Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 145 Tang Tian Answering Questions

Chapter 145 Tang Tian Answering Questions

Ning Fengzhi sighed, "Of course what you said is good, but I think more, Uncle Gu, I think you also understand that Xiaotian may know some mysteries of becoming a god at level [-]. In this way, with Xiaotian's help , Rong Rong will definitely not be too bad in the future, who should lead our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect by then."

Gu Rong's expression changed slightly, "Sovereign, this is a difficult problem. Rongrong's aptitude definitely beats the younger generation, and it is difficult for others to compare with Rongrong."

When Tang San returned to the door of the dormitory, he found that Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu were all waiting for him here.And when he just entered the door, he found that Ning Rongrong was actually peeling grapes for Tang Tian who was lying on the bed.

"Do you have something to ask me?" Tang San glanced at the crowd, with a trace of bitterness on his face.

Oscar was the first to shake his head, "I have nothing to ask. Just handle your own affairs. All I know is that you are one of us Shrek."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head, "I still haven't figured out what happened, so I can't help but ask."

Zhu Zhuqing on the other side said: "You never asked about our origins, everyone has their own privacy, that is their own private world."

Xiao Wu interjected: "The only thing we care about is you, it has nothing to do with others. We are all at ease when you come back safely."

Ning Rongrong said angrily: "Xiao Wu, can my father still hurt Xiao San? Well, let me tell you a secret, Xiao San got rich. He sold my father 500 sets of hidden weapons, with a total value of [-] million gold soul coins .”

"What?" Oscar quickly jumped off the bed, and asked everyone excitedly, "Does anyone know what is the most expensive place in Tiandou City?"

Ning Rongrong was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

Oscar pointed to Tang San, and said: "Of course it's to beat local tyrants and divide the land."

Ning Rongrong chuckled, "The most expensive one is the Tiandou Hotel, and it has been slaughtered again and again on Brother Tian. Besides, even if you want to beat the local tyrants, you have to wait a few days. Didn't you see Xiaosan Are you tired today?"

Oscar looked at Tang San maliciously, "Anyway, he shares a dormitory with me, so he can't escape. Well, since Xiao San is tired, you all go back. Let Xiao San rest."

Everyone nodded, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San with a particularly concerned gaze, but at this moment Tang San's heart was extremely chaotic, and he didn't respond to her gaze.

Even Oscar himself left the dormitory with others, only Tang Tian, ​​Tang San and Ning Rongrong were left in the room.

Tang Tian lay on the bed very comfortably, feeling the warmth brought by the sun shining on his body outside the window, and then said to Tang San who was struggling: "Little San, do you have any doubts?"

As soon as Tang Tian opened his mouth, Tang San couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Tian, ​​can you tell me where my father is? What is the relationship between Haotianzong and Dad? What's going on? Dad disappeared for eight years, he went to What have you done?"

Tang Tian teased: "No way, Xiaosan, you're homesick so soon? But Dad is in Saint Soul Village now, so go back and have a look if you get homesick. The second question is, Dad is a direct descendant of the Haotian School, but There are also some conflicts with Haotianzong, I don't know the details. As for the issue of the three disappearances, it is completely nonsense."

After thinking for a while, Tang Tian went on to say: "The four major single-attribute families are originally subordinate families of the Haotian School. Now that I have Dad's letter in hand, we should subdue the other three families as soon as possible. As for the questions in your mind, let's put it aside for now. Just let it go, Dad will definitely tell you when he wants to tell you, and it’s useless to ask if you don’t want to. Besides, Dad is still in Saint Soul Village, and he can’t escape, so why should you be in a hurry.”

After listening to Tang Tian's words, Tang San calmed down, and gradually straightened out everything he learned today in his mind, and gradually got some clues.But even so, all this is really confusing, he still can't figure out what the crux of the matter is, but Tang Hao is still not missing, and he can ask if he has time.

While Tang San was thinking hard in the room, Tang Tian smiled and said to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, what are you going to do now?"

Ning Rongrong thought Tang Tian was going to rest too, and planned to let him go, so she walked out and said in a daze, "I don't know either. I want to practice, but I can't calm down. Dad kicked me out, no I know what he and Grandpa Bones are talking about. Maybe they still need to talk to Teacher Zhao. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Seeing that Ning Rongrong was about to leave, Tang Tian hurriedly said, "Okay, since we're fine, let's go eat hot pot together. The taste is just..."

"What? Aren't you going to drive me away?" Ning Rongrong stopped and looked at Tang Tian with some doubts.

Tang Tian was a little confused, looking at Ning Rongrong's pink face, but he didn't know what she was thinking.

"When did I say I drove you away?"

"You should have said it earlier! A big man, he speaks obliquely." Ning Rongrong kicked Tang Tian with some joy.

Tang Tian was even more confused, "Rongrong, what did I do wrong?"

"You asked me what I was going to do, I thought you were going to drive me away." Ning Rongrong's face turned rosy, she had already realized that she was too sensitive.

"What are you thinking about every day?" After saying this, Tang Tianmeng pulled Ning Rongrong's little hand in front of him and gave it a strong kiss, and then the two left the dormitory together.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Tang San hurriedly said: "Brother Tian, ​​wait for me, I will go too."

"Then hurry up, Xiaosan, we'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the cafeteria." Tang Tian replied, pulling Ning Rongrong to continue walking.

"Rongrong, why are you here?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from another direction, awakening Ning Rongrong who was silent in happiness.When he turned around to look, he saw Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, accompanied by Zhao Wuji, coming from the direction of the teaching building.

Seeing that her father was about to leave, Ning Rongrong said with some reluctance: "Father, are you leaving?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "The sect still has a lot of things that need to be dealt with by Dad. You have to listen to the teachers here and continue to practice hard. Dad hopes that when he sees you again in a while, you can surprise Dad. Xiaotian, remember to take good care of Rongrong. Mr. Zhao, if your academy needs anything in the future, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is obligatory."

Ning Fengzhi's promise can be said to be more effective than any other titled Douluo, even though Zhao Wuji is also a rebellious person, but at this time he restrained himself very low-key in front of Ning Fengzhi.

Before Tang Tian could answer, Zao Wou-ki answered, "Sect Master Ning, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of Rongrong. Go slowly." After speaking, Zhao Wou-ki turned around and walked into the academy knowingly, leaving the private space It was left to Ning Fengzhi and his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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