Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 101 Heaven Dou Royal Academy

Chapter 101 Heaven Dou Imperial Academy ([-])

In the third seat of the Education Committee, Zhilin Soul Douluo suddenly asked: "I heard from Mr. Qin that among the students in your academy, there is a particularly outstanding control department genius soul master. Who is it?"

The master smiled indifferently, and said: "Don't dare to be a genius. Tang San." Of course the master didn't mean to be polite, but he really didn't dare to be a genius. There is another one who is even more defiant.

Tang San agreed, walked out from the Shrek student team, and respectfully saluted the three Contras, "Hello, three teachers."

Zhi Lin smiled slightly, the air around his body suddenly twisted slightly, and conducted a wave of stress tests on Tang San, which can be regarded as a test of Shrek's strength.

After some simple probing, Tang San's breakthrough behavior in the test made the three education committees very satisfied, so the three education committees gave excellent conditions and treatment, and promised a lot of benefits.

Just when Tang Tian was about to get sleepy again, three unexpected guests came.

One of them was the young man who was locked in the dog cage by Tang Tian yesterday.At this time, the young man was standing on the left side, with a haughty look on his face, and strong hatred in his eyes.Walking in the center was an old man in Chinese clothes with his nostrils upturned, Qian Renxue couldn't help but want to beat him up because of his superior look.On the right side is a green-haired man. This man looked at Tang Tian with a dark look, a realistic version of grassland head.

"My lord, why are you here?" Meng Shenji stepped forward and bowed slightly, saluting the old man in fine clothes.But whether it was him or the other two Contras, their gazes all fell on the green-haired man.

This person, even they, can't see the depth.

The old man in Chinese clothes smiled lightly, and glanced at him, everyone in Shrek Academy, the young man beside him was Xue Beng, at this moment, he hurried to the old man in Chinese clothes and whispered something in his ear.

Only then did the old man in Chinese clothes say: "What? The three education committees have guests here? Why don't you introduce them to me?"

Meng Shenji frowned slightly, although the other party was a prince, considering the status of the three of them in the soul master world, even a prince shouldn't be so unreasonable.But this person is the person in charge of the academy in the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, so they can't offend him.

Mengshenji smiled slightly and led the three of them into the hall. At this time, everyone in Shrek Academy had already stood up.

Mengshenji said: "His Royal Highness, let me introduce you. This is the dean of Shrek Academy, Flender. This time, he is here to discuss cooperation with us. Dean Flender, this is His Royal Highness Prince Xue Xing of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Royal Academy is now under the jurisdiction of His Royal Highness."

Although Flender was not too impressed with the high-ranking prince, he still saluted slightly: "Hello, Your Royal Highness."

Prince Xue Xing didn't even look at him, but said coldly: "Shrek Academy? I don't seem to have heard of it. It should be a low-level academy. Chief Mengshenji, how can you let these unknown People come to our academy?"

Hearing this, everyone in Shrek Academy couldn't help being furious. Zhao Wuji, who was standing beside Flender, was about to explode, but Flender forcibly held him down.

Meng Shenji's face changed, "Your Highness, you can't say that. Shrek Academy has cultivated countless outstanding soul masters, like our academy's Teacher Qin, who came out of Shrek Academy. This time, Flanders Academy The boss and all the teachers from Shrek Academy are willing to teach in our academy, they are all rare talents."

"Oh?" Prince Xue Xing looked better when he heard that Qin Ming came out of Shrek Academy. He looked at Flender and said, "Prince Mengshenji, according to the rules of the academy, when hiring teachers, They should have passed the assessment. I wonder if these talents have already passed?"

Zhi Lin who was beside Mengshenji couldn't help but said: "The teachers in Shrek Academy all have the strength of Tiandou-level teachers, so they don't need to be assessed. Your Royal Highness. Did you come here today just for this?" His words It's obviously a bit rude.

Prince Xue Xing snorted coldly, "Tiandou Royal Academy is the pillar of the empire, where it sends the pillars of talent for the empire. As an academy teacher, it has a huge influence on the students. I absolutely do not want the academy to hire some arrogant and domineering people .I heard from Xue Beng that these 'distinguished guests' beat him as soon as they came to the academy yesterday. After all, Xue Beng is also the fourth prince of the empire, representing the dignity of the royal family. How can he be easily humiliated?"

Only then did the three of Mengshenji understand why this Prince Xue Xing had come. Looking at the fourth prince Xue Beng who was staring at Tang Tian with a look of hatred, the three of them couldn't help sighing secretly. It is because of these brain-damaged nobles that more outstanding talents cannot be cultivated.

Flender said indifferently: "Then how does His Highness want to solve this matter? I don't know if you have asked His Highness Xue Beng why he was beaten?"

Soul master is the most noble profession in Douluo Continent, and high-level soul masters will not regard nobles in their eyes at all, let alone a god like Tang Tian.

Flender himself is a rebellious person, if not for these old brothers who have followed him for many years to have a good home in the future, as early as when Prince Xue Xing uttered the first sentence against Shrek Academy, he It's about to happen.

Prince Xue Xing snorted coldly, "This prince has always been kind to talents. Since you all came to seek cooperation from our Tiandou Royal Academy, Xue Beng also made mistakes yesterday. Let's forget about this matter. But..."

Speaking of this, his eyes swept over Flender and the teachers of Shrek Academy, "You have to prove to me that you are indeed talents."

Xue Beng, who was standing beside Prince Xue Xing, already had a proud expression on his face.

Flender suppressed his anger, "Okay, then how does His Excellency want us to prove it?"

Prince Xue Xing smiled indifferently, and said: "It's very simple, as long as you can persist in the hands of Mr. Dugu for 5 minutes, I will recognize you as talents. Treat everything favorably. Otherwise, just follow what Xue Beng said yesterday, and get out immediately." here."

"Looking at Mr. Dugu's sickly appearance, it seems that he is about to fall to the ground in the next moment. How can people do it?" Tang Tiandong didn't even bother to move, and started to taunt directly.

But at this moment, the green-haired old man beside Prince Xue Xing opened his eyes.His gaze fell on Tang Tian, ​​"Arrogance."

"It's not that bad." Tang Tian could naturally feel that the grassland head had poisoned him.

Prairie head was shocked on the spot, he would miss it, and the two brain-dead nobles next to him thought that Prairie head kept his hand deliberately, and the young man even showed a little dissatisfaction on his face.

"Your Highness, don't go too far." Meng Shenji said angrily when he saw that the old man in the prairie had attacked the junior.

(End of this chapter)

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