Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 179 The first world-class licking dog

Chapter 179 The first world-class licking dog
Watching the master walk away with Flender, Liu Erlong secretly sighed in his heart, Xiao Gang, Xiao Gang, you have accepted me, are you still unwilling to have an heir with me?Have you really thought about it?Fortunately, I have a daughter now, otherwise I would have to accompany you to die alone.Now I understand somewhat how you feel about accepting Tang San as your apprentice, at least, the child can become a sustenance in our hearts.

Thinking of this, Liu Erlong also felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart, the depression in his heart eased a bit, and his whole body became much more relaxed.As the expression on her face relaxed, she seemed to grow more beautiful.

Tang Tian said: "Master Erlong, I'll go first."

Liu Erlong nodded numbly, and said, "Okay, Xiaotian"

Tang Tian took Xiao Wu over the mountain, and soon came to the familiar place, the shameful place, the place where he fell into the water.
Returning to the Eye of Ice and Fire, Tang Tian observed more carefully, and he couldn't help being greatly shocked by the sight in front of him.The treasure land that was plundered by him almost like Tang San, was now lush and green again.Although not as colorful as before.But the feeling of vitality is extraordinarily comfortable.

After admiring the wonder of nature, Tang Tian said to Xiao Wu who was silent behind him, "Xiao Wu, you can go to that big rock. If I remember correctly, you can condense the soul ring by yourself. But now that you have undergone the transformation of 'Acacia Broken Heart Red', I am a little uncertain."

Xiao Wu nodded, indicating that she was fine, and then said very confidently; "Brother Tian, ​​do you think Xiao San will be fine?"

Tang Tian picked up the Heaven and Earth Mysterious Illusory Tower and set buffs on Xiao Wu and Tang San, "Xiao Wu, don't worry, I have already put buffs on Xiao San, even if he fails, he won't be in danger of his life."

Probably because of Tang San, Xiao Wu's expression was not very good, "Thank you."

"You and Xiaosan are exactly the same, as an elder, it is natural for me to help you a lot"

After Tang Tian finished speaking, he jumped down and came to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. This place is indeed a treasure land. The seeds Tang Tian left when he was bored had already taken root and germinated. With a growth rate of more than ten times, in this short period of time In the short period of half a year, a piece of vitality has been bred here again.Although it is impossible for fairy herbs to appear in a short time, at least this place is still a treasure.After a hundred years or hundreds of years, it will surely regain its former style.

"Whether it can take root or not depends on your good fortune." Tang Tian said while planting the asking grass seeds that Tang San gave him near the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.If there is no accident, after a few years, there will be a new asking grass here.

After finishing all this, Tang Tian planned to go to a peeping party to see what Flender was talking to the master.

With this in mind, Tang Tian bid farewell to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, I'm leaving. It's safe and secure to condense the soul ring here. You can see Xiao San as soon as he comes out."

Xiao Wu nodded her head and gave a soft acknowledgment, "Yeah."

When Tang Tian arrived, the master was raising his right fist and pounding his left chest, "But, I can't lie to my heart. I really can't."

Flender's eyes flashed suddenly, and he said, "Xiao Gang, let me ask you, do you love Erlong?"

The master was stunned for a moment, "Boss Fu, do you still need to ask such a question? If I don't love her, how can I do this?"

A sly smile suddenly appeared on Flender's face, "Well, I'm sure, you don't really love Miss Erlong."

"You..." The master was furious, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.Yes, Flender said he couldn't make up for it.Who would let their lover wait for 20 years?

Flender smiled slightly, and said: "Whether you love Erlong or not, Erlong definitely loves you. Moreover, I believe that you will always go on in such an unclear name. Since you and So, why can't you give Erlong a title? If you are weaker than you and still afraid, then you don't need too many people to know, just a few of our old friends. Then, since you gave the title , why can't I have an heir with her!"

The master was stunned, "Flender, I don't understand what you mean."

Flender said angrily: "You are so smart, there is nothing you don't understand. My meaning is very simple. If you marry each other, you have become a husband and wife. Now give Erlong a title, and then ask for an heir. According to Your current cognition, as long as your relationship is not well-known by outsiders, then the kind of thing you imagined will not happen. Since you don't know, who can gossip?"

Tang Tian was slightly speechless in the dark, Flender like this is really scary, first he pushed the person he likes out to make people sleep.Then there is the urging of marriage and the birth of children.

It's so cowhide that it explodes!

Hearing Flender's words, the master's heart moved for a while, and he murmured: "Is this really okay?"

Flender said grandly: "What's wrong? At least in this way, both of you will feel better. As long as no outsider knows, what's wrong with you doing whatever you want? Don't say you are just cousins. , so what if they are brothers and sisters? You just love each other, and outsiders say it is brother and sister relationship, who would doubt anything. "

Hearing Tang Tian's words, he admired him even more. Is he afraid that he won't be able to tell if his stomach is getting bigger?Only a dog-headed military strategist like Flender could come up with such a bad idea.Damn.Flender was originally an owl, an owl strategist.

Listening to Flender's words, the master stood there like a statue, and after a long time, the master suddenly said, "Flender, why didn't you fucking say it earlier."

After leaving these words, the master rushed up and ran towards Liu Erlong like flying.Because of running too fast, his tears drew two graceful waterlines in the air.

Looking at the master's back, Flender showed a sincere smile on his face, "Xiao Gang, you coward, if it weren't for Erlong, you wouldn't even dare to think about it yourself, so you can only be teased by me like this?"

For some reason, Tang Tian felt a little terrified when he saw Flender's smile. He must be a world-class licking dog!

Seeing the master running towards him like crazy, Liu Erlong's heart skipped a beat, and Tang Tian was also taken aback.

Tang Tian hurriedly controlled the surrounding killing formations, "This is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it's making trouble."

The master almost rushed to Liu Erlong, stared at Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes that were somewhat confused, suddenly, he opened his arms fiercely, and hugged Liu Erlong into his arms with all his strength. "Er Long, I'm sorry for you, from now on you can do whatever you want."

PS: Thank you Xi'er for the 1888 book coin reward, which has been supported for a long time! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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