Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 108 In the Star Forest

Chapter 108 In the Star Forest
"Dai Mubai, are you really not afraid that I will kill you?" Qian Renxue pretended to be Xue Qinghe, sitting on a one-horned horse with complicated eyes.

"I'm afraid, but what can I do?" Dai Mubai smiled softly, "I'm not willing to kill you, and I'm not willing to imprison you, what else can I do except let you go?"

"Slick tongue!" Xue Qinghe gave him a blank look.

Frankly speaking, it is really a test of mental endurance to be rolled your eyes by a big old man with a coquettish expression.

Dai Mubai supported his forehead: "Don't be like this... If you roll your eyes at me with your original face, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold back, but with this man's face, it's a bit disgusting!"

"Go to hell!"

Qian Renxue snorted angrily and whipped Dai Mubai's face.

Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to hold the whip, feeling a little pain in his palm.

Qian Renxue was already the soul emperor of the sixth ring, so during the year when Pantaoshu didn't have a third soul ring, he was cautious every time he sneaked into Qian Renxue's bedroom.

If you accidentally roll over, it's over.Fortunately, even if the two titled Douluo around her were on guard day and night, it was useless.Who said those two don't have 10 year spirit rings?And Dai Mubai's 10-year soul ability is so insidious, he even let Long Aotian in soul state operate it.

Dai Mubai didn't know if the souls created by Huo Yuhao had soul power fluctuations when they moved, anyway, these few souls of Dai Mubai were silent when they moved.Including the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger, of course, when the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger is active, there will be a slight fluctuation at the soul level, but it is weaker than the fluctuation produced when the human spirit is active.Moreover, the Holy Beast White Tiger's remnant spirit generally won't move around!

"How much do you think about my handsome face?" Dai Mubai said helplessly.

Xue Qinghe drew back his whip, sat on the horse and looked down at Dai Mubai, he said: "You better not lie to me!"

Dai Mubai smiled.

Xue Qinghe rode away.

"I think too much, Qian Renxue is still too naive." Dai Mubai said to the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit.

The holy beast White Tiger Remnant stretched his muscles and yawned: "How insidious and cunning do you expect the people on Douluo Dalu to be?"

Dai Mubai laughed.

How Qian Renxue explained to the two Titled Douluo who protected her when she went back is her business.Dai Mubai wasn't worried that she would betray him.

"You are really confident."

"No way, although we can be sure that the world we live in is a parallel world, but the personalities of the characters here are almost the same as those in the original book. And the women in the original book are more or less in love."

"It's a bit too much to say that you are in love..."

"Tsk, there's no way. Everyone has limitations."

Outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

Dai Mubai asked Xiao Wu: "Do you know where there are more babies?"

Xiao Wu shook her head: "I don't know, I rarely walk in the Star Dou Forest."

Dai Mubai was speechless: "So how on earth did you live so long? You have achieved this level of cultivation at home?"

"We don't like to fight in the first place, and we don't eat meat, so it's hard to understand how we've lived to this age?" Xiao Wu said angrily.

Dai Mubai suddenly had a question he wanted to ask: "Well, it is said that the rabbit will be handed over in four months..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Wu kicked over!
Tang San:(_)
"It's all normal needs, what are you doing..." Dai Mubai quickly shut up seeing Xiao Wu's expression getting worse.

"Brother, listen to me, I don't have one! I'm not an ordinary rabbit!" Xiao Wu put her arms around Tang San's arm pitifully, and she explained, "The kind of rabbit Dai Mubai mentioned is an ordinary rabbit. My mother gave birth I was a ten-thousand-year soul beast when I was born, so I was very smart when I was born. Except for my father, I don’t even look up to other rabbits, let alone that! Brother, you must believe me!"

Tang San didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I believe in you."

He had never thought of being cuckolded by a rabbit before, just now Dai Mubai said that, he is actually a bit generous.But Xiao Wu explained everything, so he would naturally believe Xiao Wu.

"Hey, I heard that 10-year soul beast transformation is equivalent to rebirth, San'er, if you are really green—"

"Go to hell, Dai Mubai!"

Xiao Wu resolutely kicked it with a jio.

Tang San:()
How much Dai Mubai wanted to see his jokes!

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked curiously at Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu fighting, a little curious: "What are they talking about? Why don't you let us listen!"

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was calm: "It's okay, Mubai doesn't want us to know, it must be of no benefit to us."

"Why do you always defend him like this?" Ning Rongrong pouted, "He won't play with you, so don't bother with him!"

"Rongrong, Second Brother will take you to play!" Oscar jumped out from the side, squinting his eyes with a lewd expression on his face.

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes, and then showed a sweet expression: "Okay, second brother~"

Ning Rongrong kicked over with a jio.

"Oh..." Oscar held his buttocks with a sad expression on his face.

"Stay on the sidelines, if you interrupt again, I'll kick it in another place!" Ning Rongrong glanced dangerously at Oscar's lower three lanes.

Oscar dared not speak out, and walked up to Ma Hongjun in aggrieved manner: "Fatty, am I not handsome?"

Ma Hongjun brushed his hair, and slapped Oscar on the face: "First of all, don't call me fat anymore, I, Ma Hongjun, am already the most handsome man in Shrek Academy! Secondly, it's not that you are not handsome anymore, but that you are as cheap as ever! "

"Oh my god! Ma Hongjun! Did you treat me like this after you became handsome? Where's your conscience? Have you forgotten who stuck with you during the days when you were not handsome, and who stayed with you in a shameless manner? ?" Oscar held his heart, his face hurt.

Ma Hongjun kicked over with a jio, he took two quick steps, and said to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, you were right not to choose this bitch Oscar. Who can stand his virtue!"

"Ma Hongjun, you actually tried to expose me and Rongrong in vain! Are you still a human being?" Oscar lay on the ground with a look of grief.

Bone Douluo came out from the crack in the space, he smiled and said to Oscar: "I think what Little Phoenix said is right, it is wise for Rongrong not to choose you."

"No!" Oscar shamelessly hugged Bone Douluo's thigh and wailed, "I am sincere to Rongrong!"

Dai Mubai quietly strolled over, he suddenly asked: "Have you succeeded in researching your aggressive self-created soul skills?"

"That's a must!" Oscar got up, and regained the confidence that a genius should have. "After more than half a year of hard research, I finally know how to make the non-attribute soul power have attack power."

Bone Douluo raised his eyebrows.

"Try it?" He grabbed a soft bone rabbit casually and said, "You don't need to have a strong attack power, at least you have to be able to kill a rabbit."

Xiao Wu made a bitter face.

Why do you have to experiment with rabbits!


Oscar's eyes were fixed, and invisible soul power floated in his palm, gradually condensing into a long needle with a faint pink color.

"Pink soul power, I didn't expect Xiao Ao to be so girlish!"

Ma Hongjun sneered mercilessly, making Oscar almost lose his temper.

Oscar glared at Ma Hongjun, focusing on the long needle of soul power in his palm.

He looked at the head of the soft bone rabbit, fixed his eyes, and fired the long needle.

It was originally a long pink needle, but it turned invisible and colorless again during the launch process!

Dai Mubai could roughly sense the trajectory of the long needle, but its speed was too fast, for a moment he had a feeling that he couldn't avoid it.

Bone Douluo focused his eyes, and he could clearly sense the existence of the long needle of soul power, but when the long needle of soul power touched the soft bone rabbit, it suddenly shattered.

Then the rabbit fell to the ground and died!

"Spiritual attack?" Bone Douluo looked at Oscar in shock.

A food-type soul master actually created a method of mental attack?
What kind of peerless genius is this? !

Oscar shyly touched the back of his head, and said with a simple and honest smile: "I don't know too well. My soul power is really not aggressive, so I was a little bit self-destructive a while ago, so I threw soul power everywhere. Unexpectedly, I happened to kill a It was only a small white mouse used in the experiment, and after many attempts, it was discovered that the small white mouse really did not die by itself, but was killed by me."

"How did you do it?" Bone Douluo excitedly squeezed Oscar's shoulder, causing Oscar's expression to contort.

"Grandpa Bone, let go of Oscar!" Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar in pain, and shouted hastily.

"Oh." Bone Douluo let go, a little embarrassed, "I was also excited at the moment, little guy, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Oscar shook his head, rubbed his shoulders, and said, "I don't know the details, but I release the soul power while incorporating the spiritual power, so the long needle of soul power can have the effect of mental attack. "

"How do you divide your mental power?" Dai Mubai asked.

"Huh?" Oscar looked bewildered, "Separate the mental power? I don't know! If you want to use it, just integrate it!"

Dai Mubai covered his face.

"I don't know if your kid is really a peerless genius, but you are really lucky." Dai Mubai said, "You dare to use mental attacks without any precautions, you are really amazing!"

Bone Douluo frowned, he didn't expect Oscar's success to be accidental.He also thought that this attack method could be promoted.

"However, since non-spiritual soul masters have also used mental-aggressive soul skills, it means that other people can also." Dai Mubai patted Oscar on the shoulder, "Continue to study, it can really make all auxiliary system souls Masters can use this kind of soul skill, Oscar, your name can be passed down through the ages!"

Oscar clenched his fist, he looked at Ning Rongrong.

Afterwards, he said to Dai Mubai: "I will!"

"Your attack power is still very weak now, Oscar, you still have a long way to go!" Bone Douluo encouraged Oscar, and went back into the space crack.

mental attack...

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger stroked his beard.

"By the way, how should one train one's spiritual strength on Douluo Dalu?"

Dai Mubai was speechless: "You yourself are a spiritual body, you don't even know this!"

Remnant Spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger: "Emm, do you think I will?"

(PS: The new character building has been released, everyone can comment.)
(End of this chapter)

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