Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 130 The Runaway Piranha

Chapter 130 The Runaway Piranha
As a salted fish player of Onmyoji, Dai Mubai hates the two shikigami the most.One is Shiranui, because he often dies under his hands, but he can't draw life and death, and activities with a probability up can't save him.The other is the nightmare-eating tapir. When he was a rookie and salted fish who had just stepped into the arena, he was controlled to death by a psychopath with three nightmare-eating tapirs in the fighting skill.

Afterwards, Dai Mubai never encountered the neurosis of so many nightmare-eating shikigami in fighting skills.In addition, the copy of the nightmare-eating tapir is really difficult to fight.

Cough, I got off track, this is not an occasion for an onmyoji.

But looking at the lying mouse, Dai Mubai discovered that the soul ability of Yuren Water Lily is really, really, really buggy!
The Shrek Academy team unexpectedly experienced downsizing!

This was the first time that Shrek Academy was in such a clearly disadvantaged situation.

Xiao Wu tried to use her charm to open up the situation, however, she lay down.

Being attacked would cause a hypnotic counterattack, which made Ma Hongjun unable to sit still.

Group passive... What kind of fairy skill is this? !

Ma Hongjun looked at Yu Xiaogang who was in the audience.

Yu Xiaogang frowned, and nodded to Ma Hongjun.

Xiaohong changed her lazy state of watching the show, twisted her neck, and walked into the battle circle with her fists clenched.

Xiao Wu just didn't expect that a mental attack could trigger passive, so she lay down.

Oscar silently withdrew his soul power needle.

His self-created soul skill is also a mental attack, so it's best not to try it now.

In desperation, Oscar lifted off from the battle group.

His current task is just to make sausages.

"Their group skills are only limited to physical contact attacks and mental attacks, Xiaohong, burn them!"

Tang San took Leonard and Zhu Zhuqing into the air and retreated, and Shuwotian and Xiao Wu were sent off the fighting spirit stage.

"You guys are so strong that I have no choice but to make a move."

Ma Hongjun instantly entered the state of being possessed by a martial soul, and gorgeous phoenix feathers appeared on his body. Under the firelight, the already handsome Ma Hongjun became even more attractive.

It was the first time for Mu Jinlan to see a man who could make her heart sway just by his appearance.

"Xiao Hong is really handsome..." Dai Mubai sighed.

He had never seen anyone prettier than the current Ma Hongjun in the real world.

Qian Renxue in normal state is not as good-looking as Ma Hongjun in spirit possession state.

So... is that mutated Chiling Phoenix Sunflower so powerful?

Dai Mubai suddenly clenched his right hand arrogantly and hit his left palm.

He forgot to give the flat peach to Qian Renxue!
I was alone twice, and I forgot all about it.

"Hey, let's talk about it next time." Dai Mubai said helplessly.

Apart from that, there is no other way.

You will be able to meet Qian Renxue during the promotion competition, so don't worry, it's not a particularly important matter anyway.

Ma Hongjun's soul power level is too low, and he has not obtained the wings of the martial soul, so he cannot fly directly. However, after possessing the flying soul ability created by himself, a pair of gorgeous flame wings spread out from his back.

"Xiaohong's appearance..." Dai Mubai clicked his tongue.

Ma Hongjun flying in mid-air caused frantic screams in the auditorium.

"Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike!" Ma Hongjun looked at the rose girls who gathered together and stood under the soul power shield, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Whether they gather or disperse, to Brother Jun, it makes no difference.

Phoenix Roaring Strike: The skill of the back hand is limited, and the opponent cannot be locked. The opponent will be stunned and burned by the magma rising from the sky within 50 meters.Additional, [-]% phoenix flame burning effect.

Once ignited, it will continue to burn without strong fire resistance until the target is burned to ashes.

The Rozen Maidens can block the attacks from the sky, but Xiaohong's skill is erupted from the ground.

Ladies and sisters, I didn't expect to defend with the soles of my feet.

"The eruption from the inside out is often the most deadly." Dai Mubai sighed, "Although Xiaohong's soul power attribute is the most restrained metal attribute, but logically, under normal circumstances, the wood attribute is the most restrained by him .Poor young ladies~”

Dai Mubai crossed his legs gleefully.

Well, image doesn't matter at all!
The five young ladies who were still on the stage were blasted away, and the soul power shield shattered as soon as it was shattered.

Miss Water Lily fell into a coma on the spot, and Miss Moonlight Qiangwei was also seriously injured.

After this powerful ten-thousand-year soul skill goes on, the young ladies who are all flamboyant can no longer show off.

Almost all injured.

The only ones still fighting on the field are Miss Lily Lane, Miss Tequila and...

The last one turned out to be Miss Dawanghua?

Rafflesia, also known as cannibal flower.Although it can't eat people, and it has a delicate shape and bright colors, and its flowers are shaped like sun discs, and it is very big, but... it is actually a chemical weapon!
The flower language of Rafflesia: ①If you can’t get it, you will destroy it. ②Love every day as if it were the end of the world.

It represents a very extreme emotion.

So, Miss Piranha went berserk!
"Sunfall Emperor Flower—Sunfall Wheel!"

The "Rafflesia" with a diameter of three meters bloomed, and the huge flower spread out half of the fighting spirit platform, and released a strong smell. The Rafflesia, which had no roots, suddenly transformed into the piranha in Plants vs. Zombies It stretched out its head, and swallowed Ma Hongjun, who was dizzy from the smoke, into the heart of the flower.

The corner of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched: "If I'm not mistaken, the Wheel of Falling Sun is the copy of the soul, right? Is this match going to be a fight with itchy rats?"

Rozen Maidens can be renamed Tickle Maidens.

Tang San and the others who flew higher ate the small sausages, and due to their high enough altitude, they were not deeply affected by the poisonous gas attack.

"Bah!" Ma Hongjun used the third soul ability Scarlet Fire King to superimpose the second soul ability, and released a Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike again, successfully breaking out of the "King's Flower" Huaxin within 3 minutes.

After Ma Hongjun rushed out, he saw Miss Linglan and Miss Tequila who had used their martial soul fusion skills.

Just because you are all bunches of flowers, you can perform martial soul fusion?

Ma Hongjun retired after successfully eliminating the three young ladies.

What kind of martial soul fusion skills can the two flowers display?

Dai Mubai saw it this time.

"The Orchid of Destiny—Domination by Fate!"

The two younger sisters turned into one younger sister, and the younger sister stretched out her fair hand, swipe at Tang San and the others.

It looked calm and calm, but the wings behind Tang San and the others disappeared and fell onto the spirit fighting stage.

The soul power was directly emptied!
Tang San looked at Miss Erhe in shock.

Martial Soul Fusion Skill?

Didn't you say there is no such thing?
"It should have just been completed." Yu Xiaogang raised the corners of his mouth when he saw the two rose girls who were unable to maintain the martial soul fusion skill after using the soul skill and separated automatically.

After Ma Hongjun rushed out of the restraints, he kicked Miss Piranha unconscious with a jio.

Very good, there is only one person standing on the field at this time, and that is——

"Brother Jun!"

"Ah! Brother Jun, you are the best!"

"Brother Jun, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

Fierce flames ignited on Ma Hongjun's body, burning away the corrosive liquid contaminated on his body.

"Idols, you have to pay attention to your image at all times."

After Ma Hongjun threw the Rozen Maidens off the stage one by one, he waved to the audience.

"Tell me out loud—who's the best?"

"Brother Jun!"

"Brother Jun!"

"Brother Jun!"

Dai Mubai couldn't stand it anymore, and threw an apple on Ma Hongjun's head.


Ma Hongjun stabilized, even though he was attacked unexpectedly, Brother Jun didn't lie down!

Brother Jun is the only victor on the field!
"Who dares to hit me?"

Brother Jun looked around, and saw Dai Mubai staring at him.

Really eyeing.

"Okay, I have to show big brother face." Ma Hongjun took his anger out on the referee: "Have you not announced the result yet? Waiting for me to treat you to dinner?"

"Oh, Shrek Academy wins!"

After Dai Mubai got off the VIP table, he asked Yu Xiaogang with some doubts: "Didn't you say that Xiaohong will not make a move in the short term?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said, "Isn't there something to gain?"

"Did you know that Rose Academy has martial soul fusion skills?" Dai Mubai frowned, "This kind of thing..."

"It's just a guess. After all, although soul master Yingyue Tequila and holy soul Lily of the Valley had soul fusion skills, it doesn't mean that they can also use it. And, to be honest, compared to you, the stars The contestants from the Wuzhi Academy are more powerful, even if they lost the last round, they didn't use the Wuhun Fusion Skill, which is very confusing." Yu Xiaogang said.

The Star Martial Academy directly affiliated to the Star Martial Academy is the Soul Master Academy directly under the Star Martial Academy, and it is also another participating team with a soul emperor.

The soul masters in that academy are all tricky and weird.

"If Rose Academy has cards, then Xingwu Academy must also have cards." Yu Xiaogang rubbed his chin and frowned, "If you really meet them, I suggest abstaining."

But Dai Mubai shook his head: "Even if we expose our strength, we must maintain complete victory."

It's not that Dai Mubai doesn't want to give up tactically, but, as a prince who is fighting for the right of succession, he can't abstain.

He has to win all the way from start to finish.

There can be no stains!
"Then your time to hunt for the soul ring may be delayed." Yu Xiaogang said, "Although there is only one soul emperor in Xingwu's directly affiliated academy, their soul emperor is stronger than Mu Jinlan. Moreover, he is an attack-type The Beast Soul Emperor has very strong group attack spirit skills. The gap in spirit power level between you and them is too big, I don't think you will lose, but you will definitely experience a hard battle."

Dai Mubai nodded: "Then postpone it for another two days, and all the matches in the qualifiers will be over the day after tomorrow, right?"

"That's right," Yu Xiaogang opened the notebook in his hand, checked it, and said, "Tomorrow afternoon you will play against Xingwu Academy."

"After fighting the Rose Academy today, are we going to play Xingwu Academy tomorrow?" Tang San, who had just stepped off the stage with Xiao Wu in his arms, was full of helplessness, "The ones we met before were all rookies, but when we met a strong enemy, we all got together ?”

The teachers and students of Shrek Academy walked towards the rest area while discussing, and they ran into the team directly under Xingwu Academy.

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

Is it a routine plot again?

(End of this chapter)

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