Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 103 Heaven Dou Royal Academy

Chapter 103 Heaven Dou Royal Academy ([-])

The confrontation between the three Contras and one Titled Douluo made the atmosphere in the entire Education Committee hall extremely solemn.

The aura of the three education committee members protected Shrek Academy and the others behind them, and Poison Douluo Dugu Bo also naturally blocked the oncoming pressure for Prince Xue Xing and Fourth Prince Xue Beng. Seeing that, the battle was about to break out.

Although Dugu Bo was unparalleled in strength, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the three Contras teaming up, and his dark green eyes finally showed some seriousness.

"You three education committee members, what are you doing?" Prince Xue Xing said angrily.He already had some regrets in his heart at this time.The Shrek Academy matter itself made him unable to bear the blame, and these three education committees were highly valued by Emperor Tiandou, if there was a real fight, something would go wrong.Whether or not his head can be saved is another matter.

"Prince Xue Xing, you insist on going your own way. After today, the three of you will go to His Majesty to impeach him and let His Majesty judge." Meng Shenji was really angry. The prince's behavior was to support the enemy and maliciously attack the allies.What if these geniuses leave this gate and follow the girl from Wuhun Palace?
Everyone in Shrek Academy gave him a good impression, especially the last five spirit rings that Tang Tian opened seemed to have given them a glimpse of the future Titled Douluo. At this moment, they saw the cooperation that would be of great benefit to Tiandou Royal Academy How could he not be angry when he was about to disappear into nothingness?

In terms of age, even the titled Douluo Dugu Bo was not as old as him. At this time, the chief of the education committee got really angry and couldn't care less about the consequences.For him, the situation in front of him was not only a matter of whether everyone in Shrek Academy would stay or stay, but also related to the face of the three Contras and their future glory.Of course, they want to leave a good impression on this group of future powerhouses. Geniuses are proud, and the current situation obviously cannot keep Shrek and this group of people.

"Forget it." Flender sighed inwardly, his clenched fists slowly loosened, and his eyes hidden under the crystal glasses became calm again.Slightly bowing to the three Contras, "I didn't expect to come this time, but to bring such trouble to the three seniors, Flender is ashamed. Since Tiandou Royal Academy doesn't want to keep us, how can we ask for it?" Even if I miss today, I'm afraid there will be no peace. Three seniors, let's just say goodbye, and Flender will come to visit again in the future."

When Flender was no longer young and impulsive, since that Prince Xue Xing was already hostile to his side, staying would only increase trouble.If there is a real fight, although my side will not suffer, but it will be difficult to get along in the Star Dou Empire in the future.Besides, although Tiandou Royal Academy is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time.

"Dean Flender." Meng Shenji called anxiously.

Flender didn't turn around, and led the Shrek people, striding outside.

When the Shrek students passed by the Fourth Prince Xue Beng, they could clearly see the look of gloating in his eyes.And that Prince Xue Xing raised his head high, forcibly hiding the panic on his face.

Poison Douluo's face changed when he saw Xue Xing and Xue Beng, his face was gloomy and cold, he was disturbed by this muddy water, blood loss.
The faces of the three Contras turned red and then pale, obviously extremely angry, but what can they do at this time?After all, this place belongs to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire.As long as the brain-dead prince can't bear to beg Shrek and the others to come back, there's nothing they can do.Besides, Shrek doesn't want face, you can ask for it back?

At this moment, a delicate girl ran in from outside. "Grandpa." As soon as she entered the door, she rushed straight to Dugu Bo who was standing there with the shining nine rings on his body.

When Dugu Bo, who had a gloomy face before, saw her, his expression softened immediately, he stretched out his hand and hugged the girl into his arms, and laughed, "Yanyan, um, not bad, your strength has improved again."

All Shrek students knew this girl, and it was Dugu Yan, the control system soul master of the Emperor Fighting Team who fought with them in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena last time.

They saw Dugu Yan, and Dugu Yan who jumped into her grandfather's arms naturally also saw them. When her eyes fell on Tang San, her face changed obviously, she hugged Dugu Bo's neck, and whispered in his ear Said; "Grandpa, it's the blue-haired one and that kid last time"

When Dugu Bo raised his head again, everyone in Shrek Academy had already walked out of the hall of the Education Committee, his eyes paused on Tang San's back, his lips moved slightly, "It's just two students, Grandpa will uphold justice for you."

A smile suddenly appeared on Dugu Yan's face, and she blended into Dugu Bo's arms coquettishly.

"Three board members. I'm sorry, I think I'm leaving the academy too."

It was Qin Ming who was speaking, and his face was full of grief and indignation at this time. The teacher was humiliated, but he did not have the strength to erase the humiliation. This is a painful thing, but no matter what, he will not allow Stay by yourself.No matter how good the treatment here is, in his heart, it will never compare to the former starting point, Shrek Academy.

The three education committee members were shocked at the same time, and even Prince Xue Xing was stunned. Qin Ming's status in the Royal Academy was actually much higher than what Flender and others knew.It can be said that it is second only to the three education committees.After all, he is currently one of the youngest people who have reached the 60th level in the records of the Wuhun Temple.Absolutely a rare talent, the three education committees have always affirmed that before the age of [-], Qin Ming will become another Titled Douluo.

The appearance of a Titled Douluo is not only of great significance to an academy, even to the entire Heaven Dou Empire, it is extremely important.

At this moment, Prince Xue Xing panicked, his face turned green. If Shrek said that there may be changes in the future, but Qin Ming is actually teaching in the academy. He ruined how many talents in the empire.
But at this time, he naturally wouldn't say anything, otherwise wouldn't he be slapping himself?In the current situation, the only way to solve this matter is to deceive the upper and lower.

Meng Shenji hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Qin Ming, "Teacher Qin, how can this be done? We will discuss this matter carefully. We will definitely report to His Majesty about today's matter. Please come and uphold justice."

Qin Ming shook his head, with a look of determination in his eyes, and said lightly: "This is Tiandou Royal Academy, after all, it belongs to the royal family. Since the royal family hates our Shrek Academy members, what face does Qin Ming have to keep?" Come down? Qin Ming accepted the kindness of the three education committees. When Qin Ming came, he was dressed in cumin, and he left today with cumin in his body. The three education committees take care of themselves. Days will pay off. Farewell."

He didn't give the three education committee members a chance to stay, his soul power spurred him on, and in a flash, he had already followed the footsteps of Shrek and everyone out of the education committee hall.

(End of this chapter)

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