Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 184 Rules of the Contest

Chapter 184 Rules of the Contest
The reason why everyone is waiting in full force is that the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is not just a competition between soul master academies, it is also a major event in the entire soul master world. up to three months.It will last for a long time, and there may be a lot of fighting dogs in the middle. Who can say that among the Shrek Ten Monsters, no one will be unable to continue participating in the competition due to injury or other reasons?

And because the cooperation between soul masters can only be scaled up with seven or more people, each academy must send at least seven people to participate in each competition, so a certain amount of manpower for rotation is essential.

"Sit down, Oscar. If you still want to participate in the competition, you can tell him what I said. I will tell you here and I won't say more." The master waved his hand and motioned everyone to sit down, maybe It was because the dead knot in his heart was untied, and Grandmaster's complexion looked a little more rosy than before.

Oscar nodded and said, "Okay, master."

The official Shrek team members and four other substitutes sat around the master, quietly listening to the master's explanation.

"Soon, the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition will begin. Today I will explain the rules to you first, and then you can leave the school." While talking, the master kicked the drowsy Ma Hongjun next to him. Buttocks, without looking at him, continued: "Don't take it lightly, rules are restrictions and advantages that can be used. Strength is important in a game, but you must also know all the rules. Otherwise, it is very likely that others will take advantage of it and waste all your previous efforts .”

Being kicked by the master, the fat man stuck out his tongue, and he didn't dare to be sloppy anymore. His small eyes lit up, and he happened to see the substitute Jiang Zhu who was sitting opposite him.

Jiang Zhu is 19 years old, a few years older than the Shrek Seven Monsters, about 1.6 meters [-] in height, with a distinctive long crimson hair, and a soft appearance, although not as attractive as Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong Eye-catching, but definitely a beauty.The thing that attracted Fatty the most was her well-ripe body, the place that should be round was absolutely not flat, Fatty hadn't noticed it before, but seeing her face to face at this moment, she suddenly felt a little itchy.

Tang Tian hurriedly patted the drooling Ma Hongjun: "Fatty dog, be honest with me, it really doesn't work, Brother Tian will arrange a blind date for you in a while."

Although the evil fire problem in Fatty's body has been resolved now, he has already been in and out of Yihong Courtyard, and he has already known about the relationship between men and women, and his heart is no longer ignorant.He even understands more about men and women than some young people in their early twenties.And in the Shrek team, at present, he is the only one who is alone.People are in pairs, so how can the fat man not be envious?Otherwise, he wouldn't often scold Oscar jealously for having a bitch face.

Jiang Zhu naturally found that Ma Hongjun was looking at her, she blinked her eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on her pretty face.He looked with great interest at the only fat man in the Shrek team who wasn't too normal in size.

The other students in the academy had only a short time with the Ten Shrek Monsters. In Jiangzhu's view, Ma Hongjun, who was only 14 years old, was just a chubby little brother, with a very cute fat head and big ears.She didn't know that this fat man's mind was full of nasty things, the kind that made people want to beat him.

The master continued: "The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is the largest spirit competition in the world of soul masters, initiated and hosted by the imperial families of Tiandou and Xingluo, and co-organized by Wuhundian. It is second to the Wuhundian Elite Selection Competition. In the rules, there are a few things that must be followed. First, the students sent by the participating schools must be under the age of 25, and they must be able to maintain the number of participants in each competition to reach seven. Secondly , in the course of the game, for the purpose of friendly exchanges, try to avoid injuring opponents as much as possible. Death is not allowed. Once there is an act of killing an opponent, the academy will not only bear the corresponding losses, but also be expelled Soul master contest."

After a pause, the master continued: "Student Xiaotian should pay special attention to this point. Combined with the performance of Sunset Forest, the chance of manslaughter happening to you is relatively high."

"Master, this doesn't seem appropriate." Dai Mubai raised his hand to interrupt the master, "After all, soul skills have no eyes, so what if you kill by mistake? If the strength of the two parties is about the same, if they fight with all their strength, it is inevitable that there will be casualties."

The master looked at Dai Mubai, and said solemnly: "Although what you said is good. But, you have to understand that the purpose of the two empires holding this advanced soul master academy competition is not to allow each academy to fight for the outcome, but It is to select the best talents from among them to recruit. Some kingdoms, including Wuhundian and the two great empires, all have the same idea. The students who can represent the Advanced Soul Master Academy in the competition are all leaders in each academy , is also the future of the soul master world. It is not easy to train a soul master, and the number of soul masters in the whole continent has never exceeded six figures. Although the prohibition of killing opponents will have certain restrictions, it is also for you children A safeguard. From my point of view, this regulation is very correct."

Dai Mubai still didn't take it seriously, although he didn't like killing people, he didn't like the feeling of restraint when doing it.

Tang Tian also felt the same way, "Is this okay? I'm so scared that I don't even dare to release my spirit martial arts. Could it be possible to really go up and fight?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Tang Tian with a smile, seeing the earth-shattering he caused in the Soul Beast Forest, and felt that manslaughter seemed inevitable to him.If it is really going to be a manslaughter, then my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School must help Brother Tian to settle this kind of mess.

The master joked: "Xiao Tian, ​​I think it's okay. But with your strength, you can completely break the rules, so why do you have to participate?"

Tang Tian secretly decided that he must participate in the competition, and he had to go to the Wuhun Temple to recognize his face with a few bishops, and if something happened, they would have to come forward to appease the foolish people.Besides, I haven't provoked hatred for a long time, and it's time to reveal my face. To be a human being, I have to do my duty and do my job well.

Of course, the master didn't know what Tang Tian was thinking. Seeing Tang Tian fall silent, he continued: "Apart from these two rigid rules, there are some relatively standardized rules. Everything is based on fairness. For example: during the competition , you are not allowed to use any medicine or food that is not made by food-type or healing-type soul masters. Only the food-type or healing-type soul masters on the field have the right to replenish their players. That is to say, if you want to get Supplies, then, auxiliary-type soul masters must occupy a spot on the field. This avoids the possibility of cheating in teams with food-type soul masters. In addition, there is a rule that no weapons other than martial souls can be used. Therefore, Tang San, the hidden weapons you made cannot be used in this competition, you must keep this in mind, otherwise you will be directly expelled from the competition."

PS: Thank you Xi'er for the 688 book coins reward, and I will add more for the boss tomorrow! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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