divorce us

Chapter 490 The Countdown to Happiness

Chapter 490 The Countdown to Happiness ((2)
Behind him, Mo Xichen said angrily, "You miss me that much, am I such a person worthy of your distrust?"

Jun'er's body was slightly stiff, but she got on the plane without turning her head, tears streaming down her face.

She said too much that should be said just now, but there was one sentence that she finally kept in her heart.

She wanted to say, Mo Xichen, if my legs are not good.

If you still want me.

Then please go to me and let our family of three live a good life abroad.

But she dared not speak out.

Before, she tried every means to avoid others, but now if her operation is not good.

She herself was going to be crippled.

Why burden him?

Moreover, will he really face a cripple for many years?
It's not that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and there is a saying that if I knew this before, why bother.

So, for the sake of being together in the future, everyone hates each other, tortures each other and resents each other.

She would rather break the original root now!

The plane took away Lu Tianlin's brother and sister, and the hearts of Beibei and others.

It was like taking away Mo Xichen's soul.

Beibei sighed, "Xichen, don't worry, Ayuan and brother hired the best doctors in the United States, they are all top-notch, and you know that, sister's situation is all right at that time, Jun'er must It will be fine……"

"I know, sister, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Sister, don't worry, you're an adult now." Beibeimi rolled her eyes, and wanted to reach out and pat Mo Xichen on the head like a child. When she raised her hand, she realized that Mo Xichen was already taller than her. She shook her head and patted him on the shoulder instead, "Sister really believes in you. After walking outside for so many years, it's time to come back. Don't forget that you are still here now." I have a promise to take care of."

"I know."

The two turned their gazes, and Yinuo also looked over with red circles not far away.

Children in their teens are in the rebellious period, but fortunately, Yinuo and these children have been taught very well, and Yinuo has long known in his heart that there is such a father, and Mo Xichen has not had much contact with others for so many years. Contact, but every birthday or New Year’s Day, I will send him gifts, and I will send some postcards to various places, but the address is sent to his school, and Beibeilu Tianlin and others all regard Mo Xichen as a The family didn't deliberately hide Yinuo's background, but it was because Jun'er didn't tell the truth publicly, so the father and son were really no strangers.

Cheng Zhiyuan hugged Bei Bei, "Go home."


When the group returned to Lu's house, Cheng Zhiyuan accompanied Beibei to talk for a while and went to the company.

Lu Tianlin took his people away, but there are still some things that need to be done to deal with the aftermath.

Rongyan and Beibei were talking at home.

Zixin has already gone to school, and Yi Nuo, Zi Han and Zi Han are still in the same school, the best bilingual school for nobles, but Lu Tianlin insists on this.Rongyan and Beibei didn't think it was necessary, after all, the two of them lived in a different environment from Lu Tianlin when they were young. They think that children, as long as they study hard and are handled properly by teachers and parents, they will learn the same things no matter where they are. Yes, but Lu Tianlin disagreed.

It's fine if there is no such condition. If there is such a condition, their family allows it.

Why not be on the best?

Lu Tianlin is a qualified husband and a good brother.

But he stubbornly insisted on his own ideas on the matter of the child.

Naturally, there is no need for Yanyan and Beibei to say anything because of these things. In fact, people are indeed different. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as rich and poor, rich and poor, and the two sat together. On the sofa, the TV opposite was turned on, but both of them turned a blind eye to it. Their hearts were heavy and they didn't know what to say. In the end, the servant brought over tea, "Madam, miss, drink a cup of tea to warm up your body."

(End of this chapter)

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