Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 147 Never seen such a brazen person

Chapter 147 Never seen such a brazen person

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu unbearably, she felt that Dai Mu's words were too harsh.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar looked at each other, not knowing how to comfort Xiao Wu.Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai, then at Xiao Wu and Tang San, his big watery eyes were full of doubts.

They are still a little confused.

"Dong'er!" Seeing that Erha swung Bibidong's claws of destruction again, Yu Xiaogang finally couldn't help calling out Luo Sanpao, and rushed towards Bibidong.

Erha glanced at Yu Xiaogang in distaste: "What, it's in the way!"

Yu Xiaogang blocked Erha's attack for Bibidong. Although Bibidong was stunned for a moment, she immediately regained her senses and counterattacked Erha.

Erha's huge body dissipated into spots of light, turning into Dai Mubai's normal body half a meter tall when he first met.

Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to Erha, Erha reluctantly returned to his palm.

"Your Majesty Hei Kong, let's go." Seeing Tang Hao, Sword Douluo, and Red Moon Douluo who were in full swing with the Title Douluo of the Spirit Hall, Dai Mubai looked at Hei Kong Douluo, "I With Tang San, Xiao Wu went straight back to the palace. Headmaster, take Grandmaster. The others follow Sect Master Ning and retreat with the legion later."

At this time, the fighting in Wuhun City was also loud.

In addition to the soul master legion stationed three hundred miles away from Wuhun City, there was another legion led by Ying Douluo outside Wuhun City.

Ying Douluo, also called Fan Ying, has a soul power of level 93, and is the great-grandfather of the soul saint Fan Ying who once protected Dai Mubai.

His ninth soul skill, Shadow World, can turn 9000 people whose soul power level does not exceed fortieth level into phantoms, hiding in the Shadow World for one month.During this period, the phantoms were completely under his control, that is to say, if he wanted to, these 9000 people could be wiped out in an instant.Of course, he can also let these people leave the shadow world and return to normal.

When Shadow Douluo arrived at Wuhun City, an army of Soul Venerables suddenly appeared in Wuhun City, and, under the leadership of Shadow Douluo and Wolf Douluo who had already arrived in Wuhun City, attacked the spirit masters of Wuhun City. Attacked.

On the Pope's Hill, Ning Fengzhi looked at Dai Mubai with a frown, and said in a deep voice, "Take Rongrong away too!"

Heikong Douluo's ninth soul ability can bring nine people, if Ning Rongrong is added, there are only six people.

Dai Mubai nodded, but Ning Rongrong held Oscar's hand, she said to Ning Fengzhi: "Father, I want to stay here with you!"

Ning Fengzhi looked at her holding hands with Oscar, and couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

This daughter is disabled!

He even dared to lie to his father for the sake of a wild man!

Heikong Douluo said impatiently: "There are only nine of you all in Shrek, just right! Let's go together."

Dai Mubai said to Oscar and the others: "Let's all hold hands, let's go first."

The others quickly nodded and joined hands, and Flender carried Yu Xiaogang, who was accidentally injured by Erha and vomited blood, and stood beside Heikong Douluo.

"Uncle Tang, don't love to fight, you should withdraw quickly!"

Dai Mubai yelled at Tang Hao, and was taken away by the Black Sky Douluo group.

Seeing Tang San and Xiao Wu being taken away by Dai Mubai, Tang Hao swung the Clear Sky Hammer even more vigorously.

Tang San was here in the Spirit Hall, and he was always worried that Tang San would be injured, so he couldn't let go of his hands and feet. Only when Tang San left, could he do whatever he wanted and kill!
But he also heard what Dai Mubai said, now is not the time to settle accounts.

"You have to pay the price today!" Tang Hao raised his head to the sky and screamed, and once again displayed his real body of Haotian!
The huge dark golden Clear Sky Hammer hit a certain Titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall with unparalleled strength, but Tang Hao himself took this opportunity to run away.

"Tang Hao! I'm going to kill you!" Bibi Dong roared angrily!

Her beautiful face was distorted with anger.

Tang Hao glanced at Bibi Dong coldly, and left Wuhun City more quickly.

Looking at Sword Douluo standing in front of her, Bibi Dong's expression was as gloomy as water: "When did the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School join the Star Luo Empire?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Xue Qinghe who was ruthlessly abandoned by Dai Mubai, and asked: "I remember that Ning Feng Zhi Ning is the teacher of Prince Tiandou, right?"

Jian Douluo said expressionlessly: "The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School did not join the Star Luo Empire, but both the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the heirs of the Star Luo Empire are in Shrek Academy, and there is such a dangerous person in Shrek Academy, we have to Do not make some preparations in advance.”

"I'm curious, how can you resist facing a 10-year-old soul beast?" Bibi Dong sneered, "That's right, you have already become a Titled Douluo. But, don't you think about giving her to future generations?" ?”

Jian Douluo didn't speak, but put away his martial soul.

"It's meaningless to fight, it will only increase the casualties." Sword Douluo glanced at Douluo Hall, his face was calm, "We don't kill that soul beast, we naturally have our own plans."

"Stop!" Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

Ning Fengzhi was still personable, after Bibi Dong spoke, he also said: "Stop."

Zhao Kui saw that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect had stopped, causing the Star Luo Empire's legion to stop attacking as well.

"Sect Master Ning, Elder Zhao Kui, should you give me an explanation?" Bibi Dong glanced across the messy ruins of the Pope's Palace and the entrance of the main hall full of blood and blood, with a terrifying expression on his face, as if he wanted to choose someone But it's like eating.

Zhao Kui said indifferently: "Explanation? Your Wuhun Palace intends to murder the heir of my Star Luo Empire. Is there anything wrong with us sending reinforcements to fight back? Instead, I want to ask His Holiness the Pope for an explanation. Why do you want to do something to the prince of the Star Luo Empire? !"

Zhao Kui not only refused to admit it, but also bit back.

"Wuhundian didn't attack Dai Mubai at all!" Bibi Dong was furious, she knew that such an explanation was useless, but she still wanted to say it out, "Aren't we just trying to capture a 10-year-old soul beast that turned into a human being! You guys She is covering up a dangerous 10-year-old soul beast!"

"Why didn't I see the so-called 10-year soul beast?" Zhao Kui still denied, "Even if the Pope wants to find an excuse, please use some trouble. There are so many people present, except for the Pope, who else has seen it?" 10 year soul beast?"

"Dai Mubai has already admitted it! Apart from a 10-year-old soul beast, what else can transform into a human being?" Bibi Dong was almost pissed off by Zhao Kui's shamelessness.

I've never seen such a brazen bastard who speaks nonsense with his eyes open!

"Is there? I didn't hear it." As it turned out, Zhao Kui could be a little more shameless.

"Okay, let's pretend that Elder Zhao Kui is blind and deaf, he didn't see anything, he didn't hear anything... But! Why did your Star Luo Empire attack Wuhun City?" Bibidong listened to the sound of fighting that still didn't stop at the foot of the mountain. , I was shaking with anger.

She really did not expect that the Star Luo Empire would dare to be so rampant!
"Our Star Luo Empire attacked Wuhun City?" Zhao Kui looked blank and innocent, "We didn't! We just let Heikong Douluo go back and bring reinforcements!"

(End of this chapter)

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