Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 101 Two 2 Elemental Academies?

Chapter 101 Two Schools of Five Elements?

Shrek Academy's challenge was naturally successful, but the Golden Element Academy as the host did not welcome them very much.

"As one of the five elemental academies, you can't afford to lose, right?" Ma Hongjun scratched his head.

Although Jinhua was roasted badly by him, almost turning into Jinhua ham, but he also received a lot of whips, okay?
How can you fight without getting hurt, right?
Even Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu had several scars on their bodies.

Well, although Tang San took Ning Rongrong and Oscar to fish in the rear, Dai Mubai's unceremonious abuse of food after finding out the opponent's strength... is quite disrespectful to the opponent.

"Golden Element Academy is not one of the five elemental academies!" Ning Rongrong suddenly said, "The five major elemental academies are Tianshui, Chihuo, Kamikaze, Thunder, and Elephant Armor Academy. Strictly speaking, it is not an Elemental Academy, but the mammoth martial soul of the Elephant Armor Academy is considered an earth attribute martial soul, so the five academies are collectively referred to as that. But there are no gold and wood academies among the five major elemental academies."

Tang San:"???"

Dai Mubai: "???"

"Aren't the five basic elements gold, wood, water, fire, and earth?"

Ning Rongrong explained: "There are five academies. The Gold Element Academy and the Earth Element Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire are just branches of the Metal Academy and the Wood Academy. The headquarters of the two academies are in the Star Luo Empire. "

"The five elemental academies of Tianshui, Chihuo, Kamikaze, Thunderbolt, and Elephant Armor also have branches in the Star Luo Empire." Ning Rongrong added.

Dai Mubai suddenly remembered one thing.

The Star Luo Empire also has five elemental academies.But it is not the water, fire, wind and thunder weevil, but the five colleges of white tiger (gold), plant (wood), wind sword (wind), fire leopard (fire), and shadow (dark).

The five elemental academies of the Star Luo Empire are also very strong, but not as strong as the Star Luo Royal Academy.

the reason is simple.

Xingluo Royal Academy is much stronger than Tiandou Academy, and Xingluo Royal Academy is divided into two campuses. The basic branch only looks at talent and strength rather than background, and there are various subsidies for talented students.

Most of the students who graduated from the intermediate academy would choose to study at Star Luo Academy if not necessary.

This has also led to the fact that in the past five years, it has been extremely difficult for other high-level soul master academies to recruit students, and they have to learn from Xingluo Academy to give students a lot of subsidies.

Of course, this is not a vicious competition, but it has caused the students of each college to be better than the other.

Under various incentive mechanisms, it is said that Star Luo Academy already has soul king students at this time, and the same is true for several other colleges.

"By the way, what's the full name of this metal sex academy?" Dai Mubai asked suddenly.

Jinhua: "..."

"Jin Yao! We are Jin Yao Advanced Soul Master Academy!"

If it wasn't for being unable to beat Dai Mubai, and having Dai Mubai's scythe pressed against his neck, Jin Hua can guarantee that he would definitely beat Dai Mubai with a whip.

Dai Mubai squinted at Jin Hua: "Why are you so excited? Don't you admit defeat?"

Jinhua: "..."

So why are you guys chatting on stage instead of talking off stage after we throw in the towel?
"We admit defeat." Jin Hua's face was full of resentment, "So can you leave as soon as you win? Can't we chat after going back to chat?"

Dai Mubai smiled, put away the sickle: "No way."

Ma Hongjun smiled meanly: "We just like the way you guys can't beat us and are still half dead by us."

Jinhua: "???"

Listen, is this human?

"Brother, this is a bit too much..." Tang San felt a little unbearable.

Jinhua's current appearance is really miserable.

The clothes were scratched by Dai Mubai and roasted by Ma Hongjun.

The others were fine, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing didn't strike too hard.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing cooperated more and more tacitly.

The current routine of the Shrek Seven Monsters is - Ma Hongjun goes out on the stage and makes a strong attack, restraining the strongest.Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing cooperated with each other to reap the opponent's other team members one by one.Tang San protects the two support systems while coordinating the overall situation, and the two support systems provide assistance in due course.Finally, there is Dai Mubai, he is responsible for the rescue and cooperation of the whole field.He is a brick on the court, where he needs to move it.

It has to be said that when encountering relatively fragile weapon soul masters, as long as they are restrained, Xiao Wu's teleportation plus eight-stage throw is indeed too strong for no reason.

In addition, Zhu Zhuqing recently researched a new way of playing Nether Shadow.

That is to launch a soul skill in the shadow to carry out a sneak attack.

It has to be said that Dai Mubai was dumbfounded seeing this way of playing.

Human creativity is truly... boundless.There is nothing impossible, only unexpected.

Zhu Zhuqing is currently researching how to pull others into the shadow, but it is said that she has no clue because of the difficulty.

"Young people nowadays, their psychological quality is too poor!" Dai Mubai put away his scythe, and stepped off the stage with his hands behind his back, with an aloof appearance of an outsider.

Tang San:"……"

Jinhua: ()
Never seen such a brazen person!
"Let's go, go back to the mountain, there is a bad old man waiting for you in the mountain!" Dai Mubai turned around and called Tang San.

Tang San reacted.

"Ah, I almost forgot! It's almost time!"

"Yutu, you go back first, brother and I will come back tomorrow morning!" Tang San hurriedly followed Dai Mubai.

According to Tang San's analysis, it will take at least half a year to treat Dugu Bo's poison, so Dai Mubai is not in a hurry, throwing soul skills to various herbs every day, and then jumping into the eyes of Ice and Fire Yinyi to take a bath.

"Fatty's flames are interesting..." Dai Mubai pondered while taking a bath, "Although I have acquired fire resistance long ago, I am still a little scared of Fatty's flames. It is said that Fatty ate some fire attributes before entering school. The treasure of the evil fire has been purified for a round?"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger has a doubt: "Why didn't Fatty pass on the nine-headed fire phoenix, but passed on the evil fire phoenix? He has become a god, and his descendants are also descendants of gods?"

Dai Mubai looked uncomfortable: "Don't ask, asking is setting!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger was speechless.

"It seems that the descendants of gods born on the Douluo Continent are just ordinary people, and only the descendants of gods born in the God Realm are considered real descendants of gods?" The holy beast Baihu Remnant Ling guessed.

"Maybe, or maybe it's been passed down for thousands of years, and the bloodline has become thinner, so the bloodline defect reappeared." Dai Mubai lay on the edge of the pool, and asked Tang San, "San'er, haven't you finished messing around yet?"

Tang San didn't turn his head back: "This place is blessed by nature, I'm afraid that if I leave here, I won't have a chance to make poison properly again, I have to hurry up."

Dai Mubai pouted.

Tang Sect's "Xuantian Treasure Record" is really too buggy. It is obviously just a cheat book in the martial arts world, but it has such a big effect in the fantasy world like Douluo Continent.

No wonder Zhutianliu's novels only regard Douluo Continent as a fourth-level world, and this is a rating after even God Realm is included.Even Dou Qi Continent has level five!
In terms of character, Xiao Yan is not as good as Tang San, but in terms of strength, Emperor Yan can beat Seagod!
"Tang San should become the God of Creation in the end, right?"

Dai Mubai fell silent.

It's obviously a huge world...

"San'er, have you thought about changing the world?" Dai Mubai suddenly asked Tang San.

"Huh?" Tang San put down the poisonous weed in his hand, he turned his head in doubt, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Dai Mubai asked curiously: "You have such a strange ability, have you never thought about changing the world?"

Tang San was silent for a moment, he looked at Dai Mubai: "Think about it, since the first discussion on the academy lawn that day, I have been thinking that my hidden weapon, my poison, and the Tang Sect I want to build can impact on the world."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows: "Then do you have the answer?"

Tang San shook his head slowly: "I can't draw a conclusion for the time being, because I don't know what you want to do."

"Huh?" Dai Mubai subconsciously tapped the edge of the pool of the Binghuo Yangyi eye with his fingers.

"What do you think I'll do?"

Tang San still shook his head: "I can feel that what you want to do may subvert the mainland, but what it is... I can't guess."

"Then do you think I'm right?" Dai Mubai asked.

Tang San turned back to clean up those precious poisonous weeds, but didn't answer.

It wasn't until he packed up that he also jumped into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and said to Dai Mubai: "I don't know, I don't think my opinion is important, if you think it's right, then it's right."

Dai Mubai changed his posture, he rested his arms on his pillow, and soaked in the eyes of the ice and fire Yin Yang on his back.

He said: "More than three years ago, the instructor who taught me for six years said a word to me before I left. He said: do everything you think is right, and then tell the world what you are right or wrong."

"And I, I want the whole world to admit that I was right!"

Tang San also looked up at the sky, he smiled: "It looks like a tyrant."

Dai Mubai didn't answer, the two fell into silence.

"It will take a long time." Tang San said softly, "Perhaps, even hundreds of years after our death, some people still don't recognize it."

"Then live until the day everyone will recognize it!" Dai Mubai's expression was very calm, but his eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire.

He looked at the sky, as if he could see the stars through the thick smoke.

"San'er, the lifespan of a Title Douluo starts at three hundred years." Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to the sky, and he clenched his fist as if holding something, "I want this world to exist according to my wishes! "

Tang San stared blankly at Dai Mubai.

He felt that he was looking at a madman.

But could also be a great man.

"Dai Mubai, everything you do has a purpose, right?" Tang San withdrew his gaze, also looking at the sky.

Dai Mubai was noncommittal.

"You think that's bad?" he asked back.

Tang San pursed his lips.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with that.


"Nobody wants to be taken advantage of."

Dai Mubai smiled: "Do you think I'm using you?"

Tang San shook his head: "I can feel that you really regard us as partners."

It is often this kind of sincerity that people cannot refuse.But it's also very confusing.

"You want us to join you willingly."

Dai Mubai admitted frankly.

"So what's your answer?"

 I only coded the current chapter in one night... I don’t know if I can feel better during the day.The college competition is about to start.It's a little bit Calvin.However, it will not be broken.Although it was off the street.The book should continue to be written honestly.There should still be only two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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