Chapter 226
The master was stunned for a moment, and then he respected Master Longtian and Yaoyan in awe.

"As expected of Master Longtian!" The master showed admiration on his face, "Our mission as researchers is to keep innovating and conquering difficult problems!"

Yaoyan nodded noncommittally.

"All the research is to make soul masters stronger! It's all to make ordinary people's lives better!" The master clenched his fists and said.

Dai Mubai: "???"

How do you feel that Yu Xiaogang has been brainwashed?

Does Star Martial Academy still have this ability?
He looked at the twelve students of Star Martial Academy, and saw the same determined expression on their faces as the master.

Really well done!
Dai Mubai smiled.

Yaoyan bent her eyes, smiling half-smile.

"Humans are so interesting!"

Not long after, a group of people came to Flender's office in a mighty manner.

At this time, Flender has recovered his dignity as the dean.

"Everyone is back except Tang San." Seeing everyone reunited, Flender was also very happy. He looked at Dai Mubai and asked, "Mubai, do you have any news about Tang San?"

These few years, Tang San either practiced with Tang Hao, or was in the Slaughter Capital, they didn't know about Tang San.

Dai Mubai nodded, and said: "San'er will be back in two days."

After he finished speaking, he said with a smile: "I brought Zhuqing back, it's a revisit to the old place, Dean, you don't need to call everyone back, right?"

Flender stroked his goatee and said with a smile, "It's one thing to call you back to reunite, but there's actually another reason."

Everyone showed curiosity, and Oscar even booed: "Could it be that the academy is preparing to start formal teaching?"

Flender shook his head.

"Does that mean we can do something for you?" Ning Rongrong guessed.

Flender still shook his head.

Xiao Wu asked: "Or is it that the academy has been built, let us be the first to visit?"

Ma Hongjun suddenly muttered, "Couldn't it be that you, Teacher, are planning to get married and ask us to come back for a wedding?"

Flender paused for stroking his beard.

Xiaohong opened her eyes wide: "Isn't it?"

Dai Mubai looked at Flender in surprise.

Haven't heard that Flender has a date?And doesn't he like Liu Erlong?As for Liu Erlong's feelings for Yu Xiaogang, he wouldn't accept Flender, would he?

Who is he marrying?
"That's right, Xiaohong, you're going to have a mistress." Flender admitted generously.

However, he glanced at Yu Xiaogang with some confusion.

"Who is who?" Ma Hongjun asked excitedly.If there were not too many people around, he would have asked the phrase "Who would fall in love with a 50-year-old virgin like you, teacher?"

"You guys know each other too," Flender said with a restrained smile on his face, "it's Dean Liu Erlong of Lanba Academy."

Dai Mubai opened his eyes slightly.

He resisted not looking at Yu Xiaogang's expression.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang looked relieved as expected.

"Congratulations!" Yu Xiaogang said sincerely, "I'm really lucky to have made it this far."

Dai Mubai couldn't help turning his head to look at Yu Xiaogang.

He was a little confused about Yu Xiaogang's thoughts.

More than 20 years ago, Yu Xiaogang also held a wedding with Liu Erlong. Although the wedding was a mess, Liu Erlong had been his wife for half a day.Now that Liu Erlong is going to marry his good brother Flender, even though Liu Erlong is his own cousin, wouldn't he feel awkward?
"Is Erlong also in the academy now?" Yu Xiaogang seemed to be really innocent, he asked very naturally.

Flender breathed a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed, and he said, "The second dragon is still in the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect."

"Well," Yu Xiaogang nodded, "When will the wedding be held?"

Flender said: "Seven days later, it will also be the first day of next month."

Next, Yu Xiaogang and Flender began to discuss about the wedding. A group of millenniums occasionally interjected, but most of the time they found it boring and it was a waste of time to stay here, so Dai Mubai suggested going to the cafeteria to watch look.

From last night to now, he and Zhu Zhuqing haven't eaten yet.

"By the way, the college's food won't still be so bad, right?" Ning Rongrong still feels uncomfortable when he thinks about the dark food he once ate.

That is really a bad thing to look back on!
"Probably not?" Oscar was not sure, "Dark cooking or something, it should be considered a special training program now, right?"

"It's best like this." Xiao Wu also thought of those scalp-numbing dark dishes, and couldn't help but began to pray, "I hope the dean will find out with his conscience and stop poisoning us."

"Xiao Wu, you're too exaggerated. You can't call it poisonous, right?" As Flender's direct disciple, Ma Hongjun explained for Flender, "Although I don't like those meals, the effect is really good. The most important thing What's more... expensive!"

At least dozens of gold soul coins for a meal!

The income of ordinary people for many years!
Although Ma Hongjun has been a soul master since he was six years old, if he hadn't been accepted as a disciple by Flender at that time, even if he had a super talent for cultivation, it would be useless, and he might end up as a great soul master in the end.

The reason is not poverty?
Soul master cultivation requires a lot of money.Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the appetite of the soul master.Low-level soul masters have a lot of food, and because they are young, their bodies need to supplement nutrition, so the monthly subsidy given by Wuhundian is basically food supplements.

Can't get enough to eat and still want to be a soul master?I'm afraid I'm not thinking about peach!

So, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Tang San, they are lucky.

Because they met a good teacher.

As for Tang San's title Douluo's father, most of the time, it's better not to have it.

"This time Dean Flender got married, I heard he said that the wedding will be held in the academy." Dai Mubai said, "The dean probably won't make dark dishes at his wedding, right?"

Ning Rongrong and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, such a big event as marriage should be perfect, and no one will make fun of themselves.

"Speaking of this," Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai as if remembering something, and asked very curiously, "Teacher is about to get married, brother, you and Zhuqing have been engaged for so long, when do you plan to get married?"

Dai Mubai was slightly startled, then glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, and said with a smile: "It will be soon, probably in the past two years."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, apparently acting like what Dai Mubai said.

"Really?" Xiao Wu asked.

She really wanted to ask Dai Mubai if she would marry another woman before marrying Zhu Zhuqing, but she also knew that if she really asked in front of so many people, it would be to slap Zhu Zhuqing in the face in public.

After so many years, is she really ignorant of the ways of the world?

"Brother, how about we hold a wedding together then?" Ma Hongjun suggested.

Dai Mubai stroked his chin and thought about it, then shook his head and refused.

"Although I am very excited, my identity does not allow it."

(End of this chapter)

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