Chapter 133
Long Aotian got rid of his soul identity and became the new co-lord of soul and beasts. Mu Bai hadn't woken up yet, Dai Mubai suddenly felt a little bored, even though he was still accompanied by Lu Mingfei and Huang Xin.

Dai Mubai strolled around the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, hoping to find a suitable soul beast with good luck.

According to what Tang San and Ning Rongrong said, the spirit ring obtained from Fairy Forest is related to one's own quality (including physical quality and psychological quality).That is to say, how long you can get a soul ring depends on how capable you are.

Ning Rongrong's fourth spirit ring has a lifespan of 7000 years, while Tang San's fourth spirit ring has a lifespan of 5000 years.

Moreover, this soul ring can also grow with the growth of the soul master!
In other words, Ning Rongrong's and Tang San's spirit rings might eventually become 10-year spirit rings... Well, it's not impossible for a million-year god-level spirit ring.

Encountering such a good thing, Dai Mubai resolutely assigned this spirit ring to the flat peach tree.

Pantaoshu now has three spirit rings, all of which are 10-year spirit rings, it is impossible for Dai Mubai to downgrade Pantaoshu's spirit ring.

I can only feel wronged by Mu Bai.

Although, Mu Bai and his choice will be the same.

"It would be great if the fairies could give you two spirit rings..." Dai Mubai murmured in a low voice.

Dai Mubai raised his head.

There is no such thing as "you're thinking about farts" or "you're ugly, but you think it's beautiful" in your ears.


Sure enough, what Dai Mubai loves the most is himself.

Dai Mubai couldn't understand how the Silver Dragon King fell in love with Tang Wulin, and there was another more important reason.

If he is the Silver Dragon King, and he meets his other half, then... no matter what, he wants to merge with himself!How could it be possible to endure being in someone else's body?Only when you merge into one, is your true self!
Dai Mubai never thought that Mu Bai would leave him, and Mu Bai certainly didn't think about leaving him either.

A schizophrenic patient, no matter how many personalities he has, is just one person.

"Meeting hentai when going out, bad luck!" A voice as cute as a child reminded Dai Mubai's ear.

Dai Mubai was startled, and looked around vigilantly.But I didn't see anyone, nor did I see any powerful soul beasts, I only saw a... husky! ?
A husky with three eyes!

"Three-eyed husky?" Dai Mubai's face was full of weirdness, "The white hair on the husky's forehead looks like a vertical eye, but I didn't expect it to be an eye!"

"What three-eyed husky?" The husky of an unknown breed showed a disdainful expression, "You are blind! Laozi obviously has five eyes! One more than you!"

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded by the scolding.

Since childhood, the first time he was scolded was a dog!

"Five eyes are amazing! Why don't you just have one more!" Dai Mubai subconsciously snapped back, "Who knows if the one on your forehead was drawn?"

"No one can doubt the eyes of labor and capital! Human! Labor and capital will scratch you to death!" The insulted husky exploded, rushing at Dai Mubai at a speed that Dai Mubai's naked eyes couldn't see clearly.

"Fuck!" Dai Mubai was startled.

This dog drives eight times faster!

Dai Mubai immediately used the third spirit ability, Undefeated Golden Body.

The husky bumped into the golden shield, its subconscious paw even scratched Dai Mubai's soul power shield!
"As expected of a demolition maniac... If it scratches this, I will be seriously injured!" Dai Mubai hurriedly repaired the damaged soul power shield, released the wings on his back, and left the husky behind , flew into the sky.

"Human! Are you still shameless?" Husky kept jumping on the ground, cursing while jumping, "If you are a man, come down and fight labor and capital! Isn't it good to be a human? Be a bird man!"

Dai Mubai black line.

"For the sake of your eyes, I will give you a chance to fight fairly!" The husky jumped higher and higher, and almost caught Dai Mubai's feet, causing Dai Mubai to fly higher and higher. . "Humans! If you fly up, labor and capital will have to zoom in!"

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes, couldn't help lowering his head and said to Husky: "They also have many eyes, why do you have to fight with me? Are you the Ten Thousand Years Beast King? Bullying me as a soul sect, how shameless you are?"

"Bah! Human, you have four 10-year soul rings, and you have the nerve to say that you are a soul sect!" Husky said surprisingly, "You just laughed at labor and capital, labor and capital must fight back!"

"Wait a minute, how do you know that I have four spirit rings?" Dai Mubai's face changed, and he couldn't help revealing a murderous look.

Apart from Mu Bai and the spirits, only his father knows his secret!

How does this weird husky know? !How does it know? !

"Hmph," Husky raised his head proudly, "Why do you think Laozi has one more eye than you! Laozi's eyes can see everything! It's just a few soul rings that almost blinded dogs! Soul workers can also see it!"

Dai Mubai looked at the vertical eye on Husky's forehead.

It was a pure white eye, with no pupils and irises, and if it hadn't been able to blink, it would have looked the same as the white hair on top of an ordinary husky.

"Hyuga family's supercilious eyes?" The corners of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched.

its not right!The white eyes of the Hinata family can also see the eyeballs, but the pupils and irises are white.

This husky can't see anything in his vertical eyes!
Why is its insight so strong?So strong that you can even see the existence of a soul body like Wuhun?This is considered piercing Yin and Yang, right?

"Three-eyed dog king Chen was born with a third vertical pupil, which is extremely perceptive and can be called the best in the Douluo Continent. In addition, their vertical pupils have the ability to see through all hidden and false. Some three-eyed dog king Chen also It has a certain power of prediction." Lu Mingfei explained to Dai Mubai, "Actually, it does not belong to the spirit beast family, it is a divine beast."

Dai Mubai didn't care about the huskies who were still shouting on the ground, he asked with some doubts: "Is there still a divine beast on Douluo Continent?"

"Soul beasts are a race born from the blood of the dragon clan, but some races were very powerful even in the era when the dragon clan was fighting for hegemony on the mainland." Lu Mingfei said, "In the era before the appearance of soul beasts, it is impossible that there were no Other powerful beast races other than the dragon race. We can call those powerful beast races divine beasts, and the three-eyed dog king Chen is one of them, and of course, there is also the Mingfeilu clan."

"Can the divine beasts become gods?" Dai Mubai asked with concern.

Lu Mingfei shook his head: "No."


Lu Mingfei sighed: "At the beginning of the battle between the Dragon God and the human gods of the God Realm, the gods and beasts were also participants. Many gods and beasts were wiped out in that battle. Frankly speaking, apart from me, the three-eyed dog king in front of me It was the first beast I saw."

"Doesn't Ditian count?" Dai Mubai was puzzled.

Lu Mingfei said: "Ditian belongs to the pure-blooded dragon clan, neither belongs to the beast clan, nor does he belong to the soul beast clan."

"There's another question...that husky, doesn't it have five eyes? Like me, it has two pupils."

Lu Mingfei seemed to be smiling, and it said: "It is the emperor of the three-eyed dog king Chen family, of course, it is also the only blood of the three-eyed dog king Chen. It is also the kind of dog with the power of prediction that I just mentioned Wang Chen."

Dai Mubai nodded, lowered his head and said to the huskies who were jumping happily: "I would like to call you the one with the most eyes, can you stop hitting me?"

Since the people closest to him are all beast races, Dai Mubai generally doesn't want to fight with soul beasts, and he still has a sense of intimacy with them.

Cough, although he might not be able to beat the Huskies at all.

"Humph, Laozi knew you would be cowardly!" Husky licked his paw, stretched out his right front paw, and stroked the hair on the top of his head like a human.

This husky...

Are you fucking farting?
"Since you have confessed, labor and management can't be too narrow-minded, and the big dog will let you alone!"

The big dog let you alone!
Dai Mubai: ()
"Come down!" To show his sincerity, Husky took a few steps back, expressing his attitude that he would not attack again.

Dai Mubai sighed, landed on the ground.

"Human, is there any fun there?" Husky asked curiously, "I heard that you can do anything if you have money?"

Dai Mubai nodded: "It is true that money can do anything. How do you know?"

Husky showed a look like a fool: "Of course I know it from you humans. Why are you so stupid that you can't analyze such a simple thing?"

Dai Mubai took a deep breath.

Almost out of breath.

"Of course I know, but how did you know it from humans? Eavesdropping or peeping into memory?" Dai Mubai just remembered the first sentence Husky said, guessing that Husky might have skills like mind reading.

"Isn't that stupid?" Husky carelessly stretched out his paws to Dai Mubai, "Give your meat to Lao Zi, I don't want to hunt today."

Dai Mubai stared.

"Why did you say such shameless things so confidently?"

Husky once again showed an expression like looking at a fool: "Why do you think so shamelessly that I will let you go alone for no reason? Do you have to give labor and capital to know?"

Dai Mubai: "..."

"Labor and capital are fighting with you!" Dai Mubai roared, then lifted into the air again, releasing the Golden Leaf Dance.

Husky blinked the vertical eyes between his brows, flicked his sharp claws casually, and with a sound of "ding ding ding ding ding", it jumped up and scratched Dai Mubai's paw.

Dai Mubai rose in time, and was not scratched by this claw, but he still felt severe pain in his right calf.

He looked down, the soul clothes on his body were broken, and the bones of his calf were scratched so that the naked eye could see it!
"Fuck! I have a spirit bone in my right leg!"

It was the first time Dai Mubai suffered such a severe trauma!

Husky licked the blood on his paw, stopped jumping, but raised his head, looked at Dai Mubai proudly, and said: "Now you know who is the big brother?"

Dai Mubai's forehead was sweating, and he almost didn't enter the "3-minute sage time" to rush down and continue to smash with Husky.

"It has no malicious intent." Lu Mingfei said, "The dog king is a very smart race, that is to say, they know how to grasp the situation very well, and they know very well how to maximize their benefits."

"Since it knows, why does it still scratch my paw?" Dai Mubai complained.

Although he knew that Husky was showing off his muscles and increasing his bargaining chips, this did not affect his urge to kill Husky.

I really want to yell at Husky...but it seems that I can't.

The healing ability of the right leg bone was activated, and a rich green light lit up Dai Mubai's right leg wound, healing his wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Humans, if you are honest, take out the meat." Husky said with a stinky face.

Dai Mubai's head was full of black lines: "You should know that even if I can't beat you, I can still run. Moreover, I may not be able to beat you."

Dai Mubai landed again with an ugly face, at this time although the clothes on his legs were torn, the wounds were basically invisible.

The 10-year spirit bone skills are really extraordinary, and the deep wounds healed in less than 3 minutes.

"Okay, you are really strong." Husky smacked his lips, "So can you give meat to labor and capital?"

Dai Mubai: "..."

This dog is really shameless.

"You scratched me and still want me to eat meat for you? You're thinking about shit!" Dai Mubai said angrily.

So angry!
I want to eat dog meat hot pot!

"Don't be like this, labor and management have eaten your meat, so will they hang out with you?" Husky said with a smile.

"Huh?" Dai Mubai was stunned this time, "Don't you want to get a good position with Long Aotian? What does it mean to mix with me?"

"I just gave you a soul ring and soul bone, and it's still your soul." Husky lay on the ground, scratched behind his ears, and said lazily, "It's not a loss for a meal to work for you, right?"

"Why?" Dai Mubai was puzzled, "If you really have mind reading skills and can predict the future, you should know that following me is the same as following Long Aotian, and even following him is the best choice. "

"When my father sealed me, he told Laozi thousands of times that he must follow a person with many eyes after he wakes up." Husky curled his lips, not knowing how a dog made the same movements as a human , "The labor and management think you are a bit stupid, but you are lucky, and it is definitely right to follow you."

"Besides, I guess you won't be able to find anyone with more eyes than you?" Husky smacked his lips, feeling very sorry, "I still want to find a plump beauty to hug my thighs. Tsk, I made a mistake."

Dai Mubai was speechless: "To be honest, I have seen a woman with more eyes than mine, a pair of eyes has six pupils in total, why don't you go find her?"

"There are so many people on the mainland, how can labor and management have the time to find someone? Even if they find them, can they compare with a son of God like you?" Husky said impatiently, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Don’t let people eat a good meal?”

"You are not human." Dai Mubai ruthlessly pointed out the mistakes in Husky's words.

"Don't you know that basically all the mythical beasts can transform?" Husky looked at Dai Mubai strangely, and asked, "Didn't that divine beast on your body tell you?"

Lu Mingfei came out gracefully, standing in front of the husky, and said with emotion: "Long time no see, Erha."

 A series of materials for the dissertation will be handed in tomorrow, and I still have two troublesome things that have not been completed.I have been working on foreign language document translation for a day today, and my brain hurts.I seem to have created a miracle without pigeons.Days feel like years is how I feel today. . .If not for graduation. . .

  In addition, I actually found a reader who is very popular. Isn't the book I wrote a book about men?

  Finally, thank Mu Heyi for the reward.I'll add more when I'm done with this.

(End of this chapter)

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