Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 151 The Shock Caused by the Soul Ring

Chapter 151 The Shock Caused by the Soul Ring

Hearing Oscar's murmur, Flender rolled his eyes, "What? Oscar, do you have a problem?"

"No, no. The dean is wise." Oscar still knew Flender's temper, and if he touched him again, he might regret it after a while.When the time comes, the graduation exam will probably require him to fill in another five, six, seven or eight items.

"It's fine if you don't have one. Let's go." Flender gave the order to go, and a group of 12 people set foot on the road to Sunset Forest.

The four of Flender walked in front, and the Shrek Eight Monsters walked behind.

Flender was not in a hurry, talking and laughing with the master, Liu Erlong, and Zhao Wuji, and walked slowly. It looked like he was out for an outing.

Tang Tian led the Shrek Seven Monsters behind him, and said in a low voice: "Have you all thought about what spirit ring you need this time? What kind of spirit ring do you need, and how many years do you need, you should think about it first! Fourth I can help you get the spirit ring, but the fifth spirit ring is up to you, if you can kill it, kill it yourself, if you can't kill it, you can work together to kill it, if you really can't kill it, then come to me to kill it."

"Got it, brother."

Dai Mubai said: "I have already obtained the fourth and fifth spirit rings, let me express my thoughts first. Since Dean Flender and the others are not going to help us hunt spirit beasts, we must have a plan. OK. According to the master's calculations, the soul ring we can obtain this time has the best effect between 2 and 3 years. Of course, the closer to 3 years, the greater the increase in strength. My fourth soul ring It is probably a soul beast of more than 8000 years. However, the closer it is to 3 years, the more difficult it will be to absorb the soul ring. Absorbing a 3-year soul ring is extremely painful. If you are not careful, it will be over. Therefore, you must quickly think about your goals. On the premise of maximizing your benefits, you must also consider the extent of your absorption."

Everyone nodded, the master's theory is naturally valid, but each soul master's own situation is different, and the limit of what he can bear is also different.Xiang Oscar and Ning Rongrong, the spirit rings they can withstand are obviously inferior to others, they are auxiliary system spirit masters after all, and their physical condition is worse than that of battle spirit masters.But like Tang San, who has successively received the domineering boost of the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring and the transformations of 'Anise Mysterious Ice Grass' and 'Angry Fire Apricot', his physical toughness is much more terrifying than that of soul masters of the same level. The object of the soul ring can naturally have a higher age limit.

Dai Mubai continued; "Rongrong, last time Xiaotian led you to kill how many years of soul beast, because we haven't had time to understand the reason for absorbing the immortal product."

Ning Rongrong said: "We didn't kill them last time."

Oscar exclaimed: "Isn't it, Rongrong, is it so difficult to hunt and kill soul beasts? Even Brother Tian can't do it?"

Dai Mubai said: "Xiao Ao, don't interrupt, let Rong Rong finish. Think with your toes, Brother Tian will not return empty-handed."

Ning Rongrong said: "Brother Tian saved some soul beasts last time, so I accepted the sacrifice of two 10-year-old soul beasts, and didn't kill the soul beasts."

"10 years! Rong Rong, you are right."

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable.

They originally thought that Ning Rongrong was only a tens of thousands of years old soul ring, but who knew that Ning Rongrong was actually a 10 year old soul ring.

Could it be that if you follow Brother Tian, ​​you can attain Taoism and become an immortal?
In this way, Ning Rongrong is probably the first Title Douluo to come out of sleep on the mainland.

Moreover, it is very likely that he will become the first god to sleep out in the future.

When everyone was silent, Ning Rongrong thought that everyone didn't believe her, so she simply released her spirit ring.

Dai Mubai who was the first to see the spirit ring screamed.

Tang San was stunned, Xiao Wu was stunned, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar were also stunned, including the teachers behind who saw the two red spirit rings, they were all completely stunned——

Whether it was Tang San Xiaowu, Oscar Zhu Zhuqing, or Ma Hongjun Vlad, even Grandmaster and Liu Erlong Zhao Wuji, all were dumbfounded.

I just feel like I'm living in a dream!
I just feel like I haven't woken up yet!
Otherwise, how could something so absurd happen?
A 10-year soul ring is equal to two powerful soul skills.

Plus the 10-year spirit bone that must be dropped.

And the soul power added to the soul master when the soul beast is sacrificed.

Don't talk about it, just hang up the other partners properly.

How can one not be envious, how can one not be jealous?
Ning Rongrong still didn't think it was intuitive enough, and even put on everyone the abnormal growth rate of a 10-year soul ring?
Oscar's eyes widened.

Dai Mubai's hands trembled violently.

Tang San couldn't even stand still.

Enough, enough, this is too exaggerated! The attributes have almost doubled.

Everyone only felt that their current small universe seemed to be violently exploding!
Oscar became more and more excited, he felt that he could single out Tang Tian with the booster.

Thus, Oscar launched a sneak attack on Tang Tian.

In the end, Oscar's move was knocked to the ground by Tang Tian's shock.

The scene was silent, and everyone opened their mouths.

People stared blankly at Oscar on the ground and became speechless, you are really floating.

Tang San swore.

He has been practicing Xuantian Kungfu since he was a child, and he practiced Ziji Demon Eyes diligently every morning.He even made sufficient preliminary preparations to absorb the soul ring by leapfrogging.

But even so, he has never absorbed a 10-year soul ring.

No matter how hard you try, you can't compare to some people's luck.

Of course, everyone wouldn't be so surprised if Tang Tian revealed the 10-year soul ring today, because Tang Tian has been crushing them all the time.

Ning Rongrong!
Obviously an auxiliary system soul master!
To put it bluntly, it is just a vase, but she
Ning Rongrong is clearly on the same starting line as me
too exaggerated!
How can there be such a big difference?
Ning Rongrong is too modest!
Don't say it sooner, don't say it later, we have to say it when we get the soul ring.

Can't you be more frank?
Why are you so humble!
The 3-year spirit ring that I will be meeting later is no longer fragrant!
Tang Tian looked at the resentful eyes of several people, and said lightly: "Okay, everyone's goal is to become a god. After becoming a god, the soul ring will be deified."

Tang San sighed and said: "Brother Tian, ​​is there a big gap between a 10-year spirit ring and a [-]-year spirit ring after deification?"

Tang Tian thought for a while and said, "It's not that big, it's just the difference between one soul skill and two soul skills."

Oscar wanted to cry but said without tears: "Brother Tian, ​​why do I feel that the gap is so big?"

Tang Tian said awkwardly: "Isn't my soul ring only one soul ability? So I don't think there is any difference between one and two."

After Tang Tian finished speaking, he added: "I think the most urgent thing is to think about what your next soul ring will look like."

(End of this chapter)

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