Chapter 172

"No, unless it is [-]%, I will never let you take risks." It was no longer the master who spoke this time, but Xiao Wu who was listening quietly to Hua.

Xiao Wu's emotions suddenly became agitated, even Tang San couldn't help being taken aback, "Xiao Wu, don't be like this, be obedient, I'll be fine."

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, her eyes were full of stubbornness, "Absolutely not."

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, the master seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, "Xiao Wu, hurry up and persuade your third brother."

Xiao Wu nodded heavily, and said: "Don't worry, Master, I will definitely not let Xiao San take risks."

"Soul shock, soul shock..." Tang San's eyes revealed a thoughtful light.

Xiao Wu thought that her words had already moved him, "Brother, you said that you will protect me forever. Therefore, you must have nothing to do. I beg you, just listen to Master, that Man Faced Demon Spider has 6000 Years of cultivation is quite good, why bother to take the risk of coveting a 5-year spirit ring?"

Tang San naturally wouldn't explain to Xiao Wu why he chose the Pit Demon Spider.But his decision was not canceled because of Xiao Wu's words.

"Originally I was only [-]% sure, but after hearing what you said, I'm [-]% sure. Because I still want to live to protect you." Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu's head, his expression relaxed.

Xiao Wu looked at him suspiciously, "I don't believe it. Brother, you are not lying to me, are you?"

Tang San asked back: "Have I ever lied to you?"

Xiao Wu subconsciously shook her head.

Tang San said: "Xiao Wu, trust me, I won't take my life as a joke."

Looking at Tang San, Xiao Wu suddenly smiled, her smile was very beautiful, especially in Tang San's eyes, it was a perfect existence.

Pulling the scorpion braids on her back to her body, Xiao Wu took a step forward, her whole body was almost attached to Tang San's body, her warm red lips touched Tang San's ears, and said softly: "Okay, then you can go. But, Brother, you have to remember. If you die, then, I will also accompany you. "

Ning Rongrong and Tang Tian feel awkward looking at each other, the smell of lemon is so uncomfortable, even though they are also a couple.

"Brother Tian, ​​I will protect you too."

"Just you? Let me protect you."

"The people are super fierce"

Of course Tang San didn't want to die, and he didn't want to play with his and Xiao Wu's lives, but at this moment, he didn't have a better choice.Are you really going to choose that man-faced demon spider?No.In an instant, he had thought clearly.You will never regret what you have already decided.To do one thing, adequate preparation is important, but equally important is the belief in victory.Xiao Wu's words were equivalent to pushing him to the edge of a cliff.Just like the last time he took the risk to absorb the Man Faced Demon Spider's soul ring without hesitation.For Xiao Wu, he must be able to make it through, so he counted the [-]% chance as [-]%.

Thinking of this, Tang San nodded firmly to Xiao Wu, and then turned to Flender, "Dean, Teacher Zhao, please take action. I want that Pit Demon Spider."

Flender said seriously: "Little San, have you really thought it through? You should understand the consequences of such absorption."

Tang San said without hesitation: "Principal, I will definitely succeed. Don't forget, I have two martial spirits, as well as external spirit bones and immortal herbs. What about ten thousand year spirit beasts?"

"Okay, have ambition. Then I wish you success." From Tang San's eyes, Flender saw the determination to move forward.He knew that it was useless to say anything else at this time, even Master and Xiao Wu could not convince him, and even Tang Tian was still adding fuel to the flames.

Seeing that everyone's ink marks were finished, Tang Tian said, "Little San, you can absorb a few more soul bones later. Be safe."

Flender had already made preparations, and he did what he said, and the Flying God Claw struck out like lightning, and landed on the Crypt Demon Spider accurately.

The wisdom of the 5-year-old soul beast is not low, seeing the moment when the flying claws are about to grab the crypt demon spider.The [-]-year-old crypt demon spider suddenly moved quickly, and a layer of yellow spider web suddenly bounced from its feet, blocking itself like a shield.

With two puffs, the Flying God Claw caught in the spider web. Flender and Zhao Wuji hurriedly controlled the God Claw to fly back, but what made them dumbfounded was that the claw flew back, but at the same time, there was also a huge yellow Cobwebs, there is no better word to describe their situation at this time, which is called self-inflicted traps.

The Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider was more insidious than everyone imagined. Not only did the Flying God Claw bring back the spider web, but at the same time, the Crypt Demon Spider backed away extremely quickly and hid behind a tall tree in a flash. And quickly ran towards the distant forest.The speed of movement is no less than that of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Tang Tian and the others were shocked: "Are you kidding me, you are a 5-year soul beast!"

"Brother Tian." Seeing that his target was about to run away, Tang San's voice even contained a hint of pleading.

Tang San's thinking is very clear, everyone doesn't support him to absorb this spirit ring, and they don't have the ability to catch this spirit beast back, only Brother Tian can help me now.

"Forget it, the Four Swords of Jade Immortal have been hidden by me for many years, let's see your power today."

With a wave of Tang Tian's hand, the fire burst into flames, and a large number of flames swept in front of Flender and Zhao Wuji, and the spider web on the flying god's claw was instantly reduced to ashes.The high-temperature flame condensed by the power of the five elements is exactly the nemesis of this kind of spider web.Besides, in terms of strength, the Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider is far inferior to Tang Tian, ​​let alone the spider webs that the Crypt Demon Spider eagerly sends out?

Flender and Zao Wou-ki were furious at the same time, two soul saints were tricked by a soul beast that had just passed ten thousand years, and it was still in front of so many students, this is definitely a shameful thing.

But the two of them had nothing to do, even the Titled Douluo didn't dare to rush out in this situation, Flender couldn't help apologizing: "Little San, it's the headmaster who is incompetent."

Tang Tian locked the direction of the soul beast, and shouted loudly: "Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

Following Tang Tian's shout, the four divine swords burst out of the air with endless pure white murderous aura, blocking four directions.

Countless purple thunderbolts appeared in the sky, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

Without reversing yin and yang, how can there be no water and fire to quench the edge?

Executing the immortals, killing immortals, and trapping immortals radiates red light everywhere.

Jue Immortal changes infinitely wonderfully, and the blood of Daluo Immortal dyes her clothes.

Accompanied by the chanting of the Dao in the dark, each of the four divine swords at this moment is a thousand meters high. The four divine swords block all directions, and the murderous aura lingers in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, forming a small Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Although it is only in case of the real Zhuxian Sword Formation, it is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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