Chapter 203 Black

"Zhuqing, what if one day he breaks your heart again?" Xiao Wu said worriedly, "Although I don't understand many things, I understand one thing. A person makes a mistake once, and then he will make more mistakes." I made many mistakes. It’s like I sometimes feel self-willed, but the third brother easily forgives me, and then I will continue to be self-willed. I also know that this is not good, but I always avoid it subconsciously. Sometimes I still feel, This is me, there is no need to change. But..."

Xiao Wu actually sighed, she held her face, her beautiful face was full of innocence and confusion: "Wrong is wrong!"

"You still think that I forgive him too easily, don't you?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly.

She was sure that Tang San would never change his mind.

But if Tang San changes his mind, she will never forgive him!
"Forgiving him is also forgiving myself." Zhu Zhuqing looked at his palm and said, "Because I love him, I must forgive this incompetent self."

"I can't make him change his mind, nor can I change my heart."

"So, I am powerless, what else can I do except accept the reality?"

"I'm just making myself compromise."

"You are not happy before compromise, and you are not happy after compromise. But instead of losing everything, it is better to fight for it."

Zhu Zhuqing sneered, and the ridicule flashed across his face: "Why should I quit and let others monopolize him?"

"I'm not that great, why should I let other people's happiness be based on my own misfortune?"

Xiao Wu was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe it with her round eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing patted Xiao Wu's head and said, "I forgive him, that is the greatest revenge for him!"

Xiao Wu: "..."

She was so shocked that her chin hit her knees!
I'm afraid I'm afraid.

What can I do if I can't understand at all?
I'm just a cute little... no, big white rabbit, I'm so sweet and cute, I don't understand those conspiracies and intrigues!

Xiao Wu patted the corner of her clothes, a little restrained her shock, she nodded to Zhu Zhuqing, expressing that she understood.

"Zhuqing, you are really amazing!"

Zhu Zhuqing laughed.

If you don't understand, you don't understand.

"Don't tell anyone, third brother can't do it, neither can Da Ming and Er Ming." Zhu Zhuqing instructed.

Xiao Wu nodded seriously: "I see, I won't even tell Little Rabbit!"

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

She looked at Xiao Wu helplessly.

It's really enviable to be able to live so simply.

Xiao Wu suddenly had a question that she really wanted to know the answer to: "If Dai Mubai wasn't so good, what would happen to you?"

Zhu Zhuqing curled his lips into a smile: "Ling Chi will be put to death, your bones will be crushed."

She spoke softly, but Xiao Wu couldn't help shivering.

This is too scary, isn't it?
Suddenly miss Rongrong...

Uh, it seems that Rongrong is not easy to mess with.

What would Rongrong do if he encountered such a thing?
"What else can I do? At most, I will cut up his bad things, step on his dirty things, and then chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

Xiao Wu could even think of Ning Rongrong's soft and elegant expression when she said such words.

Xiao Wu felt a huge crisis.

"Could it be that I'm the only one in Shrek Academy who can't understand such complicated things?" Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a dejected face, almost crying.

Zhu Zhuqing stroked her hair, with a smile of caring for the cane-making children, she said with a smile: "Don't worry, no one will laugh at you."

Xiao Wu: "..."

Too much!
Can you give the rabbit a little face? !

The main city of Alanser County, Alanser City.

Here is very close to the former Shrek Academy, less than ten days away.

This place is closer to the Star Dou Great Forest, less than two days away from the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing both have the ability to fly, Dai Mubai hugged Zhu Zhuqing, and left the Star Dou Great Forest at an extremely fast speed.

Outside the forest, there is naturally a unicorn luxury car that has been prepared for a long time.

"Zhuqing, what did you say to Xiao Wu yesterday? Why did I feel that she looked at me so strangely just now?"

The two sat in the car, the space was closed, and the atmosphere was frozen, Zhu Zhuqing didn't take the initiative to speak, but Dai Mubai couldn't let the atmosphere continue to be awkward, so he asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Xiao Wu, she still has some opinions on you." Zhu Zhuqing said casually, very naturally. "She looks silly, but she is actually very careful. She is arguing for me!"

Dai Mubai suddenly smiled wryly: "I's my problem."

He didn't want to continue this topic, so he forcibly changed the topic, saying: "I practiced with Tang San before. Before we parted, he said that he had the opportunity to go to the Star Dou Forest to see Xiao Wu. Maybe he will come."

"Then Xiao Wu must be very happy, she said yesterday that she wanted to see Third Brother." Zhu Zhuqing smiled.

She has been laughing more and more recently.

This is strange.

But Dai Mubai is very satisfied with this situation.

Mu Bai shook his head helplessly.

Both of them are wrong.

It's the same person after all.

"Dai Mubai, if you are like this, no one will be happy." Mu Bai couldn't help but said.

Dai Mubai didn't respond.

He knows, but he can only make mistakes.

What else?It is better to make the same mistake than to make the same mistake again.

Whether he is happy or not, isn't life still the same?

It can't be done once again.

The two chatted about some small things in the past few years on the road, the atmosphere was not awkward, but it made Dai Mubai feel uncomfortable.

"I probably understand." Dai Mubai took Zhu Zhuqing's hand into the amusement park, "She is punishing me."

Dai Mubai was helpless.

In matters like feelings, whoever takes it seriously first loses.

But, the complexity of this thing, even the gods can't figure it out!
Whatever it is, Dai Mubai is about to break the jar.

Fuck the love of children!What I want is Huangtu Baye!
Mu Bai: "Then don't play with her!"

Dai Mubai: "..."

Work and rest, work and rest.

Mu Bai hated that iron could not be made into steel.

"Dai Mubai, can you be a little promising? Is this how your life is spent?"

"Otherwise?" Dai Mubai asked back, "What else do you want me to do? Do you think, even if I have learned so many things, can I fully combine them with my previous life and use them well?"

"I've always been self-aware."

"The original me is just a fucking high school dog! I know shit about politics, history, economics and law!"

"Forget it, I occasionally come up with new ideas in a flash of inspiration, and it's good to work step by step at ordinary times."

"What the hell, if only I had such a good talent."

"But you have the aura of the protagonist! What the hell is the difference between you and God's own son? With your shit luck, I..." Mu Bai was about to blow himself up in minutes, "I really want to kill you, you dissatisfied It's the end of the game!"

(End of this chapter)

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