Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 216 Aphrodite's Tears

Chapter 216 Aphrodite's Tears

Zhu Zhuqing accepted the inheritance of the moon god Artemis, and a silver crescent moon mark appeared on her forehead.

This is proof that the divine test is in progress.

Of course, if she succeeded in inheriting the position of the Moon God, it would also represent the identity of the Moon God.

"The Moon God assessment doesn't seem to be difficult." Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes, and the blue and green pupils were covered with a golden halo.

Luna Nine Trials.

The first test: Become a soul saint before the age of 20.

This one, she has already completed.Although she doesn't have a soul ring yet, her soul power level has reached level 70.And in the Moon God test, as long as her spirit power reaches level 70, she can get the reward of the first test of the Moon God—the god bestowed spirit ring.

With the experience of absorbing a soul ring once, and after improving his physique and martial spirit with the power of the moon god, Zhu Zhuqing successfully absorbed a 10-year soul ring in one day and one night.

With a second-evolved Martial Soul, coupled with the enhanced physique since childhood, coupled with a firm will, coupled with the protection of the Moon God's power, Zhu Zhuqing accomplished almost impossible things.

In order for Zhu Zhuqing to successfully absorb the 10-year spirit ring, the Golden Horn Deer sacrificed himself.

"Everything is the will of the Moon God."

As the embodiment of the divine power of the moon god, the golden-horned deer contains extremely rich divine power of the moon god.

It turned into streaks of silver light, completely dyeing the Nether Jade Shadow Cat with streaks of silver streaks in silver.

This is the complete second evolution of Nether Cat - Silver Moon Messenger.

Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul is no longer a cat.

It, or she, turned into a girl with cat ears wearing a silver-white riding suit and carrying a bow and arrow.

The cat-eared girl's face was exactly the same as Zhu Zhuqing's.

When Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes and saw his martial soul, he couldn't help but smile.

It's like celebrating a new life.

The second test: hunt and kill a 10-year-old soul beast.

Zhu Zhuqing felt a little headache about this.

The 10-year soul beasts can only be found in the Star Dou Forest, and the 10-year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest are her friends.

She can't touch them.

The third test is to welcome the birth of a life.

Artemis is also the God of Midwifery and Fertility. The golden-horned deer has introduced this point. This test does not seem difficult. It is just learning how to deliver babies, but...Zhu Zhuqing is not an auxiliary department!It feels so embarrassing!She accepted the inheritance of the Moon God, so what's the matter with the midwife!

Fourth test: Win a war.

The expression of this assessment is very vague, and Zhu Zhuqing has not clarified it for the time being.Maybe you can ask Dai Mubai.

The fifth test: Artifact identification.She can now get the moon god's longbow, quiver and ten golden arrows, but she only has the right to keep these artifacts, not to own them, and not to use them for the time being.When she can draw the longbow and shoot the golden arrow, it will prove that she has obtained the approval of the divine weapon.

She still doesn't know about the sixth test and the subsequent assessments. She has to wait until the fifth test is completed before returning to the sixth test.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the longbow and quiver floating in front of his eyes, with serious eyes, he picked them up with great care.

Luna Silver Bow: Artifact (upgradeable).Initial attributes: Strength +500%, Speed ​​+500%, Moon God's exclusive weapon (Zhu Zhuqing's only one).Status: Unrecognized owner, unavailable.

Luna Golden Arrow: Artifact (upgradeable).Initial attributes: Armor Break +300%, Penetration +300%, Accuracy +300%, Tear +300%, Moon God's exclusive weapon (Zhu Zhuqing's only one).Status: Unrecognized owner, unavailable.

Luna Bow and Arrow: Combined Skill - Luna Asylum.Defense +700%.Cannot be broken through for a constant three seconds.Status: Unidentified owner, unavailable.

All the information about this set of artifacts was placed in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

The attribute is very good, worthy of the name of the artifact.

"It feels like playing a game, where everything has its function clearly laid out in front of it. The task is also very simple, and there is no embarrassment... Although it is impolite to say so, I still have no sense of reality."

The mortal heart refining she had experienced was different from Dai Mubai and Tang San.

Zhu Zhuqing looked directly at the statue of the moon god, bowed three times and turned to leave.

It's just mutual use, there is no need to be grateful to Dade.

If there is no moon god, there will be other gods.

People on Douluo Continent don't believe in God!
"Zhuqing, wait a minute." Huang Xin, who had been watching for two days, finally couldn't help but appeared.

If he didn't come out, Zhu Zhuqing would leave the Realm of Heaven directly!

How could it be so unbelievably smooth?

Is this the legendary God's help?This is really helpful!
But she left, what about the gemstone flower that Dai Mubai wanted?
This is the first task Dai Mubai gave her, it still looks so simple, if she messes it up, it will be embarrassing!

"You are?" Zhu Zhuqing's muscles tensed, and he stared nervously at Huang Xin.

"Don't be nervous, I'm Dai Mubai's soul." Huang Xin shook the leaves on his body, his tone was very gentle.

"Really?" Zhu Zhuqing's face softened, but she was still vigilant. Once there was a change, she could counterattack as quickly as possible.

"Dai Mubai asked me to come in to protect you," Huang Xin said, "If it wasn't for them not being able to come in, I wouldn't appear by your side either."

"What is a soul?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Huang Xin explained: "The soul body of a soul beast is a special existence formed after the death of a 10-year soul beast that voluntarily sacrificed."

10 year soul beast!
Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened, feeling a little unbelievable.

She has seen Erha before, and knows how powerful Erha is.

If the brilliant core tree in front of you was formed by the sacrifice of a 10-year-old soul beast, then that Erha was once a 10-year-old soul beast, right?

This shows that Dai Mubai has at least two 10 year spirit rings!
He is so powerful?
Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips, trying hard to digest this fact.

"You are coming out now, what's the matter?" Zhu Zhu asked calmly.

"My main task is to protect you, but it seems that you don't need protection." Huang Xin seemed to chuckle, and she continued, "My secondary task is to get your protection under the premise of ensuring your safety. A gemstone flower that can improve a person's appearance."

"Mubai wanted it?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned.

What does Dai Mubai want this "beauty flower" for?
Is it for his little lover?

"Yes, ever since he saw Tang San and the others rising in appearance one after another, he wanted to get the gemstone flower." Huang Xin explained, "No matter what it is, he doesn't want to be the bottom among the seven."

Zhu Zhuqing had a strange expression on his face.

Why do you think Dai Mubai's thinking is so childish?

"You have been following Mubai?" Zhu Zhuqing asked suddenly.

Huang Xin shook the canopy: "Yes."

"Then have you seen that Cher?"

Huang Xin: "..."

Be caught off guard!
"I think it's better for you to ask him about this kind of thing." Huang Xin's tone seemed very embarrassed, and the red leaves of the tree seemed to be burning.

"Tell me, I'll help you find that jewel flower." Zhu Zhuqing smiled.

"Yes, I have seen her." Huang Xin said helplessly, "However, when they get along, they always drive us away. If you ask me, I can't answer."

"You know her name, right?" Zhu Zhuqing had a determined smile on his face.

Huang Xin shook the leaves and struggled for a while: "I know, well, her name is Qian Renxue."

Zhu Zhuqing's breathing stagnates.

Qian Renxue!
It really is the name!
"What does she look like?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Anyway, after answering a question, Huang Xin broke the pot and said, "I don't know how to describe her appearance. She is more beautiful than you before, and she is on par with you now in terms of beauty."


Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth secretly.

Douluo's number one beauty?

Sure enough!

"What else do you know?" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became sharp.

It's time to put eyeliner around Dai Mubai.

She glanced at Huang Xin and frowned.

Dai Mubai and Huang Xin are obviously in a master-slave relationship, it is impossible for Huang Xin to betray Dai Mubai.

But, she didn't let Huang Xin betray Dai Mubai!

She just needs a good friend who can understand Dai Mubai better.

"It's nothing," Huang Xin said, "Whether Dai Mubai is alone with you or with Qian Renxue, he will drive us away. So, I don't know what happened between you."

"Where is Qian Renxue's identity?"

"I don't know." Huang Xin said.

Zhu Zhuqing let out a breath of depression.

"Let's go and find the jewel flower."

The Realm of Heaven is not very big, so Zhu Zhuqing and Huang Xin quickly walked around the secret plain and successfully found the jewel flower.

Heart of Aphrodite: The Miracle Medicine.Attributes: Charm +500%, Beauty +300% (Gender is not limited).Introduction: Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, lost to Artemis, the goddess of the moon, in a small competition.Method of use: take orally.

It was a sea-blue jewel flower, shaped like a rose and as big as the mouth of a bowl.

Beside Aphrodite's heart, there is also a rose red jewel flower.

Aphrodite's Tears: The Miracle Medicine.Introduction: Restrain the Heart of Aphrodite, so that the user can get rid of the charm bonus effect brought by the Heart of Aphrodite.Method of use: take orally.

It sounds like this Tears of Aphrodite is pretty tasteless.

However, Dai Mubai himself is handsome enough, and his charm is high enough, if the bonus is tripled or five times... then the result is really terrible.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't even dare to say that she was inheriting the Moon God inheritance, and her beauty after the second evolution of the martial soul has tripled!

Zhu Zhuqing picked off the gemstone flower and asked Huang Xin: "Mubai really wants to use this flower by himself?"

"Of course." Huang Xin said firmly.

How naive Dai Mubai is, she and Lu Mingfei can't understand it very well.

"Okay." Zhu Zhuqing put away the gemstone flower, glanced at Aphrodite's tears, picked it off, and ate it in one bite.

She doesn't need to be obsessed with Dai Mubai.

However, after chewing a few mouthfuls, Zhu Zhuqing frowned and vomited again.

Fortunately, Huang Xin has no eyes, otherwise the eyes would be straight.

Magic medicine!
What a waste!

"As his wife, I should be more infatuated with him than anyone else. But, I need to stay awake."

Herein lies the tangled point.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the gemstone flower fragments on the ground and remained silent.

"Forget it, I took two bites anyway, it should have an effect."

 Ah, I updated again.

(End of this chapter)

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