Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 137 It's time to skip it again because I don't know the water battle plot

Chapter 137 It's time to skip it again because I don't know the water battle plot

Dai Mubai closed his eyes, the gold, silver and purple three-color soul ring around him kept changing, and finally turned red.

A red soul ring with two golden stripes.

The little fairies were all stunned.

The beautiful sunshine fairies couldn't hold back their surprised expressions.

They whispered: "Isn't this human being only level fifty?"

"Why is he so strong physically and mentally?"

"Our soul ring should have some spiritual impact, right?"

The Sunshine Fairy wearing a crown narrowed her eyes, in its eyes, five golden spots lit up on Dai Mubai's body.

"Perhaps, this is the so-called Child of Destiny?" The Sunshine Fairy Queen said to the two Sunshine Fairies beside it who were not involved in the discussion, "Give him a soul bone."

Sunshine Fairy on the left of it was stunned for a moment: "Although Yue Xiao once promised to give him a soul bone, he has not fulfilled the agreement with Fairy Jungle."

The Sunshine Fairy Queen didn't respond to it, but instead said, "Pick a 10-year-old soul bone."

The Sunshine Fairy on the left of it was also stunned: "That is our ancestral soul bone! Except for the soul bone bestowed by the mother god when we were born this time, there is only one piece that was passed down hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"So let it know our sincerity." Sunshine Fairy Queen sighed, "Actually, he does not lack such a soul bone. He already has five... I think you should know what this means."

The two sunshine fairies suddenly changed their colors.

A fifty-level soul king has five soul bones?

When did soul bones turn into Chinese cabbage?

"I can feel that he has the same aura as the mother god, although it is not as strong as the mother god's aura." The Sunshine Fairy Queen said again, "If I guess correctly, he has at least obtained a first-level god. The favor of slander."

On the chest of Queen Sunshine Fairy, the position of the heart lit up with a golden light. Her expression was hidden under the light, and no one could see it again.

"We do not belong to the Douluo Continent after all."

I couldn't tell what meaning there was in its voice, but the two sunshine fairies beside it lowered their heads.

"As you wish."

Two months later, Wuhun City.

After defeating Tianshui Academy in the promotion competition, Ma Hongjun officially left the singles league.

Now, he is finally not the only single dog in the team... Oh, no, Tyrone is still a single dog.

Tai Long's sense of existence is too low, although he always follows Tang San like a follower.

Among the Shrek Seven Monsters, except for Dai Mubai, everyone else is still only Soul Sect, of course, even at level fifty can be regarded as Soul King.

Tang San and the others broke through too fast, after a series of battles they finally fully grasped the strength of Skyrocketing.

It's not that they want to lower the level and not hunt for spirit rings, but because time is tight and they have no chance to hunt for spirit rings at all.

Dai Mubai actually asked Black Sky Douluo Guixixi for help, but Yu Xiaogang declined.

The reason is nonsense, Yu Xiaogang said that they don't need to get the soul ring to beat the team of Wuhun Temple.

But is that something related to Wuhundian?
There are four soul emperors in his brother Davis' team!
As far as the Shrek Seven Devils currently have only one soul king, they still want to win?
Although, it's not particularly difficult.

As a true God's son/true Lady Luck's mistress with 21 soul abilities, fifteen of which are 10-year soul abilities, Dai Mubai is worthy of everyone!
No one is false!

Ever since he crossed over, he has been favored by God alone. This Douluo Continent has a lot of protagonists, so God favors him.He just said to God, Dad, please love me more!
Hey, who told him to have such a handsome face?Isn't it normal for Lady Luck to want to favor him?

Erha: "Goddess of Luck has two forms, one male and one female."

Dai Mubai: "..."

Suddenly choked.

"Can't you let me pretend to be tough?"

Erha stopped talking, Dai Mubai could only temporarily suppress his anger.

Dai Mubai looked at the silent people in the conference room: "Tomorrow we will face the Xingluo Royal Academy, are you nervous?"

Tang San shook his head: "Although they are seven levels higher than us on average, if you say you are afraid of them, that's not true. After all, who of us doesn't have more than six spirit abilities?"

"Then why are you so quiet?" Dai Mubai was puzzled, "Why, what kind of ritual sense do you want to create when facing a powerful enemy?"

"That's not true," Oscar said, "It's just that if we fight with the Star Luo Royal Academy, we will definitely not be able to keep our hands. At that time..."

"Are you afraid of getting hurt or an accident on the other side?" Dai Mubai asked again.

Oscar was silent.

Dai Mubai smiled.

He released the soul skill of the world of mortals, covering up what was about to happen in this meeting room.

"It's all here, we are also brothers and sisters who were born and died, so I won't hide it from you." Dai Mubai stretched out his left hand, "I am twin spirits."

"What?!" ×6
Tang San and the others all stood up in shock.

They looked at the flat peach tree glowing with nine colors, but felt their heads went blank.

Dai Mubai turned out to be twin spirits? !
"I'm sorry." Dai Mubai stood up and bowed to everyone, "My identity does not allow me to do this, but I think I should give you some confidence."

Zhu Zhuqing stared straight at the delicate and beautiful flat peach tree, opened his mouth, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart, as if something was clamoring, furious, and wanted to break through the restraint and wreak havoc!

"No, I can still catch up to him!" Zhu Zhuqing said frantically to himself, "It's just twin martial souls! It's just twin martial souls!"

"It's just twin spirits." Dai Mubai walked up to Zhu Zhuqing's identity, and patted her head, "I didn't tell you guys before, because at that time I wasn't qualified to be protected by the empire, and I didn't either. Imagine being a prisoner and being watched secretly at any time. Moreover, if you don’t speak out, you will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.”

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, and said: "Tang San didn't dare to expose the second spirit because he had an undying hatred with the Spirit Hall. But once I was exposed, I would definitely be no different than the dead Heaven Dou Empire Those two princes will live a long time."

Everyone was silent.

Although they are not very old, they also know that Spirit Hall and Tiandou Empire absolutely don't want to see an extremely powerful Xingluo Emperor, let alone lead the Xingluo Empire to prosperity.

After a long silence, Tang San asked: "Brother, you should also tell me what happened back then, right?"

Dai Mubai led Zhu Zhuqing to sit down, held Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, and let her sit on his lap.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was blushing, she was in a mess right now, and she didn't resist, instead she buried her face in his arms very obediently.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, ignoring the expressions of the others as if they were overwhelmed, and said: "I can't find out exactly what happened that year, after all, it was a battle between at least three titled Douluo."

"I only know that on the day you were born, your mother died at the hands of Wuhundian."

(PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, all kinds of tickets!!! 3 collections, 120 recommended tickets per day? I don’t want to lose face?)

(End of this chapter)

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