Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 107 Dugu Bo Caught in a Trap

Chapter 107 Dugu Bo Caught in a Trap
At the moment, Liu Erlong introduced the detailed situation of the entire Lanba Academy to everyone, and it was even better than imagined.Although the entire academy only has more than 200 students, it is well-known in the world of soul masters in the Heaven Dou Empire.Even soul masters from noble backgrounds have to admit the contribution of Lanba Academy to the world of soul masters.This place can be said to be the cradle of commoner soul masters.Although it has only been open for ten years, there are already many civilian soul masters with good strength.Even Wuhundian hoped to cooperate with Lanba Academy, but Liu Erlong refused.

Although the facilities here are not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy, they are much better than the former Shrek Academy.

"Okay, it's almost time to see, let's go eat and chat."

Liu Erlong seemed to have forgotten about the master, and in the following period of time, she fully showed her hearty nature, entertained the Shrek Academy group for lunch, and explained everyone's doubts one by one.Then he took everyone to visit Lanba Academy, and finally arranged accommodation for everyone in the teacher's dormitory building of the academy.As for the remuneration and other issues, Liu Erlong directly pushed it to Flender. Anyway, from tomorrow onwards, this academy will also be changed to Shrek, and it will no longer be a blue bully.

In this day, from the joy in the morning to the shame and anger in the morning, and then to the later.For Shrek and his party, the life was really too fulfilling.

At Flender's request, dinner was not as rich as lunch, and everyone finished eating quickly.

Flender said: "Everyone is tired today, let's go back to rest earlier. Starting tomorrow, I'm afraid we will be busy." Just coming to this new environment, both teachers and students need to have a process of adaptation.What's more, Liu Erlong has already pushed the academy directly to Flender.Regarding this point, Flender was not polite to Liu Erlong. He knew that this was intentionally done by his sister Erlong. Although he knew that perhaps this was Liu Erlong's compensation for him, he still couldn't Rejecting Liu Erlong, just like he had never been able to refuse her request before.

"Xiaotian, accompany me for a walk." The master dared not meet Liu Erlong's burning eyes, pushed the table up, called Tang San, and walked out.

"Oh." Tang San agreed, stood up quickly, and walked out following the master.

As if he didn't see the master leave, Liu Erlong picked up the napkin from the table and wiped his mouth gracefully.

A smile appeared on Flender's face, "Are you not afraid that he will run away again?"

Liu Erlong looked at Flender, and she also smiled, but with a bit of playfulness in her smile, "Boss Flender, do you think it is possible for him to run away if I see him again? This time, even if he is kidnapped , I want to tie him by my side too."

Tang Tian also echoed: "According to me, the teacher is just dawdling, take an aphrodisiac. When the time comes, let's see if he is honest. I'll go out and stare at the teacher first, and you can talk first."

Halfway through the walk, Tang Tian turned around and told Vlad and Liu Erlong, "Just now I found a tail following up, it must be looking for revenge for me and Xiaosan. Later, Xiaosan and I will pretend to be arrested. When the time comes, you Just ask the master to drink and it's over."

After talking about this, Tang Tiancai started to leave. He had just heard the story of Liu Erlong told by Tang Tianzhao Maohuahu. Qian Renxue and other girls directly regarded Liu Erlong as a role model, and they started talking together.

Liu Erlong was also happy today, and told about himself and the master, "Once I met Boss Fu and Xiao Gang, and then the three of us went to practice together, and Xiao Gang's wisdom and romance deeply attracted me. When we got married, my father approached me, that coward Xiaogang was scared away, and he didn’t come back until now.”

Tang Tian walked out of the cafeteria, and found that Tang San followed the master straight to the direction of the forest, and he also quietly followed behind, waiting for Dugu Bo to come to the door.

After waiting for a while, just three meters away in front of Tang Tian, ​​a green target had already been caught.

"Good boy, you are not afraid when you see me." A hoarse voice came from the side, it was Dugu Bo.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Green light flickered in Dugu Bo's eyes, "Can you detoxify me?"

Tang Tian said calmly: "Although I can't, I know who can. But why should you help me solve it?"

Dugu Bo suddenly chattered and laughed, "How many years, how many years have I counted, no one has dared to talk to me like this? Kid, aren't you afraid of death?"

Tang Tian snorted disdainfully, "I'm not very capable, but my temper is not small."

"I'm still going to tie someone up, and I'll deal with you later." Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly shone green, and he lifted Tang Tian up with just a slight lift of his hand.

Under Tang San's persuasion, Grandmaster finally made up his mind to face Liu Erlong.That is to say, just after the master left for a while, Dugu Bo also picked up Tang San.

"Who?" The master's eyes were bright, he protected Liu Erlong in his arms behind him, and looked in the direction of Dugu Bo.Then the master was stunned for a moment, and his face changed drastically, "No, maybe something happened to Xiaosan. Go and have a look."

Flender said indifferently: "It's that green-haired Title Douluo, Xiao Tian followed him as soon as he left, let's go, drink and drink."

When Tang San woke up from the coma, Tang Tian also woke up. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"You don't need to pretend when you wake up. Are you really only 13 years old? Why do you have the mentality of an old hand?" Dugu Bo said casually sitting not far away.

Turning over and sitting up, Tang San didn't panic at all, because he found that Tang Tian was also there.

"Boy, your name is Tang San?" Dugu Bo leaned against the stone wall behind him, and asked lightly.

"Not bad." Tang San's answer was very simple.

Although he didn't know why Tang Tian was brought here, but thinking about Tang Tian's ten god-level soul rings, he felt that this was definitely not easy.

A green light flickered in Dugu Bo's eyes, "I heard that you broke my granddaughter's third soul skill and restrained her with poison. How did you dissolve her snake poison? It's just that there is not enough spirits."

Before Tang San could speak, Tang Tian turned over and continued to lie down and said: "Old guy, don't you want to detoxify, why are you asking these nonsense."

Dugu Bo choked for a moment, "Boy, don't interrupt, or the old man will poison you to death"

Tang San snorted disdainfully, "Your poison? It's just rubbish."

"What did you say?" Dugu Bowei raised his hand and released a cloud of poisonous mist at the two of them.

Tang San took a sip of the medicinal wine soaked in the guts of the ten fierce yang snakes and snakes, and sprayed it out, the poisonous mist dissipated immediately.

Tang Tian said calmly: "Old man, people say that your poison is rubbish, there must be some reason. Xiao San, tell him what disease he has, and let the old man go quickly. I will go hunting for treasure later."

(End of this chapter)

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