Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 179 2 out of 1

Chapter 179
Dai Mubai has already learned to ignore Erha, because no matter what happens, no matter what Dai Mubai says, Erha will interrupt.

Erha has strong claws, but even more powerful mouth.

Can't compare.

Dai Mubai said to Tang San: "Put the flat peach tree aside, what did you experience in the illusion?"

When Dai Mubai asked such a question, Tang San's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and he replied: "I have experienced another kind of life. I... the life I once dreamed of."

Dai Mubai was a little at a loss.

What is Tang San dreaming of?
"Brother, after breaking through Title Douluo, I want to establish Tang Sect." Tang San said suddenly.

Dai Mubai was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly understood what kind of life Tang San dreamed of.

The influence of Tang Sect on Tang San is too great, Tang San's illusion must be related to Tang Sect!
Maybe he dreamed of going back to Tang Sect.

"Establishing Tangmen, no problem." Dai Mubai said casually, "Leave me a place at that time."

Tang San nodded heavily: "This is natural."

Dai Mubai patted Tang San's shoulder, said: "You look so much more comfortable now, when I saw you yesterday, you looked like another person."

Tang San touched the back of his head and smiled honestly.

After laughing, Tang San asked solemnly: "I heard that the son of a thousand gold doesn't sit in the hall. The capital of killing is so dangerous, why did the eldest brother come?"

"Dangerous?" Dai Mubai twitched his mouth, he shook his head, pouting at Tang San, and said, "Look outside."

Tang San didn't know why, so he walked out of the cabin and looked outside...

When did the construction team come in the killing capital?

What kind of building will he build next to his wooden house?

Is it...

Tang San looked back at Dai Mubai in disbelief, and asked: "You brought these people here?"

Dai Mubai pulled Tang San out of the wooden house, and walked out by himself. He looked at the house that already had the prototype of a villa, and nodded with satisfaction: "I didn't bring people in, but your fifth brother can always find a way. Thirteen , your fifth brother is the best at breaking stereotypes!"

Tang San was a little unfamiliar with the titles "Fifth Brother" and "Thirteenth Brother", but seeing Dai Mubai's different appearance from before, he quickly understood that Dai Mubai was concealing his identity.

"Fifth Brother," Tang San said as he did good things, but he was still a little puzzled, "Since you didn't bring him here, then... wait! Wasn't that person the winner of the previous round when I entered Hell Slaughtering Field? And The person with the centipede scar on his face, I remember him as a person who won more than 30 victories! There is also that woman, her nickname is Blood Rose... That old man, although he looks like he is dying, but he is also a murderer The butcher of hemp! And..."

Tang San looked more and more frightened.

When did all the murderers in the capital of killing become construction workers?
"I must have misremembered..." Tang San walked into the wooden house with a dazed expression, "I've been dreaming for so long, I've even forgotten what happened before."

Dai Mubai grabbed Tang San, he said with a smile: "You remember correctly. They are all free labor I caught from the killing fields of hell."

Tang San's response was slow, and he made a suspicious nasal sound. He looked at the dozens or hundreds of people in the "construction site", and his mind was a little bit overwhelmed.

【Free Labor Caught from the Killing Fields of Hell】Tang San knew every word, but combined... Tang San suspected that he was still asleep.

"I have many powerful attacking soul tools." Dai Mubai said.

Tang San blinked and understood.

He was able to thrive in the Slaughter Capital with his hidden weapons. As the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai naturally had the full support of the Star Martial Academy.

The attacking soul guide was not strong a few years ago, but after several years of development, it should have made great progress.

With a powerful soul tool, Dai Mubai's ability to enslave people in the hell killing field is not so incomprehensible.

Dai Mubai said to Tang San: "I came to Slaughter City just to take that hell road... Well, it seems that I should have your honor to go there."

Tang San nodded.

Although Dai Mubai showed extraordinary "cold blood" before when punishing evil and eliminating evil, Tang San still didn't want Dai Mubai to struggle hundreds of times in the hell killing field like him.

There is no humanity in the killing capital!
If it wasn't for Dai Mubai's arrival, Tang San didn't dare to think about what he would become.

Maybe he will completely lose his mind like many people in the killing capital and become a killing machine!Although he has a head spirit bone, this possibility is extremely small.

"I've already won 66 games, and there are 34 more games to go to hell." Tang San said, "Since you're here, big brother, I can play two games a day."

In a place like the Slaughtering City where spirit abilities cannot be used, Tang San, who has mastered hidden weapons and studied in the illusion for 200 years, is invincible.

"It's a pity that I don't have enough time and materials to make hidden weapons, otherwise my speed would be faster." Tang San said regretfully.

Dai Mubai gave Tang San the storage bracelet, and said: "Look at what you want to use, just use it directly."

"This..." Tang San hesitated.

"Brothers, what is there to be polite?" Dai Mubai said carelessly, "You win a hundred games as soon as possible, let's get out of this damn place! Even the sun can't shine, no matter how uncomfortable you stay in this damn place .”

"Okay." Tang San didn't refuse any more, and took Dai Mubai's storage bracelet.

Dai Mubai said: "You go to the hell killing field a few times and eat a peach. I call it the world of mortals refining the true heart. Although the situation of the illusion is unknown, if you are lucky, the experience gained in it is stronger than breaking through the Title Douluo."

Tang San nodded in agreement.

"As for me, I will go to wrestling if I can, depending on my mood." Dai Mubai said casually, "As an alternative prison, the Slaughter City is actually quite good."

The two walked into the cabin, Dai Mubai said: "Rather than letting these lunatic-like desperadoes roam the continent, it's better to let them fend for themselves in the killing capital."

A look of disgust appeared on Tang San's face, he said: "But there is no humanity in the Slaughter City! This kind of place shouldn't exist!"

Dai Mubai shook his head, and retorted: "Existence is reason. These people have been exiled here, and almost every one of them is a vicious person on the mainland. They may have done things worse than animals on the mainland, here, but It’s just a complete return to nature.”

"As I said just now, let them roam the mainland and continue to commit crimes, hurt innocent people, or let them kill each other in the killing capital, which one do you choose?"

Tang San showed hesitation.

He knew what Dai Mubai said was right, but...

"Hey." Tang San sighed.

Of the two choices, he had only one answer.

(End of this chapter)

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