Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 195 Conquering the Royal Clan

Chapter 195 Subduing the Royal Clan ([-])
Boom——, a violent roar erupted in front of Tang Tian's chest.

After briefly moving his body to stop the roar of his armor, Tang Tian smiled at Niu Gao, "Senior, are your hands alright?"

Niu Gao stared at him blankly, "Boy, your martial soul is not a stone."

Seeing that Tang Tian was fine, Tai Tan laughed, and said, "I think you should hurry up and use your martial soul, the young master is just teasing you. But the best choice is to surrender early, old rhinoceros, you are an old bone , can’t you be more calm? You’re still so competitive.”

Niu Gao said angrily: "Fart. He can hurt me back, I admit, this kid is really good, and your evaluation of him is not exaggerated. However, excellent defense does not mean excellent attack power, our Royal Clan is Prime example."

Tai Tan pouted, "Old Rhino, accept the reality."

Niu Gao was furious, "How can I say that this old man is also a Contra, if that's the case, I won't have to mess around anymore. Old orangutan, you underestimate me too much. Well, Tang Tian, ​​as long as you can support me for a stick of incense Time, not only can you stay, but my Royal Clan will no longer be against you in the future. What happened back then will be considered an end."

Tang Tian was overjoyed, he finally found a chance to dissolve this hatred, and hurriedly said: "Then you hurry up, I'm waiting to have a drink and talk later."

The titan on the side was secretly laughing, "Niu Gao, Niu Gao, after so many years, you are still impulsive. You are not as calm as me. I am afraid you will really suffer this time. You can rebound to you in defense, attack Can it be bad?"

Tang Tian is a smart person, and he will not let Tai Tan down.Standing five steps away from Niu Gao, he took a deep breath, and the soul power in his whole body suddenly swelled up, making him look very imposing.

Niu Gao was the closest to him, and naturally felt the deepest. The soul power released from Tang Tian's body surprised him, it was at least level [-] or above soul power!Could it be that the young man in front of him already possessed a strength above level [-]?No, it's not possible.This is absolutely impossible.

However, no matter how much he didn't believe it, the facts were already behind his eyes.

Tai Tan said: "Old Rhino, use Wuhun, it's meaningless if you go on like this."

At this time, Niu Gao couldn't care about his face anymore, after all, if he didn't use his full strength in a fight with an opponent of his own level, he would be dying.

Niu Gao summoned the spirit to possess his body, and his originally generous body swelled rapidly, his skin instantly turned black, and the extremely thick cuticle suddenly protruded. The first, second, and third on his body required the least soul power , released the fastest soul ring and the light flickered at the same time.It really turned Niu Gao's majestic body into a fortress, but he was frightened by the counter-shock force.

"The seventh soul skill."


The power of Niu Gao's punch was as domineering as a dragon's roar and a tiger's roar, and the magnificent soul power burst out suddenly, as if it could swallow Tang Tian's body covered with gold armor.The tyrannical explosive power exploded instantly.

Strangely, Tang Tian remained motionless, while Niu Gao——

Amidst the loud noise, Niu Gao's huge body flew out like a cannonball, and that mountain-like body flew into the air in an instant, hitting the wall of the hall straightly, creating a gap in the shape of a human.

It has to be said that the buildings of the Royal Clan are quite solid. Although the entire hall shook violently for a while, it finally did not collapse.

Hasty footsteps sounded from outside, before Niu Gao was only interested in chatting intimately with Tai Tan, he even forgot to let his servants serve tea.But there was such a huge commotion here that the entire Royal Clan was alarmed.

Hulala, there are at least 20 people pouring in outside, all of them are so majestic.The appearance of the first person is [-]% similar to that of Niu Gao, but much younger.Once in the hall he saw the titans.

"So it's Uncle Tai who came. Hey, you're here, why isn't my dad here? What was that noise just now?" The strong man asked with some doubts while respectfully saluting Tai Tan.

Tai Tan looked at Niu Gao, his expression became extremely strange, he attacked others, but threw himself out of the wall.However, of course he wouldn't worry about Niu Gao's body, the defense power of the Yu Zhi Clan was much greater than the attack power, they just rebounded from their own attacks, and couldn't cause real damage to Niu Gao who had released his martial soul.

Taixing whispered in Tang Tian's ear: "His name is Niu Ben, he is the eldest son of Grandpa Niu Gao. He is also good friends with my cousin Tai Nuo. But his talent is much stronger than my cousin and me."

Before Tai Tan could answer, the master came back.At the hole, Niu Gao got in in a disheveled manner.The clothes on his body were damaged in many places, and his martial spirit was restrained, but the dust all over his body and his weird expression made people laugh.

Niu Ben and a group of members of the Yuzhi Clan stared at Lao Niu Gao in astonishment, and they were all stunned.Niu Ben even rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure he read correctly.

"Uncle Tai Tan, this is your fault. Why did you bully my dad as soon as you came here!" Niu Ben said to Tai Tan, suppressing a smile.Because of the relationship between him and Tai Nuo, and because Tai Tan watched him grow up, he has always been very close.So he didn't have too many scruples.

Tai Tan laughed and said: "Who made your father insist on competing? Didn't I take care of this? It's okay, it's okay, we two old guys just exchanged ideas casually. You didn't see when your uncle and I were at a disadvantage. You can't favor your father!"

Niu Gao glared at Tai Tan. It was obvious that Tai Tan was helping him to cover up, and when he became angry, he immediately vented his anger on his son, "Bastard, who let you in? Didn't you see that the patriarch Tai Tan and I were talking about the old days?" ? Get out, get out of here."

Niu Ben is also in his 50s, but the one who was scolded by Niu Gao has no temper at all.In the Yuzhi Clan, Niu Gao is the absolute authority.This is why Niu Ben wanted to laugh when he saw his father deflated.

"Okay, okay, Dad, don't be angry. I'll get out of here. You two continue to talk about the past. I'll go and prepare food and drinks for you." After speaking, Niu Ben waved his hand quickly, with a kind The people of one family withdrew.

Tai Tan praised: "This kid Niu Ben is much better than our Tai Nuo. He is getting better and better at handling things. He hasn't inherited your bad temper yet. Not bad, not bad."

"That's not bad." Niu Gao had a look of resignation at this time.He walked over angrily, and slapped the dust off his body. Although he didn't want to, he had to face Tang Tian.

"Boy, you won. I used the martial soul just now, and the outcome is already clear, and there is no time for a stick of incense. The old man counts. From now on, there will be no more battles between our Royal Clan, your father, and you." any hatred."

(End of this chapter)

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