Chapter 135
Frankly speaking, Dai Mubai actually wanted to experience a hearty battle, but for some reason, he couldn't achieve that effect.

Whether it was a team battle or an individual battle, he had never really encountered that kind of evenly matched opponent.

Either abuse or be abused.

"Are you going to eat it raw or roasted?" Dai Mubai asked Erha intimately.

It should be better for this kind of active soul beast. The last one who was so active was Long Aotian, and Long Aotian also brought him very good skills, but now Long Aotian has begun to rely on himself.

Erha just connected.

I always feel that if Erha becomes his soul, he will not be lonely in the future.

Well, how can an otaku with a skinny nature have no partners who complain about each other?

Lu Mingfei was just too serious.

It doesn't fit his aura.

"Bake it!" Erha waved his paw boldly.

Dai Mubai: "..."

All right, why would he want to earn a soul ring for nothing?Well, there is also a soul bone as a bonus.Dai Mubai still doesn't know how to operate the soul or something.

Suddenly seems to want an Electrolux!

There is no future for following Huo Yuhao. He sent martial souls, demiplanes, and all kinds of knowledge. In order to help Huo Yuhao, even the remnant souls were included, but in the end, there was no sign of resurrection.

Following him will be different, with his physique with a max lucky value, it is guaranteed that the old man can enjoy his old age peacefully!
It's a pity that Electrolux is not here at this time!
"It seems that Huo Yuhao is Dai Mubai's descendant in the original book, right? It seems mentioned in the original book?" Dai Mubai shook his head and gave Erha a barbecue.

The fat and thin pieces of meat flow out yellow and clear fat under the barbecue of cinnamon branches, and then sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles, it is fragrant!
Dai Mubai seemed to hear the system prompt "You learned the skill: Barbecue Specialization", but in fact it didn't.

"Perhaps Huo Yuhao inherited his grilled fish skills from me... However, if I continue to develop according to my expectations, it is impossible for me to have a descendant as miserable as Huo Yuhao? Well, but who can say for sure what happened later? "

Dai Mubai handed the barbecue to the salivating Erha: "Eat it."

Erha, a vicious dog pounced on Shishi and put the barbecue into his mouth: "It's been three days since I came back, and I finally ate a decent meal."

Erha was so satisfied that his nose was bubbling.

Lu Mingfei looked disgusted: "You haven't eaten in three days and you're so hungry?"

Erha: "The main reason is that labor and capital have been sealed for 30 years!"


After serving Erha finished eating, he started to get down to business, but before that, Dai Mubai had to rest for a while.

After two hours of continuous barbecue, he was full of the smell of barbecue and was now tired.

"I have a question. Why is Erha the Dog King Chen, not the Chen King Dog or the Chen Dog King?" Dai Mubai lay on the rocking chair like a salted fish that had lost its dream.

Erha asked: "Is there any difference? As we all know, the wrong order of words does not hinder reading. For example, you are a fool and you are a fool, or you are a fool, or even you are a fool, they all have the same meaning."

Dai Mubai: "..."

So pissed off!I was scolded again!The point is that I still don't know how to refute it.

I can't scold a dog...

"For the sake of your great contribution to me, my lord forgives you a lot." Dai Mubai waved his hand tiredly.

Dai Mubai had had enough rest, Erha had also finished digesting, and the sacrificial activity officially began.

The familiar red light flashed, and Dai Mubai once again entered that state of time and space being frozen.

Erha didn't talk too much, he offered sacrifices when he said sacrifices.

As the emperor of the three-eyed dog king Chen clan, Erha's spiritual attributes are extremely high, and he can even compete with the million-year-old Tianmeng ice silkworm.

If he didn't come back in the first timeline, there would be Tianmeng Iceworm!

Tianmeng Iceworm doesn't have any attack skills, and Erha's attack power, just now Dai Mubai has tried his best.

If it weren't for the spirit bone on his right leg, his leg might have been scratched and broken.

And what kind of soul skills are Tianmeng ice silkworms?Spirit detection, spirit interference, spirit sharing, soul impact.

Erha doesn't have the ability to share spirits, but this one can be completely created by oneself.

As long as the spiritual level is high enough, it is not difficult to directly invade other people's minds.

As for mental detection, mental interference and soul impact, Erha's one skill has all the effects of these three skills.

In the final analysis, it is just a way to use spiritual power.

In the era when the gods and beasts were rampant in the continent, this kind of ability was known to all the gods and beasts.

In the Dragon God battle, the God Realm suffered heavy losses, and the Beast Race, as the losers, suffered even more.

Just look at the pitiful appearance of the beast with less than three digits now.

It is said that there are still three-digit beasts, but most of them are scattered in other worlds.As for those left on Douluo Continent, apart from those in the sea, only Di Tian was there.

Because Erha has successfully sacrificed, it is considered dead now.

Soul: Five-Eyed Dog Emperor Prophecy-Erha.

Soul ring age: 38 years.

Soul bone: Right arm bone.

Soul skills: (1) Chongming Tong, spiritual skills.Effect ①: The double pupils turn into purple-gold, with a three-dimensional detection capability within a radius of one kilometer.As the level of soul power increases, the detection range expands.Effect ②: Accumulate pupil power to launch mental interference and mental attack skills, and the amount of pupil power determines the strength of the skill.

(2) Guidance of fate, a passive skill.Effect: Fate is unpredictable, but He will always give some hints to lucky people.Note: This skill is extremely unfriendly to non-chieftains.

Soul Bone Soul Skill: (1) Claw of Destruction, active skill.Effect: Do you know the nickname of Husky?That's right, it's the house demolition maniac.There is nothing on this Douluo Continent that Husky can't destroy with one paw, if there is, then scratch a few more paws.

(2) Claw of Confusion, active skill.Effect: Do you know why you can't always scold me for being ◎brainless?Yes, they always have the ability to bring your IQ to the same level as theirs, and then beat you through rich experience.Therefore, you need this skill that allows the opponent to reduce their intelligence and become a staff.

As expected of Erha who has the ability to read minds, this skill explanation is very considerate.


"Why don't you give me the mind reading skills?"

Dai Mubai is called Longwangshu.

Erha rolled his eyes and lay down under the flat peach tree.

"I see you have no flat peaches, you are thinking about Peach."

Dai Mubai: " can't keep your virtue?"

Erha licked his paw, and said righteously: "No, I can die."

Dai Mubai simply ignored him.

"Next, it's time to go to Fairy Forest." Dai Mubai glanced at the sky, it was already dark.

The group of fairies said that they would be ready at noon tomorrow.

You can get another soul ring tomorrow, so work hard to get the 10-year soul ring in one go!
Hey, in this day of eating soft food, when will you be tall.

(PS: I can only write daily complaints, I can only let Dai Mubai eat soft food forever. Don't ask how to deal with the battle? Asking is unlimited cheating.)
(End of this chapter)

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