Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 153 The Secret of the Silla Empire

Chapter 153 The Secret of the Silla Empire
In addition, Ma Hongjun lit a bonfire beside the barbecue grill. There was an iron pot on the bonfire, and he was cooking the mushrooms he had just picked.

Tang San looked at the master with some doubts after spraying the powder, "Teacher? Wouldn't it be good to make a fire?"

Before the master could speak, Tang Tian had already smiled and said: "Don't worry, Xiaosan, this is not the Star Dou Great Forest, and there won't be such terrifying existences as the Titan Giant Ape. Even if a soul master finds it, it won't cause us any harm. What trouble. Don't forget, the golden iron triangle of the teacher, the principal, and Mrs. Erlong has already gathered. As long as it is not the title Douluo, no one can hurt us. Besides, everyone's strength is not low, so there is no need to do so. Besides Well, the north is different from the south. It’s cold at night. There are bonfires, hot soup, and barbecue, which can definitely make us feel very relaxed at night. Of course, only if we have a good rest can we have the energy to look for better soul beasts tomorrow. !"

The master nodded to Tang Tian, ​​indicating that Tang Tian was right.

Tang San suddenly understood, it turned out to be the case.This is experience. It seems that what I have experienced is still too little.The same thing will change in different situations, perhaps, this is where I need the most experience.

The dinner was very sumptuous. After dinner, Flender briefly explained to the students, and then got into the tent to rest.

Although their tent only accommodates four people, the size of the tent is smaller than that of the students.

As early as when the tent was set up, Flender had arranged the berths. Liu Erlong was on the far left, followed by the master, him, and Zao Wou-ki on the far right.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki went back to rest in the tent, and Liu Erlong got into the tent after watching the master a few more times by the campfire. The master explained a few words to Tang Tian after seeing this, and hurried into the tent.

For the Shrek students, Dai Mubai was in charge of the night watch in the first half of the night. This was requested by him himself. As the boss of the Seven Monsters, he naturally had to set an example.In the second half of the night it was Tang San's turn.As for Tang Tian Oscar and the girls, they can naturally rest in a down-to-earth manner.

Camping in the wild is not the same as practicing in an academy.

In the academy, it is completely possible to use meditation to spend the night time.

However, the biggest disadvantage of meditation practice is that you need to concentrate. After practicing overnight, although your physical condition will become better, you will be mentally exhausted for a period of time. Hunting and killing soul beasts is not allowed to happen. Once under the attack of the spirit beast, one cannot concentrate, it may cause irreparable losses.Therefore, in the process of hunting soul beasts, everyone must rely on sleep to restore their state to the best.

What's funny is that this is still a theory put forward by the master.

The rest of Shrek also got into the tent, only Dai Mubai and Tang Tian were still by the campfire, "Xiao Tian, ​​you go to rest first. I'll go around and check around."

Tang Tian opened two bottles of beer, handed them to Dai Mubai, and said, "Drink some more, with the two of us guarding here, there is no fear of spirit beasts."

Dai Mubai thought about it and it was the same, so he agreed immediately: "Xiaotian, that's why you thought of sticking the meat on bamboo sticks and roasting it, it's really delicious, but the amount of each stick is too small. Too little. You have to eat a lot." After speaking, Dai Mubai and Tang Tian touched beer.

Tang Tian was the one with the highest cultivation among all of them, and the surrounding spirit beasts couldn't escape Tang Tian's perception, with him drinking and eating meat here, Dai Mubai was naturally relieved.

After Tang Tian ate a few skewers of barbecue, he picked up the beer, "It tastes good because the meat is small, Boss Dai, let's go."

After drinking for a while, Dai Mubai suddenly said melancholy: "Xiaotian, to be honest, I quite envy you and Xiaosan."

Tang Tian comforted; "In fact, there is nothing to envy. Everyone's cultivation base is similar, and their future achievements will be the same."

Dai Mubai shook his head and said: "Actually, what I envy is not strength, I just envy you and Tang San and brotherhood."

Tang Tian sighed and said: "Poor beauty always suffers a lot, especially the ruthless emperor's family. Although Xiao San and I are ordinary people, we can still imagine the difficulties of your emperor's family."

Dai Mubai kept repeating Tang Tian's words in his mouth.

"Poor confidante always dies, the most is the ruthless emperor's family. Poor confidante always suffers unlucky life, the most is the ruthless emperor's family."

"Well said, Xiaotian. Come, drink."

Tang Tian raised the beer in his hand and touched Dai Mubai, in fact he probably knew a little about Dai Mubai's situation.

After a pause, Dai Mubai continued: "Xiaotian, don't you really want to know about my relationship with Zhuqing?"

Tang Tian wondered: "I've been curious for a long time, and I've always been embarrassed to ask. I always feel that you and Zhuqing have known each other for a long time."

Dai Mubai said: "Actually, we have to start from the beginning. Our Xingluo Empire belongs to the Xieyan clan, a descendant of the ancient Xieyan Saint King, and possesses the blood of gods. Of course, now my brother Davis and I This generation has long since been diluted."

Tang Tian wondered: "Oh? Boss Dai, what is the Holy King of Evil Eyes?"

Dai Mubai said: "The Evil-Eyed White Tiger is the blood of the Evil-Eyed Saint King, but the Evil-Eyed Saint King is more powerful. Although the Evil-Eyed White Tiger is also a top-notch beast spirit, compared to the Evil-Eyed Saint King, it naturally has more It’s not enough. It’s also part of the family secret.”

"In addition to guarding this secret throughout the ages, the family also guards an absurd rule. That is, after the prince of the empire awakens his martial soul, there must be a duel every time. Those who fail will be punished. I used to not like to fight, and likewise, I couldn’t beat my brother Davis.”

"From the high confidence at the beginning, to the escape later, I was really tired. I don't want to participate in this kind of meaningless confrontation, let alone my brother who grew up with me."

"So one day, I ran away. I escaped from the so-called "Abyss". In my eyes, the identity of Prince Xingluo is actually worthless. If I had a choice, I would rather be the son of a commoner. Why should Fighting, I don't like fighting. But someone always pushes me to fight."

After listening to Tang Tian, ​​he asked a question that he wanted to know very much, "Boss Dai, why does your family guard this ridiculous rule? Could it be that brotherhood is not harmonious?"

After killing a bottle of beer, Dai Mubai continued: "In the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, there are giants like the last three sects. But our Star Luo Empire does not have one, and we use our own strength to counterbalance the Heaven Dou Empire. Since our Star Luo Empire can compete with the Heaven Dou Empire, it will not be too simple. Every generation of us has experienced similar tests, and only the victorious party can become the crown prince and inherit the Silla Empire. The reason why there is This absurd rule is because only the winner can inherit the inheritance of the Xieyan Holy King.

Tang Tian asked suspiciously: "Boss Dai, is the Sacred King Xie Mou inherited from the Divine Mansion? It's so cruel."

(End of this chapter)

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