Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 229 I have grown up

Chapter 229 I have grown up
The New Shrek Academy located in the Kuntian Mountains covers a large area, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an academy and a city.It's just that there are only a few buildings in this "city".

Dai Mubai and the others went to visit the campus after eating in the cafeteria.

Poor Xiaohong was carried by Dai Mubai, and went to the garden halfway up the mountain.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Although he was full, Ma Hongjun's envious look at Dai Mubai before was unforgettable.

Maybe this is the only time in his life that he can see Dai Mubai showing jealous eyes.

Dai Mubai raised his chin and said: "Release the martial spirit."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head and obeyed obediently.

Dai Mubai looked at his phoenix martial soul, and asked Erha: "The desire of original sin is in his body, or in the martial soul?"

The light flashed across Erha's eyes, and he said, "It's inside him."

Dai Mubai frowned.

Seeing his expression, Ma Hongjun was taken aback: "Brother, there must be something wrong with my martial spirit, right?"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "It's not a problem..."

Seeing that Dai Mu didn't finish his vernacular, Ma Hongjun wanted to ask, but seeing him rubbing his chin and thinking, his simple intuition kept him silent.

"It's not so much a problem, it's better to say that your martial soul still has the possibility to evolve." Dai Mubai said.

"What?" Ma Hongjun was stunned.

His martial soul has already evolved once, can it evolve again?
Dai Mubai said: "You should have seen Zhuqing's changes, in fact, her martial spirit has evolved twice. Of course, her opportunities are also rare."

Ma Hongjun nodded: "Speaking of which, among the seven brothers and sisters, Zhuqing is the youngest, but his cultivation is the highest."

Indeed, the current Zhu Zhuqing has the highest cultivation level among the seven monsters, because she has accepted the inheritance of the moon god, it can also be said that she is second only to Dai Mubai in strength among the seven monsters.

And Tang San, who should have been ranked second, is now just the soul emperor, and his progress is not even as good as Xiao Wu's.

Considering that Tang San hasn't increased his spirit power for almost three years, and everyone else has the assistance of Star Martial Academy or Ditian, this is not difficult to accept.

"Zhuqing's martial soul evolution is because of big brother again?" Ma Hongjun asked with a smile.

"It can be said that." Dai Mubai did not deny it.

Ma Hongjun suddenly showed a complicated expression.

Dai Mubai felt curious, Xiao Hong, who was always heartless, would show such an expression?
"Brother, I want to rely on my own efforts to become stronger." Ma Hongjun said, "I'm not saying that it's not good to follow you, but I think... Although this kind of thinking is a bit ridiculous, I still want to say that I have grown up , I can take responsibility for my own life!"

It was the first time Dai Mubai saw Ma Hongjun look so serious.

He didn't laugh at Ma Hongjun.

Sometimes he also feels that it is not good to impose his will on others.

But in this life, his status destined him to only be a high-ranking monarch.

He can be approachable, gentle and elegant, he can be informal, and he can even be bohemian, but he must keep in mind.

The so-called monarch - a lonely family!
He can take suggestions, but he cannot compromise.

He will never allow anyone to go against his will!
Of course, this point, in terms of personal capacity, is dispensable.

"Then, what do you want to do?" Dai Mubai asked.

Ma Hongjun scratched his head: "For the time being, I will complete the martial soul fusion skill with Bing'er, marry her in two years, and maybe have a baby. When we practiced with the teacher in the morning, he said that our progress in cultivation was too fast. , if possible, it is best to settle for a few years."

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Precipitation is meaningless to a soul master... unless you can create your own soul skills. Soul rings, soul skills, and soul bones! These three points are the strength foundation of a soul master."

"That's what I said, but hard work can't be ignored," Ma Hongjun said, "I saw a lot of soul masters in the Star Martial Academy who were not very qualified but very attractive. Each of them almost put their own A person who has used his martial spirit to the extreme. Maybe he is not strong in combat, but soul masters are not limited to fighting."

Dai Mubai stared deeply at Ma Hongjun, he smiled.

"Xiao Hong, you have really grown up." He patted Ma Hongjun on the head and said, "Then do what you want. Many years ago, my coach told me to do whatever you want and then tell the whole world what you are right or wrong. Now, this sentence is also given to you.”

He pressed Ma Hongjun's shoulder, his expression became serious: "Don't let me down."

Ma Hongjun nodded heavily.

Although he is only 19 years old, he is no longer a child.

In this world where 15-year-old fathers are common, he should stand upright.

Ma Hongjun left alone, Dai Mubai watched the transplanted colorful plant-type soul beasts in the garden, and asked Mu Bai: "Did I grow them into flowers in the greenhouse?"

Mu Bai nodded seriously: "A little bit."

"Although there is nothing wrong with letting them grow up smoothly, the flowers in the greenhouse can't withstand the wind and rain!" Dai Mubai was a little melancholy, "I feel like an old father now. It's going well, and I'm afraid that he won't have the power to protect himself in case of an accident. Of course, it's a bit inappropriate to say it's the old father. I'm more like a boss who is preparing to train employees now?"

"The boss doesn't think so much, and fires if he doesn't fit. Anyway, there are so many job seekers, so you don't have to worry about finding the right person." Mu Bai retorted, "You just worry about it, and you are neither their father nor their mother. , is just a senior brother, it's your turn to meddle in other people's business?"

"Emmmm," Dai Mubai reminded Mu Bai with some embarrassment, "The problem is, I want to use them to do things for me!"

Mu Bai: "...I forgot about it. To be honest, you can arrange those gods for your family, right?"

Dai Mubai smiled, and asked back: "Tang San and the others are not their own family?"

"Uh, what should I say? After all, they are separated by a layer, and they are not as close as your brother Davis, right?" Mu Bai said, "But it is indeed a problem that Davis and the others are not talented enough... Ah, speaking of this , your little nephew Zhuang Chenguang has also reached the age of martial soul awakening?"

Dai Mubai nodded.

Zhuang Chenguang is already six years old this year, and his sixth birthday will be in two months.

"Your brother-in-law Zhuang Shuangyu's martial soul is very interesting. If Chen Guang can inherit that martial soul and has a high innate soul power... Let's think of a way, maybe we can really get him a god." Mu Bai said, " I still like that kid."

"I like it, but the premise is that he has to live up to his spirit. No matter how hard he tries the day after tomorrow, if his innate soul power is not enough, he still won't be able to... Let a person who can only run 800 meters run 5000 meters, and there will be no good results."

"The meaning of a teacher is to develop his potential."

Dai Mubai no longer refute.

Talent is a very helpless thing.

(End of this chapter)

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