Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 172 Full of laughing words, painful killer

Chapter 172 Full of laughing words, painful killer

Dai Mubai used the soul guide pistol as a reward, and wanted to change to a clean and comfortable house. There were many people in the killing field of hell who were tempted, but they never responded.

In the killing capital, there is no integrity.

What's more, the "clean and comfortable" that Dai Mubai asked for was too general.

Some people's houses are clean and tidy, but they can pursue comfort in the killing capital?No matter how comfortable it is, it can't compare with the comfort of the luxury house outside!
"No?" Dai Mubai's smile narrowed slightly, looking at the audience with some dissatisfaction.

The audience was so casually glanced at by Dai Mubai, they all felt chills in their hearts.

The desperadoes in the killing capital, especially the inner city, in this hell killing field, can all be called killing wilderness.

But these vicious people were frightened by a man who had no murderous intent at all!

"I, my house is still relatively clean..." Finally, someone couldn't bear the deathly silence and said cautiously.

Dai Mubai glanced at that person, saw that his clothes were neat and tidy, but his face was full of scars, his figure was relatively thin, and he looked a bit malnourished.

He shook his head: "Forget it, I've changed my mind."

Dai Mubai took out the bazooka from the storage bracelet, and after filling the shells calmly, without aiming, he raised his hand and blasted a big hole in the wall of the Hell Slaughtering Field, and then said with smoke and dust: "You guys, go build me A mansion!"

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go out of the hell killing field!"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the big hole in the wall of the Hell Slaughtering Field, through which they could still see the dazed people outside the wall.Afterwards, everyone stared blankly at the bazooka in Dai Mubai's hand, and many people who had stood up fell down on the stools.

"It's too much..."

"Everyone kills people with swords and swords, but he is holding such a weapon of mass destruction!"

"If I had that kind of killer weapon, I probably wouldn't have a murderous aura on me... Who the hell would have a murderous aura for stepping on an ant?!"

"Number [-]! You are breaking the rules of the Slaughter City!" the woman in black gauze looked away from the hole in the wall, and yelled at Dai Mubai sternly.

Dai Mubai tilted his head slightly, wondering: "The rules of the Slaughter City mean that there are no rules? You told me this! I can do whatever I want here! If I have the ability to kill the King of Slaughter, I am killing I dare to kill the king!"

"Presumptuous!" The black-veiled woman was startled and angry, "How dare you disrespect the great King of Slaughter! Court death!"

"So?" Dai Mubai put away the soul-guided bazooka, replaced it with a soul-guided pistol, and shot the black-veiled woman expressionlessly.

A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of the black-veiled woman, her eyes widened, and until she died she still couldn't believe that Dai Mubai dared to kill her.

The woman in black veil fell slowly under the gazes of people in the killing field of hell who dared not show their atmosphere. The black veil on her face fell as she fell backwards, revealing a beautiful face.

"Looking for death!" The members of the law enforcement team in the killing field of hell recovered from the shock, a dozen members of the law enforcement team rushed into the field, surrounding Dai Mubai.

"I thought there was only one rule in the City of Slaughter, that is, the strong are respected. I didn't expect that there are still people who pretend to be powerful." Dai Mubai heaved a long sigh, he was suspended in the air, looking down at the members of the law enforcement team , suddenly frowned and laughed.He said: "There is no benevolence, no loyalty, no etiquette, no morality at all in the Slaughter City... You are all outlaws, and you should not be loyal to the Slaughter King."

Dai Mubai nodded his forehead with his right index finger, and said with a smile: "As long as you are willing to kill each other, the final victor, I can take him away from the killing capital, and all the crimes he committed before can be written off. How? ?”

"Wishful thinking!" said the captain of the law enforcement team on the horse, "You can't leave the killing city yourself, how can you take others away? I admit that you have a big killer in your hand, and it may be possible to achieve a hundred hell killing fields The champion will have the chance to walk the road to hell, but since the Slaughter City was established for thousands of years, there are only eight killing gods! There is absolutely no way for you to walk out of the road to hell!"

Dai Mubai scolded with a smile: "Idiot! If there is only one way out of the city of killing, where do the food and supplies for so many people in the city of killing come from? There are no people engaged in production in the city of killing!"

"That's not the power that you, a daring person, can get! The capital of killing is protected by the king of killing!"

"So, you really don't have the ability to escape!" Erha sighed, "Why don't you believe in evil?"

Erha has seen countless times in these years where Dai Mubai used mouth escape but failed miserably, now he is a little numb.

He never succeeded!
"Hey, that's really a pity~" Dai Mubai looked helpless, "Since this is the case, I have no choice but to invite you to die."

Dai Mubai flapped his wings behind his back, and swooped down at an extremely fast speed, the long sword in his hand slashed at the squad leader with the momentum of wind and thunder.

That squad leader didn't have the right to use the spirit ability, under Dai Mubai's attack faster than the release speed of the spirit ability, he had no power to fight back, and his head was cut off easily.

Dai Mubai succeeded in one blow, but he was not happy, instead he looked at the blood on the long sword with distaste.

"That's why I don't like scenes like swords and knives seeing blood..." Dai Mubai took out a handkerchief and wiped his long sword, and after wiping it clean, he was in the mood to look at the members of the law enforcement team who were still in the field, and smiled again, "You... ..."

As soon as he said that, all members of the law enforcement team took a step back.

Dai Mubai blinked: "What are you afraid of? I'm not a bloodthirsty person."


A deep voice with hidden anger sounded in the killing field of hell.

All members of the law enforcement team immediately knelt on one knee and bowed their heads in submission after hearing the voice.

"The strong are respected in the city of killing. It is your ability to possess those weapons. If you are not strong enough to provoke you, it is not a pity for them to die. But if you don't know how to advance or retreat, this king will personally take your life!"

Dai Mubai pouted.

He is not afraid of the Slaughter King, because he has six soul bones, and the skills of the soul bones are not banned by the Slaughter Capital, so...he is not afraid at all!

But he still wants to obtain the domain of the killing god, and he will spend a few years in the killing capital. It is not a wise move to anger the killing king now.

"Okay, the Slaughter King has spoken, I have to listen." Dai Mubai put away his long sword, flew leisurely in mid-air, and said with a smile, "However, I want the people in this game to build me a house for you Shouldn't you object?"

"The strong are respected, as long as you have the strength, you can do anything in the killing capital."

"I understand, just kill those who are disobedient~" Dai Mubai nodded, no longer looking at the members of the law enforcement team, but at the auditorium: "I'll give you ten breaths of time to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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