Chapter 219
The geniuses of Star Martial Academy?
Dai Mubai glanced around the academy, and asked: "The academy hasn't recruited students in recent years, right?"

"Probably not." Oscar said in an uncertain tone, "I have been in the Star Martial Academy for the past few years, and I haven't heard anything from the dean about recruiting students."

"Mm," Dai Mubai looked at a group of teenagers walking towards them, his eyes revealed a thoughtful look.

Could it be that Flender wants to make Shrek Academy the superior academy of Star Martial Academy?
Shouldn't that be possible?

Star Martial Academy itself is equivalent to a university town, enough for a child to go from elementary school to doctorate. No matter how much Shrek Academy has his support, it can't compare to Star Martial Academy.

It can be said that Star Martial Academy is the ceiling of the school.

"His Royal Highness!" Among the group of teenagers in the Star Martial Academy, a dark green-haired teenager ran up to Dai Mubai excitedly.

This hair color...

Dai Mubai was stunned, but he quickly adjusted his expression and put on a gentle smile.

"Are you a student of Star Martial Academy?"

The boy nodded blankly, he seemed to have forgotten what he should say.

It was the other people who came over who helped him out: "Good morning, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Dai Mubai nodded: "Good morning, everyone."

"His Royal Highness, please allow me to introduce you." The leader of this group of teenagers bowed towards Dai Mubai gracefully.

Dai Mubai naturally had no reason to refuse, as they walked towards the teaching building, Kroger introduced Dai Mubai to this group of teenagers from the Star Martial Academy.

"Under Kroger, a third-year student of the Assault Department of the Fifth Higher Martial Soul Academy of the Affiliated Academy of Star Martial Arts Academy, Wuhun Nine-Tailed Fox, soul power level 62." Kroger briefly introduced himself, and then pointed The boy with dark green hair said, "His name is Ye Changsheng, and he is a first-year freshman in the Department of Advanced Auxiliary Department of Utensils."

Ye Changsheng smirked at Dai Mubai, looking like a little fan who was fascinated after seeing his idol.

Kroger paused for a moment, before emphasizing: "Master once commented that Changsheng is the most potential student of the auxiliary department of Star Martial Academy."

"Oh?" This made Dai Mubai take another look at this little fan with strange hair color.

Seeing Dai Mubai looking at him, Ye Changsheng immediately became excited, he remembered to speak at this moment, and said very quickly: "His Royal Highness, my name is Ye Changsheng, my martial spirit is a cornucopia, I am now 15 years old, a level 49 auxiliary system soul master!"

"Cornucopia?" Dai Mubai's eyes lit up, this kind of martial spirit is very interesting just by its name!

But it was just fun, Dai Mubai smiled, motioning Kroger to continue.

Kroger understood, ignored Ye Changsheng's resentful gaze, and continued to introduce the teenagers around him.

There were a total of 12 teenagers in this group, seven men and five women.The oldest is Kroger, who is only this year, and his soul power level is also the highest, at level 62; the youngest is Ye Changsheng, who is 15 years old, and his soul power level is also the lowest, at level 49.

This is a group of true talents!

Although they have also been vigorously trained by the Star Martial Academy, they are still not as good as what Dai Mubai and Tang San did to the Shrek Seven Monsters. With such achievements at this age, it is no exaggeration to call them geniuses.

"I'm waiting for Dean Yu to come to Shrek Academy for academic exchanges," Kroger bowed to Dai Mubai again, and he said, "I also ask His Royal Highness to give you some advice."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, he glanced at Oscar.

Oscar scratched his head, and said to Dai Mubai: "It is true that the master brought them here, saying that it was an academic exchange... In fact, he asked us to take them for a few days."

"The Higher Academy Affiliated to Star Martial Academy is a graduate of the Soul Emperor?" Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "I heard that the enrollment standards there are very strict, even surpassing Shrek Academy... Kroger, you should be able to apply for graduation right?"

Kroger replied: "Yes, the admissions standards of the College of Higher Education are very strict. Up to now, all the students of the College of Higher Education are only 12 of us. And I can indeed apply for early graduation, but I still have one task to do. After this academic exchange is over, I will apply to be a teaching assistant in the college."

"Yeah." Dai Mubai had no choice but to cast his eyes on Ye Changsheng who had been staring at him, "I've seen you?"

As the crown prince of the empire, it is normal for Dai Mubai to have younger brothers and younger sisters, but this child... seems to have known him for a long time.

Ye Changsheng's performance was not the kind of excitement caused by seeing his idol suddenly, but a kind of joy of reunion.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Ye Changsheng exclaimed excitedly, "Do you still remember me? In Baopen Village, I was that child!"

When Ye Changsheng mentioned Baopen Village, Dai Mubai remembered it.

In Baopen Mountain, Dai Mubai obtained the second spirit ring of the Peach Tree martial spirit.

Ye Changsheng was the only child in the revived treasure basin village.

Dai Mubai didn't go to meet that child in person, he just sent someone to take the child to the Star Luo Empire, after that the child seemed to be raised as his direct descendant all the time.

It's just that he never had time to meet that child, and they all missed each other due to various coincidences.

"So it was you!" Dai Mubai felt a little emotional, "Ten years have passed so quickly."

That emaciated young boy who was on the verge of death has now become a healthy and powerful soul king.

"His Royal Highness, I finally see you!" Ye Changsheng was so excited that he was about to shed tears, if Zhu Zhuqing hadn't been staring at him, maybe he would have thrown himself on Dai Mubai and cried.

Dai Mubai smiled and patted Ye Changsheng's head: "You are already an adult, be careful."

"En!" Ye Changsheng nodded heavily, holding back his tears.

For Ye Changsheng, who was brainwashed since childhood, Dai Mubai is heaven!Everything Dai Mubai said was right!Whatever Dai Mubai asked him to do, he would do!
Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Ye Changsheng, this child gave her a very strong sense of crisis, if it wasn't for this boy, maybe this sense of crisis would be even stronger.

"By the way, Oscar, what are your spirit power levels?" Dai Mubai turned to look at Oscar, and asked.

Oscar chuckled, and said proudly: "Level 64! Who am I, Oscar? An unprecedented food-type genius soul master!"

"You've got it!" Ning Rongrong slapped Oscar staggeringly.

"I'm level 65, did I say anything?" Ning Rongrong held Zhu Zhuqing's arm, and said disdainfully to Oscar, "Is she proud that Zhuqing is a soul saint?"

Oscar: "..."

He quietly moved to Ning Rongrong's side, and said in a low voice: "In front of the students, can you save me some face?"

Ning Rongrong rolled his eyes at him coquettishly.

Oscar giggled silly.

"Oscar, you are enough!" Ning Rongrong reached out and squeezed him.

Although it didn't hurt at all, Oscar still grinned cooperatively.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at them, and then looked at Dai Mubai expressionlessly.

Dai Mubai felt bitter in his heart.

Mad, this dog food is poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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