Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 161 The Avenger After the Poison Mist

Chapter 161 The Avenger After the Poison Mist
"'Pink Lady' is a variant of 'Pink Lady'. It is also the most powerful 'Pink Lady'. To produce this kind of mutation, you first need to have a cultivation base of more than 3000 years, and secondly, you need to have at least swallowed more than a hundred of them. People of the same tribe. Once this kind of pink lady appears, she will gather tribesmen on a large scale and use them as food. Because her strength is much stronger than ordinary 'pink girls', so even if there is a risk of being swallowed, most 'Pink Ladies' are still willing to follow."

"A single-body 'Pink Lady' can't even cause damage to a soul master of around tenth level, but the toxin secreted by a single-body 'Pink Lady' is enough to excite a fifty-level soul master to death. This kind of Special toxins are hard to guard against, and can even invade the body through the skin. Thousands of 'Pink Girls' have gathered here to release poisonous mist, which is to poison us all here. I just don't understand why the 'Pink Girl' who has always been gentle There is so much hostility towards us, it seems like we are here to ambush us."

When the master was explaining the characteristics of the 'Pink Lady', Tang Tian had been silently observing by the side. At this time, he heard the master say this, and said: "Teacher, besides a few small 'Pink Lady', there are also a few 'Pink Lady's." "Emperor of the Earth", but they are all at the millennium level and can be destroyed at will."

Tang San jokingly said: "Teacher, after listening to Brother Tian, ​​I had a bold idea. Do you think it was caused by the Earth Emperor last night? The Earth Emperor is the same as the 'Pink Girl'. It belongs to a scorpion monster, maybe it has something to do with it?"

The master's eyes flashed, "It's possible. Could it be that the leader of this group, 'Pink Lady', and yesterday's 'Emperor of the Earth' are partners? This is very possible. The wisdom of soul beasts will increase with cultivation. , even the 'Pink Lady' is relatively weak among spirit beasts. However, the Earth Emperor is a superior existence among its similar spirit beasts. They all have a certain restraint effect. If it is said that the 'Pink Lady' took shelter of it at the cost of her own sacrifice, it is theoretically possible. The 'Emperor of the Earth' should be quite good in this sunset forest. In addition On this huge 'Pink Lady' group, it is enough to settle down in a corner and protect this huge group."

Flender glanced at Liu Erlong beside him, and said with a broken smile, "You abused his husband, and now he's coming for revenge."

A cold light flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes, "Revenge? Okay! Then I'll kill them and let them fight against the same fate."

The master said seriously: "The poisonous mist condensed by thousands of 'Pink Ladies' is no small matter, and we must not be careless. We were more or less invaded by the poison just now, if it wasn't for Xiaotian's shot to disperse the poisonous mist, and Xiao Ao's Detoxifying the sausage, our situation is hard to say. Now there is only one way to solve the problem. Flender will use his flying ability to take us out of this area one by one. As long as we leave this area, there will be no problem But that would also face the danger of being attacked by other types of spirit beasts. Little San, you know a lot about poison, what's your suggestion?"

Tang San said: "'Pink Lady' lacks attack power after all, it's better to charge hard with our strength. As long as we maintain a dense formation. It's best that 'Pink Lady' can't help but rush out and attack, as long as we can get her Solve it, these soul beasts will naturally retreat without a leader. I have a celestial plant here that can avoid poisoning, as long as everyone is within a radius of ten meters from the center of me, you can guarantee that you will not be invaded by the poison."

After speaking, Tang San reached into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag, and took out a large pale pink flower.This flower has no leaves, the stem is three feet long, and the flower is huge, with a diameter of about a foot. Each petal looks crystal clear, and the stamens are lavender, like purple diamonds inlaid there. The delicate fragrance wafts out from the flowers, refreshing.

Flender nodded, and said: "Okay, if there is no better way, it's settled like this. It's not too late, Xiaotian, since you can see the situation outside, I'll let you guide the way. After Wuji is broken, the two Long, Grandmaster, we are in front. Mubai, you guys are in the middle, take care to protect Xiao San, Xiao Ao and Rong Rong. Especially the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal in Xiao San's hands. If there is no problem, we will set off."

Just when everyone was about to reveal their martial souls, Tang Tian said, "I have a different opinion."

Flender said: "Little Tian, ​​do you have a better way? Tell me quickly."

Tang Tiandao: "This poisonous fog is entirely composed of 'Pink Lady'. Although the encirclement is not too large, it is composed of living things after all. I dare say that as we move, the entire encirclement will follow us Move. Besides, we can’t see clearly, and we are in the woods, so our speed will be limited. If we continue like this, we can only be surrounded by them all the time. Therefore, Xiaosan’s method is not perfect.”

Tang San thought for a while, and found that it seemed to be what Tang Tian said, and apologized: "Brother Tian is right, I didn't think about it. I thought about it, and what Brother Tian said is quite right."

Tang Tian comforted: "Little San, what you said is also reasonable. If you kill the leading pink girl, the encirclement will be broken by itself."

Tang San looked at Tang Tian as if asking, "Brother Tian, ​​what should we do now."

Seeing that Tang Tainan seemed confident, Vlad hurriedly said: "Now we all obey Xiaotian's command."

Tang Tiandao: "Little San, the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product in your hand has the effect of neutralizing ten thousand poisons. Within its range, any toxin will lose its effect. Take it out now, and let everyone not leave this range for the time being. There is no way to use wind Come to disperse the poisonous fog, I have to stop the wind, otherwise it will easily form a sandstorm later."

Everyone asked suspiciously: "Sandstorm?"

After Tang Tian located the position of Pink Lady, he let out a sharp whistle, and his body fell straight towards the ground like a shooting star chasing the moon. His left foot stomped hard on the ground, and the ground under his feet split open a gap, and straight The leading 'Pink Lady' rushed out, and the rumbling sound continued to sound. Did many 'Pink Girls' fall into the cracks in the ground, and there was a shrill scream.

Everyone looked down, just in time to see the soul beast that fell into the crack in the ground, and the true face of the 'Pink Lady' appeared in front of them.

Just as the master described, they were pink scorpions that looked crystal clear, like they were carved from pink crystals, each of them was about two feet long, swimming on the ground, A faint pink gas is continuously emitted from the body and condenses towards the front.

(End of this chapter)

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