Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 170 The Gentle Smile in the Killing Capital

Chapter 170 The Gentle Smile in the Killing Capital

Dai Mubai and the woman in Heisha walked through the streets of the outer city, and came to a wall much lower than the wall of the outer city, the woman in Heisha said: "The inner city does not need guards, as long as people from the outer city have the courage to enter, You can go in at any time. You just came to the killing capital, I suggest that you should live in the outer city for a while. But you can go in if you want to see it. After you go in later, please don’t leave me for five meters, otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety either."

"The novice protection period. Since you have protection, what are you afraid of? Gu..." Dai Mubai has been used to calling himself "Gu" in the past few years, and even slipped his mouth for a while, but he quickly made up for it, " The widows are used to it, and I have never been protected by a woman."

"I am the envoy of the King of Slaughter. In the capital of Slaughter, no one dares to offend the majesty of the King of Slaughter."

Regarding this, Dai Mubai was noncommittal.

"Go to the killing field of hell." Dai Mubai repeated.

The woman in black yarn said conscientiously: "You choose to enter the killing field of hell, and I will not stop you. But you have to think clearly, once you choose to participate, then you have to remember that there is no winner or loser in the killing field of hell, only life and death!"

"Do I look weak, or am I afraid of death?" Dai Mubai asked back.

The woman in black gauze was silent.

"She doesn't think you look like a desperado, and you don't have any murderous intent. Of course she won't stop you if you want to die, and she's going to have fun." Erha said while lying on Dai Mubai's shoulder.

"Can you use soul skills here?" Dai Mubai asked.

Erha replied: "The soul skills of this life can be used, but others cannot."

Erha's natal soul skills refer to the soul skills of certain animal races with extremely high spiritual attributes, and only the royal family in the same family have the opportunity to obtain them.

According to Erha, he was lucky enough to obtain the ancestral soul skill [Chengxin] passed down from ancient times.Even his father, the dog emperor, didn't get this soul skill.

If it weren't for Erha's natal soul skills, his father wouldn't be able to keep his life even if his god position was broken and his soul was annihilated.

The outer city is dead and indifferent, like a hopeless cage, but the inner city is a paradise of luxury, madness, and sin.

"Rage, jealousy, greed, lust..." Dai Mubai looked at all kinds of criminal incidents in the inner city, such as murder, sneak attack, rape [beep], and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "It's too low-level... If you say that this place is crime Paradise, that was really, really disappointing."

The black-veiled woman stopped in her tracks, looked at Dai Mubai with great interest, and asked, "Oh? The Slaughter City will disappoint you? Then what do you think is the paradise of evil?"

Dai Mubai hooked his lips: "You are not worthy yet."

The black-veiled woman suddenly changed color: "Are you challenging the authority of the Slaughter King?"

Dai Mubai chuckled lightly: "You are the envoy of the Slaughter King, but you are not qualified to represent the Slaughter King."

"You—" the black-veiled woman was furious, ignored Dai Mubai, and strode towards the hell killing field.

The Hell Slaughtering Field is a conical building with a large area, comparable to the Great Soul Arena in Soto City.

Dai Mubai stopped suddenly.

Soto City...

He hadn't thought of the name for a long time.

In other words, he has been deliberately avoiding thinking about Soto City.

Because, whenever he thinks of Suotuo City, he will think of the tens of millions of innocent people who died under the punishment of God Shura.

Suotuo City has a population of several million, and there are many towns between the Star Dou Great Forest and Suotuo City, adding up to tens of millions of people, whether they are ordinary people or soul sages, all of them are under the punishment of God There is no resistance!

Life is like grass, death is like insects.

Even the crime scenes he saw with his own eyes couldn't make him frown and stop, but now he was confused because of a city name.

The black-veiled woman didn't tell Dai Mubai before that his protected range was only within five meters of the black-veiled woman.

At this moment, the black-veiled woman was furious, and didn't notice that Dai Mubai had stopped. When she felt Dai Mubai's abnormality, there was already a distance of more than ten meters between her and Dai Mubai.

A man with a ferocious face licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his knife and rushed towards the confused Dai Mubai.

"Stay away from me, disgusting." The emerald green leaves shot out quickly, much faster than the attacker, everyone could only see a green light, and when they came back to their senses, the attacker had already fallen to the ground clutching his neck.

This scene caused a moment of silence near the killing field of hell.

"This attack method..." Someone frowned in thought.

But the people who were wandering in the killing field of hell have already seen Dai Mubai's way.

"This person's attack method is almost the same as King Shura's!"

"Could it be that this newcomer has something to do with King Shura?" Someone boldly guessed.

Dai Mubai turned his head to look at the two people who called out the name of King Shura, he walked towards that person slowly, getting farther and farther away from the black-veiled woman.

Until Dai Mubai walked in front of that person, a dozen unbelieving idiots had already died behind him.

"You just said, King Shura?" Dai Mubai asked kindly, "Have you seen him recently?"

That person has been in the Slaughter City for several years, has seen countless vicious people and has never been intimidated, but he trembled under Dai Mubai's gentle smile.

I have never seen such a person in the killing capital.

After killing more than a dozen people lightly, not only did he not have the slightest murderous look on his body, he could even smile as gently as a spring in March.

Such a person would actually appear in the killing capital?
"Yes, I just said the name of King Shura..." The man replied tremblingly, "But I, the villain, don't know where King Shura is, Xiu..."

"That's really a pity." Dai Mubai turned and left with regret on his face.

The moment he turned around, the eyes of the person who had just answered him had already protruded, and he was dying.

When he walked towards the black-veiled woman, no one dared to sneak attack Dai Mubai anymore.

When he approached the black-veiled woman, the black-veiled woman couldn't help taking a step back.

The people in the Slaughter City may be crazy, tyrannical, or ruthless... But there has never been a person like Dai Mubai who is so lofty and indifferent to everything!
It seems that in his eyes, he is not killing people, but chopping up weeds!
"Go sign up for me." Dai Mubai smiled.

The black-veiled woman swallowed her saliva, tremblingly took the number plate numbered [-] from Dai Mubai's hand, turned her head and rushed into the killing field of hell.

Dai Mubai looked around at the terrified prisoners on death row, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

The City of Slaughter is a good place. Although the survival mode is a bit low-level, it is undoubtedly very qualified as a Gu refining bottle for a death row prisoner.

However, it seems that evil soul masters are easy to appear here.

"Heh." Dai Mubai chuckled lightly, there seemed to be no evil soul masters in Douluo Yili, and even if there were, they weren't as arrogant as in the later parts.

"But, get rid of the evil!"

Dai Mubai followed the black-veiled woman into the killing field of hell.

The prisoners outside the hell killing field were all panicked.

"Could it be that a second Shura King will appear?!"

(End of this chapter)

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