Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 186 Hell Road Opens

Chapter 186 Hell Road Opens

Dai Mubai never denied that Tang San was brave and resourceful, affectionate and righteous.

But, he is too family-friendly.

In his heart, Xiao Wu is the first, the god position is the second, and the world is the third.

After all, he wasn't ruthless enough.

"The horror of hell road is beyond your imagination, laughing king, a person has only one life."

The blood-red eyes of the Slaughter King looked directly at Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai seemed to see a sea of ​​blood overwhelming his face.

His complexion changed slightly, his eyes became more solemn, but he said easily: "There are three times in a person's life. The first death of a person is when he dies, and his body declares death to the world; the second time he is buried in a coffin at a funeral." Conclusion, feelings declare death to the world; the third death is the death of the last person who knew you, that is the last and most complete death, the world will forget you, no one will know that you have come to this world. "

Dai Mubai smiled calmly: "Death is not terrible, being forgotten is."

"Everyone present, except me, King Shura, and the Hell Envoy, has already died socially!"

"From the moment you enter the Slaughter City, your entire world is only the Slaughter City!"

"In other places on Douluo Continent, no one will think that you are alive, and after a few decades, no one will remember you."

The Slaughter King glanced at Dai Mubai, then scanned the entire killing field of hell, and found that many people had calmed down, they lowered their heads.

"Laughing King, your eloquence is very good." The Slaughter King said in a deep voice.

Dai Mubai could hear his dissatisfaction, but he didn't care.

"So I am the Laughing King, I can look down on everyone present!"

The Slaughter King didn't speak.

He wouldn't ask if his self-deprecating remarks were included.

"Then, what about King Shura and the Hell Envoy?" The Slaughter King changed the topic again.

"Of course I follow Fifth Brother's footsteps closely." Tang San smiled.

Hu Liena's complexion changed several times, and finally she chose to walk the road to hell with Dai Mubai and others.

She was alone, completely unsure of leaving the road to hell.

"I will join forces with King Laughing and King Shura to pass through the road to hell." Hu Liena said.

The King of Slaughter frowned: "Join hands? Can you trust each other with your background?"

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai, and said: "Originally, Fifth Brother and I were enough, but bringing someone who is slowing us down won't hinder us."

Hu Liena's face was dark, but she couldn't refute.

"In this world, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. Obviously, I can afford enough!" Hu Liena gritted her teeth when she said this.

In order for Dai Mubai and the others to take her with them, Hu Liena almost even thought of sacrificing herself.

But... Poor Hu Liena, ever since she found out about Dai Mubai and Tang San coming out of the closet, her secret love has turned into a broken love.No one wants to sacrifice himself.

In this world, all good-looking little brothers are looking for good-looking little brothers.


Hu Liena once swore secretly that even so, she would definitely take the man back!

mmp, it's fine to rob a man with a woman, but also rob a man with a man!

This world is just too difficult.

Hu Liena lowered her head, and declared war on Dai Mubai in her heart.

She didn't think Bibi Dong would lose to Dai Mubai, let alone Spirit Hall would lose to Star Luo Empire.

What happened more than three years ago was nothing more than Wuhundian showing weakness!
"Since this is the case, then you should take the road to hell. It is also a good trip to be a companion on the road to hell. If you can pass the test of the road to hell, you will become a new generation of killing gods. Please also say hello to your elders on my behalf. "

The Slaughter King's tone became visibly colder, even with a hint of irony.

If Dai Mubai and the others hadn't leaned against the big tree, he would have killed them long ago.

However, although the Slaughter City has some strengths, it is not as vast as the outside world.

The City of Slaughter does not have the ability to be enemies of the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire at the same time!
Thick red mist was suddenly released from the Slaughter King, the powerful aura forced Dai Mubai and the others to retreat quickly.

What the Slaughter King releases is not a murderous aura, but an extremely evil aura, which carries a bone-chilling coldness.

The evil and cold red ripples slowly spread out, and in the blink of an eye, they had already spread to the entire audience.The fallen people sitting in the auditorium were all surprisingly excited, and they all wanted to see the opening of the road to hell.However, what they don't know is that their lives have come to an end.Except for the Killing God and the Killing King, no one has ever seen the opening of the Hell Road, because everyone who has seen it is dead.In other words, they all became sacrifices for the opening of Hell Road.

The red light released from the Slaughter King headed towards the surrounding stands.The fallen who were cheering wildly gradually became quiet as the red light landed on the viewing platform. When the red light formed a huge barrier on the entire killing field of hell, the screams of pain began from the first contact. It sounded from the mouth of the red light.

Affected by the red light, those condemned prisoners seemed to be insane, desperately grabbing their faces and bodies... They were hurting themselves, as if they couldn't feel the pain!Even though they were all screaming, the screams contained extreme excitement!
They were completely overwhelmed by the will to kill.

Shura is a kind of evil god in ancient Indian mythology, who lives at the bottom of the sea and often fights with gods.Buddhism adopts its name and lists it as one of the eight divisions of Tianlong and one of the six paths of reincarnation.

Among the six reincarnations, the way of heaven is the first, and the way of Shura is the second.One represents extreme good and one represents extreme evil.

Evil eats everything, but evil is not this irrational madness.

Evil, there is a part of madness in it, but madness does not mean evil.

Rakshasa is also a demon, a demon in ancient Indian mythology, and refers to a demon who eats human flesh in Buddhism.

And now among the condemned prisoners in the killing fields of hell, there are many lunatics who eat their own flesh and blood raw.

The majestic Shura Dao was abolished by a mere Rakshasa.

The Dojo of the Asura God in the capital of killing... It's over.

Erha said: "God Shura is stronger than God Rakshasa, to some extent it can be regarded as crushing, but God Rakshasa is not weak. All gods who can survive the battle of Dragon God are not weak."

Dai Mubai nodded in approval.

The gods in the God Realm are either too strong or too weak.

Those who are too weak are not qualified to participate in the battle of the gods, but those who are too strong are fully capable of surviving the battle of the gods.

Only those whose strength was equal were all dead.

The blood spilled on the ground and began to condense. A large amount of blood flowed to the center of the killing field along the small and inconspicuous pipes under the auditorium.Countless meandering red liquids are clearly visible, flowing into the field like small snakes.

"It is their honor to be the sacrifice that opened the road to hell." The deep voice of the Slaughter King sounded.

Dai Mubai's face was as usual, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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