Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 111 Wholesale Title Douluo

Chapter 111 Wholesale Title Douluo

After careful consideration, Flender and the master reached an agreement and returned to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy to inquire about Poison Douluo's whereabouts.

The day before at Tiandou Royal Academy, when the three education committees teamed up to fight Poison Douluo, they obviously knew him. Maybe the three education committees knew Dugu Bo's whereabouts. I'm looking for that Prince Xue Xing, after all, he brought him here.

At this time, the three of them could no longer control the consequences of confronting an imperial prince head-on.

Of course, whether it is the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon of Grandmaster and Liu Erlong's sect, or the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School behind Ning Rongrong, they are all one of the seven great sects in the world. In the two major sects of the empire, let alone the Wuhun Palace behind Qian Renxue.

But in fact, plan A went very smoothly, the three did not go to the prince, and the three education committees told the general situation of Poison Douluo.

They told the Golden Triangle that Dugu Bo has always been withdrawn. Although he was hired by the royal family, he did not live in Tiandou City, but in the Sunset Forest. It is said that he lived on a mountain, but the exact location they knew I no longer know.

The three Contra education committees expressed regret for the disappearance of the Tang family brothers, but they also expressed that they could not help the people of Shrek Academy to deal with Dugu Bo. Although they did not explain the reason, the three of Flender naturally understood.

Who would be willing to face the Poison Douluo who possessed terrifying and poisonous poison?Although Poison Douluo singled out the weak as a dog, but he is difficult to deal with.Even a powerhouse at the Title Douluo level must be wary of the all-pervasive poison.

The Golden Iron Triangle didn't plead, and the three left Tiandou Imperial Academy in a swift and swift manner, and went straight to the Sunset Forest under the leadership of Liu Erlong.

On the way, they met Qian Renxue with four Title Douluo, Ning Rongrong with two Title Douluo, and finally six Title Douluo trained by Tang Tian. A group of 17 people came together Went to Sunset Forest.

The Sunset Forest is located a hundred miles to the east of Tiandou City, and it is one of the several large wild soul beast settlements in the Heaven Dou Empire. Although its area is not as large as the Star Dou Great Forest, there are many high-level soul beasts in it.

From entering the sunset forest in the early morning, a group of people have been searching for a whole half a day.

Although Liu Erlong didn't know much about the brothers of the Tang family, she greatly appreciated what Tang San said to the master before, let alone Tang Tian who provided her with bold ideas. She is also the master's direct disciple, the so-called Ai Wu Ji Wu, although she is not as anxious about the disappearance of the two of them as the master and Flender, but she is quite concerned.

"Second Dragon, rest for a while." Flender stopped, panting slightly, a busy day, although it is not a big deal for a Soul Sage of more than 70 levels like him, but he is already a little tired mentally.At this time, the people who were looking for in other locations also quickly planned to come here to gather. The setting sun forest had already been searched by them, and they were probably able to calculate the location of Poison Douluo.

Liu Erlong stopped, came to Flender and the master, looked at the gloomy master, and comforted him: "Xiao Gang, don't worry. I don't think that Dugu Bo will kill the two of them. Otherwise If that’s the case, he can do it directly at our academy, so why bother to arrest both of them?”

The master sighed, with a painful light in his eyes, "I hope so. What puzzles me the most is why Xiaotian didn't come back. At least he can run with his strength."

Flender smiled wryly, "If something happened to Xiaotian and Xiaosan, how can we explain to that person?"

"That person? Who are you talking about?" Liu Erlong asked with some doubts.

Just as Flender was about to open his mouth, suddenly, several vigorous howling sounds came from a distance. The howling sound rolled like thunder, breaking the silence in the night sky, and the spirit beasts in the forest were startled.

As the restless sound fell, Bone Douluo's voice shook the sky, "Old monster, I advise you to catch it without a fight."

The three looked at each other and stood up almost at the same time.Of course they could hear the astonishing power contained in that howling sound, and this kind of power belonged exclusively to Title Douluo.In this sunset forest, who else is the Title Douluo who can be chased and beaten by Bone Douluo?

Stretching out again, relying on the judgment of the location of the howling sound, the three of them jumped up and flew away.

Dugu Bo stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes gleaming with green light, "When did this old man offend your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

He was just chased and beaten by two titled Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School for no reason. Although there was a little girl on the opposite side, the speed was a bit slower, but his clothes were all wet at this time, and his voice was full of depression .

"I ask myself that I haven't offended the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but why are these two so aggressive?" Dugu Bo thought to himself.What happened today was so weird that Poison Douluo racked his brains and couldn't figure out why.

Sword Douluo and Ning Rongrong also chased after him, "Well, you old poison, you tied up my son-in-law of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and are still here pretending to be fine."

As soon as Ning Rongrong's feet landed, he said angrily to Dugu Bo: "Old guy, I advise you to let my brother Tian go, otherwise my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not a vegetarian."

Dugu Bo smiled wryly, "I didn't tie you up, Brother Tian."

I don't know why, but Dugu Bo felt a little regretful at this moment. He had naturally met Ning Rongrong at Huangdou Academy, and it was not difficult to guess that the two Titled Douluo in front of him were called by this little girl for Tang Tian.

At this moment, the six titled Douluo from the Tang Sect also arrived, and the six greeted Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo one after another, and then said: "I advise you to hand over the top management of our Tang Sect, as well as the principal. , otherwise Tang Sect's anger is not something you can bear."

For the six reinforcements who just rushed over, Dugu Bo became even more aggrieved. If he could still escape facing the two Title Douluo, then the eight Title Douluo already gave him no chance of escaping at all.

Perhaps, if I don't explain things clearly, I will explain myself here today.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's mood changed a little bit, and he regretted vigorously in his heart. He suddenly felt that he really shouldn't lie in that muddy water back then.

Dugu Bo's eyes flashed, "You misunderstood me, I just invited two little brothers to my place as guests. If you want to take them away now, I will take you to find those two little brothers."

Just when Dugu Bo was about to continue talking, suddenly, three long whistles sounded at the same time, two strong and one weak, either low, or passionate, but all were full of strong hostility.Xiaosheng approached quickly, and the owner of Xiaosheng seemed to be coming down the mountain soon.

(End of this chapter)

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