Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 174 Within range, the truth is everywhere!

Chapter 174 Within range, the truth is everywhere!
"Just next to it," Dai Mubai looked around, and said, "Remove all the eyesores... yes, just go there, and dig a swimming pool for me later."

Tang San's cabin was very empty, because no one dared to get close to King Shura.

But the house drawn by Dai Mubai has a larger area, including all the area around Tang San's wooden house that is about 800 meters away.

Therefore, some buildings near here are very obtrusive.

"What are there so many people doing around here? The ones over there have pried off the floor tiles, I want a garden! And the ones over there, what are you watching! Go find me some exotic flowers and weeds, there are still flowers in my garden There are no flowers!"

"You guys! Why are you standing there? You don't have any materials! Just wait for me to send them to you!"

Dai Mubai nodded in satisfaction until a group of people was arranged clearly.

"Sure enough, it's time to make the best use of it!"

The onlookers who didn't know why they were ordered around looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Why should I listen to that kid?"

"I'm a ruthless person who won 27 victories in the killing fields of hell. Why should I listen to that brat?"

"I came to the city of killing to be happy, not to be a slave to others! Labor and capital will rebel..."

Dai Mubai frowned and looked at the group of people who were digging the swimming pool, it had been more than ten minutes, and the building was still not demolished.

"Get up!" Dai Mubai picked up the bazooka, and when the crowd turned their heads, they were scared out of their wits and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dai Mubai fired one shot after another, successfully flattening the surrounding buildings within 5 minutes, and made a big deep hole in the ground.

At this time, apart from Tang San's log cabin, the surroundings were in a mess, everyone onlookers were intimidated by Dai Mubai, and honestly worked for him.

Dai Mubai was satisfied.

"Within range, the truth is everywhere!"

Dai Mubai originally wanted to pretend to blow the gunpowder smoke from the mouth of the gun barrel, but found that the soul guide rocket launcher did not emit smoke.

A little disappointed.

The person who wanted to say that he wanted to resist just now bowed his head and worked harder.

"What a bully!"

Countless people were crying, feeling more aggrieved than being chased after committing a crime.

In the outside world, at least there are still soul skills that can be used. If you can't fight, you can still run, and if you can't run, you can fight to the death.But in this killing city, they only have soul power to use, and their martial soul can only use their original form, and they can't escape, so they can only agree with Dai Mubai's truth aggrievedly.

"Does the King of Slaughter just ignore it?" Someone shouted angrily.

The people around him saw the scene of Dai Mubai displaying his supernatural power in the hell killing field, and quickly moved away from him, saying: "He even killed the envoy of the Slaughter King and the leader of the law enforcement team, and the Slaughter King didn't care! "

"What am I..."

"If I had known that such a person would appear in the capital of killing, I might as well hide outside!"

"I think he is the noble son of a certain big family. I'm afraid he came to the Slaughter City to practice. He won't stay in the Slaughter City for long!" said a wise man.

"Experience?" Someone's mouth twitched, "Take a cannon to practice in a place where you can't use soul skills? He is here to bully people!"

Hu Liena stood in the distance watching this scene quietly, and frowned when her eyes swept over Tang San's cabin.

She didn't believe that Tang San would be killed easily.

Even if Dai Mubai had a soul guide pistol, he couldn't kill Tang San silently.Hu Liena had seen Tang San's match, and knew how terrifying Tang San was.She thought that even if Dai Mubai could kill Tang San, at least he had to use the soul guide bazooka.Otherwise, who lives and who dies is still unknown!
But Dai Mubai was useless, and he didn't have a fierce battle with Tang San, so this is a bit intriguing.

"The law enforcement team over there!" Dai Mubai stared at everyone working, and suddenly stopped a team of law enforcement team members.

Those people also saw the scene of Dai Mubai bombarding the house just now, they were stopped suddenly at this moment, they subconsciously stopped.

"I'm short of a few maids, remember to find some for me." Dai Mubai ordered casually, not at all respectful to the members of the law enforcement team as ordinary Slaughter City people talk, instead treating the law enforcement team members as their own servants.

The leading knight said: "We only obey the orders of the King of Slaughter."

Hearing his words, many people were excited.

That's right!The Slaughter Capital or the Slaughter King has the final say!What is a newcomer who has just arrived?
Let him see how powerful the King of Slaughter is!

Let's see if he dares to be arrogant!

Hu Liena stared at Dai Mubai beautifully, also very curious about his reaction.

It was too depressing in the capital of killing. It was the first time in the past two years that she saw such an interesting and not vulgar thing.

"Well, you're right, in the Slaughter City, I'm a guest after all, it's not good to be a substitute." Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, and said, "You guys prepare people for me first, when my thirteenth brother sleeps After I wake up, I will borrow someone from the King of Slaughter."

Dai Mubai waved his hand to let the team of enforcers go away.

Hu Liena was taken aback.

Thirteenth brother?
Does this newcomer know King Shura?or brother?

Hu Liena is still thinking, the foundation of Dai Mubai's house has been dug.

The free laborers looked at Dai Mubai with empty hands.

They have no tools and no materials!

The materials can be obtained from other places, but the tools... There are no such construction tools in the Slaughter City, but there are quite a lot of destructive weapons.

What's more, there are murderous lunatics everywhere in the capital of killing. Where did the construction talents come from?
"A bunch of trash!"

Dai Mubai looked at a group of bewildered death row prisoners, he couldn't help but get angry.

You are not here to build the country, but you are the fastest to destroy the country?
"My lord, the villain has a little ability to build, but the villain has no tools..." Seeing that Dai Mubai was about to lose his temper, a short and fat middle-aged man walked out timidly, and said to Dai Mubai, "The villain has been in the Slaughter City for eight years, and he has never seen those things in the Slaughter City."

Dai Mubai felt a little melancholy.

The gang of murderers can count on nothing.

Although he wanted to build a house, but he had already spoken, how could he give up because of these small difficulties?
"If you don't have it, go find a way! You can't do such a simple thing well, so what are you doing?"

Dai Mubai would never admit his mistakes.

What are the men used for?Isn't it just solving problems for the Lord!
Although Dai Mubai doesn't think these disposable tools are his subordinates, but he is still their master!
Dai Mubai holding a big killing weapon is not afraid of anyone in the Slaughter City, even the Slaughter King would not dare to touch Dai Mubai.

Anyway, if he had an accident in the Slaughter City, then the entire Slaughter City would be buried with him!
Since then, it has disappeared from the Douluo Continent!

"Don't go too far!" Someone disliked Dai Mubai and shouted loudly, "They all crawled out of the pile of dead people, it's urgent, labor and capital will die with you!"

"That's right! It's a big deal!"

 Today is the third watch, and I owed a chapter before.After repayment, I still owe a change.

(End of this chapter)

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