Chapter 129

Ning Fengzhi looked at Tang Tian again, not treating him as an outsider at all, "You are Xiaotian? You are really a good-looking talent. You drink tea first, and let's catch up with Rongrong first."

Tang Tian hurriedly said to his future father-in-law: "Uncle Ning, don't worry, don't worry about me."

Looking at the completely changed Ning Rongrong, Tang Tian couldn't laugh or cry. In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong is definitely the little emperor.In view of the reunion of everyone after a long absence, Tang Tian did not disturb them, but chose to drink tea quietly. Anyway, they are all from his own family, so there is no need to neglect them.

Ning Fengzhi looked at his daughter's swollen look, and couldn't help feeling pity in his heart. He first sat down on the sofa, and stretched out his arms to hug her.Who knew, but Ning Rongrong turned around and avoided it.

Without hugging his daughter, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help being surprised. Although he is an auxiliary system soul master, his huge soul power of more than 70 levels has also greatly transformed his body, much stronger than ordinary people.

Ning Rongrong inherited his martial spirit, which is also an auxiliary type. Although he just hugged him casually at this time, his speed was not slow, and his daughter could easily dodge him.

Ning Rongrong didn't know that his father was surprised, and ran directly to Sword Douluo, throwing himself into his arms, "Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Jian, I miss you so much. Huh..." Reunited with his family after a long absence, Ning Rongrong After all, she was still a little girl, so excited, she burst into tears.

Jian Douluo hurriedly hugged her petite body regretfully, "Good boy, my little baby, you are back. Grandpa Jian misses you too! I miss you so much."

Ning Rongrong raised her head, "Really?"

Jian Douluo said seriously: "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask your Grandpa Bones."

Ning Rongrong blinked her big clear eyes, "But, just now, Grandpa Gu told me that he is a little more than you think and I think."

"He farts." Sword Douluo didn't give Bone Douluo any face, "Obviously I miss you more."

"You're the one who farts." Bone Douluo stood up abruptly from the sofa, his terrifying height was nearly [-] meters, coupled with his hoarse voice, he looked even more terrifying.

"Not convinced? Let's go, find a place to fight one-on-one." Sword Douluo puffed up his chest, and stared at the opponent without fear.

"Okay, okay. Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, you've been fighting all your life, Rongrong just came back, and today he brought guests, so forget it." Ning Fengzhi looked helplessly at the two old men in front of him.

Tang Tian almost spit out the tea he just drank, slightly speechless, "What a terrifying militant."

"Hmph." Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo snorted almost at the same time, neither of them looked at each other, their eyes fell on Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong rolled his big eyes, and said: "I have a way to prove, which of the two grandpas miss me more."

Ning Fengzhi patted his forehead, thinking, after all, the little witch is a little witch, and the house became lively as soon as he came back, so he couldn't help saying: "Rongrong, don't talk nonsense."

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue at her father, she was obviously not afraid of this father at all, otherwise she would not have the title of little witch, "You don't want me, why don't you let the two grandpas miss me! You ran back from a long distance, but you were not at home. Two grandpas, how about this, you both give Rongrong a gift, whose gift Rongrong likes more, is whoever thinks more about Rongrong."

"Uh..." The two old men looked at each other, thinking at the same time, why is this trick again.

Ning Fengzhi suppressed a smile and said: "Okay, Rongrong, come here quickly and let Dad have a look. Who said Dad doesn't want you. Dad has prepared a gift for you. If you don't behave obediently, the gift will be gone."

"Gift? What is it?" Upon hearing the word "gift", Ning Rongrong was obviously aroused, and ran to his father in three steps.

Ning Fengzhi calmly raised his hand to embrace his daughter, but who knew, Ning Rongrong turned around again, still easily dodged his hand, and pursed his mouth and said: "Get the gift first, otherwise No hugs."

This time, it wasn't just Ning Fengzhi who was surprised, the two old men also looked at each other in surprise.

Due to the particularity of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, even Title Douluo couldn't tell how much her soul power was.

Ning Fengzhi's heart moved, and he asked: "Rongrong, first tell Dad how many levels your soul power has reached. Only when you have improved can Dad give you a gift."

When his father asked about his soul power, Ning Rongrong suddenly became proud, "Father, my aptitude is much better than yours. I haven't been lazy this year, and my soul power didn't grow much, so it grew so-so. It's more than 20 levels."

"So few, Rongrong, you have to work hard. Wait, how much do you say?" Ning Fengzhi is too familiar with his daughter. Since childhood, what Ning Rongrong hates the most is cultivation. But I was always forced to practice for a while.There are also various benefits in exchange.

When he realized that what Ning Rongrong was talking about was more than 20 levels, his face was full of disbelief. After all, this is really unbelievable. No matter how hard a soul master cultivates, it is impossible for a soul master to increase to more than 20 levels in a year. ah.

Ning Rongrong blinked her big eyes, and looked at her father innocently, "I said level 20! It's indeed a little less, but I will work hard."

Looking at Ning Rongrong's appearance, Tang Tian almost burst out laughing, this is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Ning Fengzhi's voice changed slightly, "Over 20 levels? You were 27 when you left, so you're already over 50 now? You won't lie to Dad, right?"

Ning Rongrong said: "Bad dad, I don't believe him. Although Rongrong was naughty in the past, he never lied. If you don't believe me, let the two grandpas see." While talking, she ran directly in front of Jian Douluo, He stretched out his little hand.

Jian Douluo held Ning Rongrong's hand, and after a while, his face was filled with surprise, "Feng Zhi, that's right, this girl's soul power has reached level 56. This is really unbelievable. I've never heard of it before." It has been said that no one can raise their soul power to as much as 29 levels in one year. Not even the kid who was known as the youngest Titled Douluo back then. Could it be that our family Rongrong is really a genius? Or that Shrek Academy so smart."

Ning Rongrong asked curiously: "Grandpa Jian, how do you know that I went to Shrek Academy? I remember I didn't tell you when I came back last time."

Jian Douluo smiled and said: "How could you not know? You are our darling. Your whereabouts have always been under the control of your father."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi's face had become serious. He and the two family guests in front of him could not be more clear about the cultivation process of a soul master.

If a soul master wants to improve his cultivation, he must move forward steadily. Once he is too impatient, his life will be in danger immediately.After all, the soul power exists in the body, and it is not impossible for someone to go mad and explode to death if he is a little careless.

(End of this chapter)

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