Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 159 The Avenger After the Poison Mist

Chapter 159 The Avenger After the Poison Mist
Flender said: "It has been absorbed a long time ago, I let him continue to practice, so that the energy brought by the spirit ring can be fully integrated with the body, this Emperor of the Earth is just right for him, it seems that the fourth spirit ring of his Your skills should be quite good. Xiaotian, you have to work hard, or you will be caught up by them soon."

What made the three girls much more comfortable was that the wreckage of the Earth Emperor had disappeared last night, obviously Flender and Zao Wou-ki cleaned it up.However, the depression on the ground is still reminding everyone that a purely brutal battle took place here yesterday.

After everyone simply washed up and had breakfast.Ma Hongjun has also recovered from his cultivation.

A resonant phoenix call came out of his mouth, his chubby body jumped up, the flames flowed all over his body, the golden-red light was released instantly, and then subsided abruptly, the four spirit rings quietly merged into his body.The moment a pair of small eyes opened, the light flickered.He looked so full of energy.

Just as the members of the Shrek Seven Monsters were about to ask Fatty how he felt after absorbing the fourth spirit ring, an angry scolding voice sounded from another tent, "Who has nothing to do so early in the morning, what are you yelling at?" ?”

Hearing this voice, the fat man who was still a little complacent immediately shivered, and dodged behind Flender without hesitation.

Flender frowned, "Okay, what are you hiding from? Could it be that your Erlong teacher really wants to attack you? You have to understand her. After all, she is not young and has some endocrine disorders. It is normal to have a big temper. Flender's voice became smaller and smaller, and it was almost like a mosquito's voice at the back.

"Flender, do you want to die?" Although Flender's voice was already very low, Liu Erlong's hearing was better, and she heard everything he said just now.

As soon as Flender finished speaking, the disheveled humanoid Tyrannosaurus rushed out of the tent. Liu Erlong's eyes were a little red, obviously he didn't sleep well last night.Although Grandmaster entered the tent last night, he was in no mood.Thus, Liu Erlong just waited for the master all night.

"Uh... Erlong, just pretend I didn't say anything." Flender was unwilling to provoke her at this time, and at the same time sighed inwardly, looking to the side who was eating breakfast as if asking for help, with an indifferent expression on his face. Grandmaster.

"Second Dragon, that's enough." The master finally spoke, obviously speechless towards Vlad, a good boy.

Liu Erlong stopped at Flender's body, turned his head to look at Grandmaster, his delicate body trembled slightly, "You are not a good person. You will bully me." After saying this, she rushed Back in the tent, a series of crystal water droplets were left in the air.

Although the master didn't say anything, he quickly squeezed the steamed bun in his hand, swallowed it in one gulp, and then entered the tent with a plate of steamed buns and side dishes.

Half an hour later, the group of people who had packed up went on the road again, but the atmosphere became obviously much more subtle.

Liu Erlong walked at the end of the team with a gloomy face, the master, Flender and Zhao Wuji walked in front, but let the Shrek Seven Monsters walk in the middle.

Oscar touched Ma Hongjun, "Fatty, got a fourth soul ring, how does it feel? Is it easy to absorb?"

Ma Hongjun nodded, and said: "It's very easy, it took only half an hour to finish. It didn't cause me any trouble at all. It's really strange. Could it be that the Emperor of the Earth has already given up after being abused by Teacher Erlong?" The hope of life, do you really think that I helped it get rid of it and let me absorb it?"

Science blamed Tang San for sleeping soundly yesterday, he didn't know anything, but he was very energetic early in the morning.Hearing Ma Hongjun's words at this time, he immediately popularized science for him: "In a sense, this situation is possible. The teacher has studied it. If the soul beast does not have deep resentment when it is killed, then absorb it." It will be relatively easy. On the contrary, if the soul beast's resentment is extremely deep, then absorbing the soul ring will also become very difficult. However, the teacher also said that there are two situations in which the soul ring is absorbed after the soul beast dies. Favorable. One is that the soul beast is full of extreme resentment. In this case, the probability of dropping a soul bone will also increase greatly. The other situation is when the soul beast is voluntarily killed. Volunteering to become a soul There is almost a 10% chance of dropping a soul bone when the master's soul ring, and the soul ring will be perfectly absorbed, without being limited by the age limit. That is to say, even if we are only level [-] now, if there is a [-]-year soul beast If we are willing to let us kill and absorb its soul ring, we will not suffer backlash."

"So good?" Oscar and Ma Hongjun said in unison.

Dai Mubai on the side said: "What's so good? You think it's easy! Why are soul beasts willing to let you kill and give you the soul ring? This is only in an ideal state. Or it is impossible to appear at all."

Ning Rongrong shook the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in his hand, and said calmly: "Nothing is impossible. Maybe it will happen under the circumstances of chance and coincidence. Last time, there were a few soul beasts who asked for help from the sky. Brother, that’s why you are willing to sacrifice to me.”

The fat man was a little disappointed and said: "So, the spirit ring I absorbed does not belong to the first type, nor does it belong to the second type?"

Tang San said: "If the Earth King was killed by Senior Erlong, maybe the first situation will happen."

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help shivering shiveringly, recalling Liu Erlong's berserk attack yesterday, everyone felt a little terrified in their hearts.

Tang Tiandao: "Xiao San is right, but the truth is not like that. Do you still remember the characteristics of my God-killing Spear?

Tang San continued: "If the fat man was killed with the God-killing Spear, it would make sense. The soul beasts that died under Tian Ge's God-killing Spear would all lose their souls, so a spirit ring without an owner would naturally drift with the tide , easy to absorb."

After listening to the words of popular science monster Tang San, everyone leaked the original appearance.

Oscar said deeply: "Brother Tian, ​​I will also use your God-killing Spear when I obtain the soul ring. By the way, fat man, what is your fourth soul skill?"

Tang Tian nodded and said to the crowd: "If I'm here, you don't use ordinary weapons when killing soul beasts, remember to ask me for a god-killing gun."

"Thank you, Brother Tian."

Thanks to me Tang Tian, ​​the fat man revealed a mysterious look in his eyes, and said to Oscar: "I feel that my fourth soul ability is very good! When I have a chance to do it, I will let you have a look."

The morning temperature in Sunset Forest is a bit low, and the moisture in the air is quite sufficient, so misty morning fog is formed.The faint mist is cold and humid, drifting with the light wind. At this time, it is the time when the sun has not fully risen, and it is also the time when the mist is the thickest.The grass under the feet also dripped a few dewdrops from time to time due to the fog.

(End of this chapter)

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