprints for building the building, and there was nothing in the basement.Everything was cleared out, the large machinery began to retreat, and the crowd gradually decreased, but Lu Tianlin and Cheng Zhiyuan stared blankly at the empty ground, unable to say a word.

Beibei was not found...

They searched every inch and every corner of the nearby ground, but found nothing.

"Why it came out like this?"

They didn't drink a sip of water for three days and three nights, neither of them had much consciousness, just stood here stubbornly and refused to retreat with the sliver of persistence in the bottom of their hearts, their lips were dry and peeled, and they grinned one after another. , with a haggard face, both eyes were red and bloodshot, and the eyes were deeply sunken, revealing two thick dark blue and purple eye circles, which made people look terrifying and scary. Yesterday, a reporter broke through the peripheral Blocking ran up to Cheng Zhiyuan, and was so frightened that he broke the camera in his hand. Of course, it was also inseparable from being punched by Cheng Zhiyuan later.

"Cheng Zhiyuan, return my sister..."

"I beat you to death."

The first one who couldn't help but do it was Mo Xichen. He was not much better, the clothes on his body couldn't see the original color, and he was unshaven like a ghost. He stood there watching the last excavator retreat. Going out, Mo Xichen, who couldn't control himself anymore, punched Cheng Zhiyuan fiercely. It was all this person. If it wasn't for this person, why would my sister suffer so much? It's all his fault. Miserably, all the anger in his stomach was vented, Mo Xichen's punch was stronger than the next, and his hoarse voice seemed to come from the eighteenth hell, hoarse and penetrating, "You return my sister, I will kill you, beat you!" Fuck you bastard..."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Feel sorry.Some time ago, I had a cold and a fever for a long time.It's better until now.There is no discount for recommending my new article on divorce.whee.It is bad silver not to collect non-voting votes.ha. . .

(End of this chapter)

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