Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 181 Do you know why the slug can't find a wife?

Chapter 181 Do you know why the slug can't find a wife?
Dai Mubai's residence in the Slaughter City was built a month ago, but it still lacks furniture and other daily necessities.

And Dai Mubai is a very picky person, even if his residence can't be lived for a few days, it must still be decent enough.This also led to the satisfaction of his new house in two days.

Tang San sat on the soft sofa, moved his butt a little, and then collapsed on the sofa.

"It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed." Tang San sighed.

Dai Mubai drank the special milk tea he took out from the storage bracelet, his face was still somewhat displeased.

"Except for the days in Shrek Academy, I have never lived in such a simple place."

Tang San:"……"

He suddenly remembered the dilapidated house he lived in when he was a child, compared with Dai Mubai's words, he felt that he lived in a kennel when he was a child!
wrong!Dai Mubai's kennel is even more luxurious than his!

Tang San sighed.

He now knows that he is the son of Titled Douluo, but he finds that he is still incomparable with Dai Mubai.

At least in terms of trenches, there is no comparison at all.

"San'er, a guest is here." Dai Mubai instantly changed the milk tea into red wine.

Milk tea doesn't quite fit his smiling Yan Luo personality.

Red wine is more suitable.

Although Bloody Mary was more suitable, Dai Mubai was a little worried, what if someone got sick?

You know, there are a lot of viruses transmitted through blood!Even if there is no virus, what if someone carries a recessive gene for a certain disease?

Hey, even if the Douluo Continent is an extraordinary world, you have to pay attention!
This ghostly place, the capital of killing, is in chaos and full of viruses!
Dai Mubai suspected that it was not so much that the evil soul master lost his sanity and twisted his mind due to the influence of the martial soul, it was better to say that it was due to a genetic mutation, and the failure of evolution would produce defects that were difficult to control.

Otherwise, why did Ma Hongjun not lose his mind even though he is also an evil fire phoenix martial soul?

Oh, Xiaohong is lucky to meet Tang San.

Ma Xiaotao was also unlucky.

Huo Yuhao led the team, and he was the only one who became a god!Tang Wutong doesn't count, Tang Wutong was born as a god.

Speaking of Huo Yuhao, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San.

Because he once became a woman in the fantasy world, Dai Mubai also experienced that he became a rotten woman and then crazily consumed stanbe novels, stanbe manga and even stanbe anime.

emmmmm, Dai Mubai has seen the colleagues of Tang San and Huo Yuhao.


In the novel, Tang San almost arranged Huo Yuhao's life clearly.

In the comics, the handsome Tang San and the youthful Huo Yuhao are worthy of each other.

Even now, Dai Mubai felt that it was most suitable for Tang San and Huo Yuhao to be together.

What are Xiao Wu and Tang Wutong?
Real men should welcome men!

"Brother... What impolite things are you thinking about?"

Tang San got goosebumps all over his body, he looked at Dai Mubai suspiciously, as if he saw that Dai Mubai's malice towards him had materialized through his body!
Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, narrowed his eyes with a smile: "I'm thinking about something very interesting."

Hu Liena likes Tang San?
If she finds out...

Hey hey hey.

Tang San went to open the door for Hu Liena, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San's back and showed a sinister smile.

"Good brother, it shouldn't be a problem to make a joke, right?" Dai Mubai's smile gradually changed.

Erha swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It suddenly felt that Dai Mubai was very scary.

Dai Mubai must be doing something terrible!

"Lu Mingfei, is Dai Mubai going to do something unsightly?"

Ming Feilu has the ability to judge right from wrong, so Lu Mingfei can easily judge such a simple question.

It nodded.

"How about we run away?" Erha suggested.

Dai Mubai's malice towards Tang San, even it can clearly perceive it!Of course, Dai Mubai was just playing tricks on Tang San, he had no hostility towards Tang San, let alone killing intent.

That kind of malice is probably the kind it used to stuff shit into its brother's food...

Erha and Lu Mingfei ran away with Huang Xin in their hands.

They really don't want to see the stupid things Dai Mubai did.

Dai Mubai looked at the three spirits running away, the corners of his mouth curled up.

It ran just fine.

He also didn't want too many witnesses.

"San'er, brother, this is all for your own good~"

Behind the three souls, Dai Mubai let out a strange laugh.

Erha&Lu Mingfei&Huang Xin: "Tang San, please ask for blessings."

Tang San brought Hu Liena to the living room with a strange expression, at this moment Dai Mubai's expression was extremely gentle.

To use an exaggerated description, he looked at Tang San with tender eyes as if dripping water!
However, Tang San didn't notice that he was still puzzled by Hu Liena's coming to seek cooperation.

But Hu Liena noticed.

After all, women are more careful.

Especially when she's in the middle of two extremely good men.

"Thirteen, why did you bring her in?" Dai Mubai took two quick steps, took Tang San's hand very naturally, and asked softly.

Tang San was stunned for a moment, but he wasn't very sensitive to emotional matters, and he didn't have any precautions against Dai Mubai, although he was a little uncomfortable with Dai Mubai's intimate actions, but he didn't take it to heart.

He thought that Dai Mubai's gentleness was to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

Hu Liena frowned instinctively.

She looked at Dai Mubai and Tang San, feeling an indescribably strange feeling in her heart.

She knew Dai Mubai's true identity from the Slaughter King, and also doubted Tang San's identity.But she didn't think King Shura was Tang San.

She felt that Tang San was not so shameless, and deliberately disguised herself as a handsome man.

Dai Mubai was originally a handsome man, so it was not surprising that he disguised himself as a handsome man.

"Fifth Brother, she is the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, she came to cooperate with us." Tang San pointed to Hu Liena and said.

Dai Mubai looked at Hu Liena following Tang San's fingers.

"Oh, cooperation?" Dai Mubai held Tang San's hand in his palm, he glanced at Hu Liena, and said, "We don't need to cooperate."

"En." Tang San was blocked by Dai Mubai's tall body, Hu Liena couldn't see his face, so she couldn't see Tang San's bewildered expression.

Tang San signaled Dai Mubai with his eyes: Brother, what are you doing holding my hand?Don't you feel awkward?
Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, and didn't respond to him, but said: "Next time, don't bring people home casually, especially such a coquettish bitch."

Hu Liena: "???"

Why did I suddenly smell a vinegar smell?
Tang San was also dumbfounded.

Dai Mubai's tone and expression... was very much like his expression when coaxing Zhu Zhuqing.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

Dai Mubai still blocked Tang San, he turned to look at Hu Liena, and asked: "Do you know snails and slugs?"

Hu Liena was puzzled.

Why do you suddenly ask such an inexplicable question?

"Snails and slugs look very similar, but snails have shells, and slugs don't." Hu Liena said with a frown.

"Then do you know why the slug can't find a wife?" Dai Mubai asked.

Hu Liena: "..."

"Because snails are as ugly as slugs, but snails have houses. People with houses are always welcome." Dai Mubai said to Hu Liena earnestly.

"So, do you know why I built a house in the killing capital?"

(End of this chapter)

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