Abandoned daughter Liuyue

Chapter 485 Frankly Relative

Chapter 485 Frankly Relative (Part [-])

Chu Liuyue frowned tightly, unable to figure it out.

Looking at Chu Liuyue like this, Di Jiutian was very worried, and said, "Yue'er, we don't feel cold? Are you sick?"

"Sick?" Chu Liuyue stretched out her hand to feel her pulse belatedly, but everything was normal and she wasn't sick at all.

This is how it happened?
Chu Liuyue couldn't figure it out, so she had to let go of her entanglement for the time being, and continued walking towards the entrance of the cave with Di Jiutian and the others.

Getting closer to the entrance of the cave, Chu Liuyue's feeling became more and more intense, and her face also began to turn pale.

Walking beside Chu Liuyue, Di Jiutian immediately felt something strange about her, so he stopped and looked at her worriedly.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?" Di Jiutian supported Chu Liuyue, looking at her pale face, feeling very nervous.

"I don't know, I just feel cold." Chu Liuyue shook her head, not knowing what was wrong with her body.Why is my pulse condition normal, but I feel very cold.

"What should I do?" Di Jiutian looked at Chu Liuyue, not knowing what to do.

Chu Liuyue didn't know what to do, she found a place to sit down and tried to meditate.But my body is getting colder and colder, and it is difficult to even sit, let alone meditate.

Seeing that Chu Liuyue's condition was getting worse, Di Jiutian frowned, and then his gaze gradually became firm.

He bent down suddenly, hugged Chu Liuyue, and then quickly rushed out of the snake hole.

However, what Di Jiutian didn't know was that there was a pool of water outside the snake cave, he didn't pay attention to his feet for a while, and rushed directly into the water.

With a crash, the two fell into the water.

As soon as she entered the water, Chu Liuyue got better after being stimulated by the water. She looked up at Di Jiutian and opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't make a sound.

In the end, she had no choice but to close her mouth, and then let Di Jiutian hold her and swim towards the shore.

It's just that Di Jiutian's water quality was not good in the first place, and now that he hugged Chu Liuyue again, it was even more dangerous.Afterwards, Anyi and the others who came out watched and wanted to help several times, but were rejected by Di Jiutian.

How could his woman be hugged by other men?No matter how hard and difficult it is, he will bring Chu Liuyue back to the shore.

So, Di Jiutian hugged Chu Liuyue with one arm, paddled the water waves with the other hand, and swam towards the shore.

Although Chu Liuyue was not feeling well, she could feel Di Jiutian's hard work, as well as his persistence and unwillingness to give up.

In fact, Chu Liuyue wanted to ask him to let go of her several times, but Di Jiutian seemed to know what she was going to say, and bet her with words without waiting for her to speak.

Seeing Di Jiutian treat her like this, Chu Liuyue swore to herself that as long as she could walk out of this mountain alive, she would definitely repay him a hundred times in the future.

Finally, Di Jiutian took Chu Liuyue to the shore. The two of them should have been happy, but not long after they landed, Chu Liuyue passed out and felt cold all over. Her body was like ice. Not a trace of temperature.

This time, Di Jiutian panicked completely, touching Chu Liuyue's cold body, his face was full of helplessness and panic.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me, okay?" Di Jiutian hugged Chu Liuyue tightly, not paying attention to her body as cold as ice and snow.

At this moment, he just wanted Chu Liuyue to open his eyes, and only wanted her to take a good look at him.It's a pity that Chu Liuyue didn't respond at all, no matter whether he was shaking, shaking, or kissing her, there was no reaction at all.

How could this be?
(End of this chapter)

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