Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 177 Shocked!A large-scale show of affection! ! !

Chapter 177 Shocked!A large-scale show of affection! ! !

"Xiao San, Xiao Wu was rescued by your brother, not only is she okay, but she is more energetic than before." Flender shouted in Tang San's direction.

Flender's decision was extremely correct. Hearing the word Xiao Wu, Tang San, who lowered his head on the Man Faced Demon Spider's back, slowly raised his head. Everyone noticed that his eyes had turned red again at some point .In the red light, a purple-golden light circulated.

Tang San immediately saw Xiao Wu who was sitting there, watching him anxiously.His eyes froze for a moment, and the blood in his eyes gradually receded.The brain also gradually regained its sobriety.

Tang Tian hurriedly set up a blessing power for Tang San, this guy is going crazy
In fact, even Tang San himself didn't know what he did just now, he inserted the Eight Spider Lance into the Man Faced Demon Spider's body, completely subconsciously when his mind was blank.At this moment, seeing Xiao Wu still alive, Tang San's heart also came alive.Only then did he notice his situation at this time.

Ning Rongrong leaned on Tang Tian's shoulder in fear, "Little San, you look so scary now."

Tang Tian could clearly see that the Man Faced Demon Spider under Tang Shan was still trembling constantly, and waves of powerful energy were entering Tang San's body along the Eight Spider Lances.

Tang San is also in a daze now, let alone the others.

What surprised Tang San was that after circulating in his body for a week, these violent energies would reintroduce into his Eight Spider Lances, and then condense on his spine, while his spine and the Eight Spider Lances attached to his back The eight ribs in his body became extremely hot, absorbing the energy like an abyss.

Tang Tian saw it at a glance, "It turned out to be a devouring skill! I don't even have it."

In fact, this was the first time Tang San used the eight spider lance's devouring ability. By chance, the eight spider lance evolved instead.

Tang Tian was completely relieved when he saw this, he thought that after setting up the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, his luck disappeared a bit.That's why those two little spiders were so difficult to deal with. Now it seems that they were completely wrong.

Xiao Wu carefully put the 'Sou Xiang Qi Luo Immortal Pin' into her arms, she also let out a sigh of relief, she was afraid for a while, if it wasn't for Brother Tian, ​​she might have to say goodbye to Tang San forever.

Liu Erlong stood beside Xiao Wu, patted her head, although she didn't say anything, but the fierceness in her eyes was gone, instead there was a kind light.

Xiao Wu raised her head and looked at Liu Erlong, she suddenly felt a special maternal radiance from this violent killing horn.This feeling made her extremely comfortable, coupled with the mental fatigue after the injury, she couldn't help but rest her head on Liu Erlong's plump thigh.

"Good boy, with me here, no one or anything will bully you in the future." Liu Erlong said softly.

The eyes of everyone looking at Liu Erlong couldn't help showing surprise. Is this still the murderous horn that seemed to want to slaughter everything just now?

The master looked at Liu Erlong with relief, how could he not know that half of Liu Erlong's violence was due to himself.Liu Erlong's temper was a bit grumpy when he was young, but it was not as exaggerated as it is now.Isn't it because of the master?Liu Erlong, who was in a bad mood, probably vented his anger in this way.

"Teacher Erlong,..." Xiao Wu's eyes showed a grateful light, and even had a bit of humiliation.At this moment, she thought of her mother, didn't her mother often look at her like this?However, she has already gone.

"Xiao Wu, are you willing to be my direct disciple?" Liu Erlong asked softly.

Xiao Wu nodded without hesitation, "I am willing. Teacher." She is so smart, she is about to kneel down to bow to Liu Erlong as a teacher while talking.

Liu Erlong picked Xiao Wu up from the ground and let her lean into his arms, "I don't need those clichés. Xiao Wu, the teacher has never married in his life, and now someone has not officially married me, so I also I don't have any relatives. I don't want you to call me teacher, if you don't dislike me, I hope to hear you call me mother."

Hearing what Liu Erlong said, Flender on the side couldn't help turning his head away in a moment of sadness, but the master's eyes were already dazed. Looking at her, he felt mixed feelings for a moment, his lips were moving and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a single word. Can't tell either.

In fact, the master wanted to say: "Why don't we make up a wedding and have a child!"

Although the two had done it before, they were interrupted by the uncle of the family, and they still failed.A new beginning, of course there must be a new
Xiao Wu was also shocked, looking at Liu Erlong's eyes full of hope, a thick layer of mist gradually appeared in her already red eyes, she cried out with a cry, and held her tightly. Liu Erlong, "Mom, mom..."

Mom, these two words are so important in Xiao Wu's heart. It has been almost eight years since her mother left her, how much she wants to say these two words!At this time, not only did Liu Erlong find the feeling of being a mother from her, but at the same time, Xiao Wu also found the comfort of maternal love from Liu Erlong.For a while, the mood was agitated, and the true feelings were revealed immediately.

Although Ah Yin also recognizes Xiao Wu as a daughter, but because of Tang San's relationship, in Xiao Wu's heart, Ah Yin is a kind of mother-in-law, and the nature of the two is different.

Liu Erlong gently caressed Xiao Wu's long scorpion braid, and there was a faint smile on his alluring face, but tears also slipped down his face uncontrollably.

She loves Grandmaster, but Grandmaster is too cowardly. For so many years, Liu Erlong's heart has always been empty, but at this moment, her heart seems to have found a sustenance, pinned on the daughter she just recognized.At this moment, it seemed that the shadow of the master in her heart was slightly shaken.While feeling the real emotion released from Xiao Wu, Liu Erlong secretly swore in his heart that even if he used his own life to protect her, he would still be willing.

"Erlong, congratulations." Flender managed to suppress the agitation in his heart, and said to Liu Erlong with a smile on his face.

Liu Erlong looked at Flender with a bewildered light in his eyes, "Boss Flender, I have a daughter. Do you know? I have a daughter."

"Yes, I know. From now on, even if you don't have Xiao Gang, you will have children." Hearing Liu Erlong's words, the tears in Flender's eyes could no longer be controlled.Why doesn't he love Liu Erlong?For Liu Erlong, he can never marry for life, and for Liu Erlong and Master to be happy, he can bury that love deeply in his heart.However, he never saw his beloved woman live a happy life.Can this blame the master?No, you can't, you can only blame fate for tricking people.Grandmaster still didn't want to have offspring with Liu Erlong because of the relationship between the two of them. I'm afraid if it wasn't for Tang Tian's solution, it would still be a question of whether Grandmaster would accept Liu Erlong now.

You don't need to care about the world's vision, but one day you will be tired, and some dross will always be eaten by others.

At this moment, Grandmaster could deeply feel Liu Erlong's mood at this moment, so how could he not be happy for her?
Everyone stepped forward to congratulate her, only Grandmaster stood there, unable to move a single step, looking at Liu Erlong, his heart ached so much, he knew that he owed her too much.But between him and her, it was like a dead knot, which could not be untied no matter what.He was happy that Liu Erlong got his daughter, but at the same time, how could he not be sad for the fate he had with Liu Erlong?How much did he want to have an heir with Liu Erlong, to continue his two lives?However, he couldn't do it.The shadow of the blood relationship, the haze, still stopped the two of them from thinking about it
At the same time, under Tang Tian's gaze, Tang San finally completed the devouring process.A faint halo began to be released from the 6000-year-old man-faced demon spider.Originally wanted to absorb the spirit ring of the Pit Demon Spider immediately, but at this moment Tang San was not in the mood to absorb the spirit ring at all. The Eight Spider Lances retracted into his body and bowed deeply to Tang Tian.

"Brother Tian, ​​I will replace Xiao Wu"

Tang Tian is very disdainful of this kind of behavior, so the soul is also my son of Huaxia, how can he be humbled and kicked away by Tang San, "One family talks about two things, if you continue to do this, don't worry about my Tang being turned against me ruthless."

Tang San hurriedly got up and bowed to Tang Tian from a distance, and then rushed to Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong almost three steps at a time.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu..." There were no tears in Tang San's eyes, but his voice sounded a little distorted. What kind of emotion made his voice become like this?

Xiao Wu raised her head from Liu Erlong's arms, looking at Tang San who was close at hand, her tears couldn't stop flowing.

Liu Erlong sighed softly, let go of his embrace, and sent Xiao Wu to Tang San.

Tang San opened his arms fiercely, and buried Xiao Wu's tender body deeply into his embrace.He didn't say sorry or anything, but his teeth had already bit his lip.How could he not regret that he handed over the Youxiangqiluo fairy product to Xiaowu?If it wasn't like that, how could Xiao Wu suffer a surprise attack.For herself, this is not the first time Xiao Wu has been hurt.Tang San hated himself, hated himself for failing to protect Xiao Wu well.

Tang Tian watched the two continue to sprinkle dog food vigorously, and greeted: "Hurry up and choose the soul beast, doesn't the Jade Immortal Sword Formation consume soul power?"

Only then did Oscar and Ma Hongjun avert their ambiguous gazes, Oscar put on a flattering tone and said: "Brother Tian, ​​you have to choose a good soul beast for me, brother."

Ma Hongjun also flattered: "Brother Tian, ​​I also want a 5-year soul beast."

Ning Rongrong joked: "Fatty, don't you, you're not a mistress, don't just be blown up by the spirit ring."

PS: Thank you for the reward of 200 book coins! ! !Thank you for the 588 book coins reward, and the long-term support! ! !Thank you Luo for the 999 book coin reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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