Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 246 Day 1 on the Island: Campfire Party

Chapter 246 The first bonfire party on the island

Zhu Zhuqing said: "It is said that those conch houses were originally the shells left after the death of the ten thousand-year conch soul beast. They are durable and have a large space, so they were used as rental houses by the people on Sea God Island."

"Didn't it mean that people on the island barter? How come there are rental houses?" Dai Mubai was startled.

In such a primitive business environment, there is such a thing as a rental house?
"It's all barter, but there are also exchanges between the seven cities on the island. People from other cities must have a place to rest when they come to Sea Spear City? Shouldn't the caravans from outside the island have to rest? So isn’t it normal to have a rental house?” said a sea fruit vendor beside Dai Mubai.

Sea Lance Douluo was very busy, he walked around with the crowd for about ten minutes, and then returned to the Sea Lance Sacred Pillar to continue guarding the Sacred Pillar.

Dai Mubai nodded.

When Zhu Zhuqing and others bought things before, most of them used some gadgets bought from Hanhai City.There is no way, the things they originally put in the storage soul guide are relatively small, and they are all valuables that they like very much. Although they don't mind the little money, it is impossible to put them in the storage soul guide. Take everything out for exchange.

And there are a lot of things to buy in Hanhai City.When these prodigal girls who are not short of money are buying things in Hanhai City, they always buy out a store in the same way.

Thanks to the large space in their storage soul guides, and there are more than one.Otherwise, if you have money, you can't buy so many things, mainly because you can't put them down after you buy them.

Because of shopping and eating all the way, I have been to almost every stall and shop, so everyone is now familiar with the vendors on the island.

"How to rent the conch house?" Dai Mubai asked.

Tang San said: "Let a flying soul tool for one year."

"One room?" Dai Mubai frowned.

Tang San: "All."

Dai Mubai said that the house price here is not so outrageous, the starting price of a flying soul guide is 30 gold soul coins, although it is not as expensive as the gemstone that Ning Rongrong gave at the beginning, but that is what Ning Rongrong is willing to do.How can you rent a house without looking at the house price?

When he arrived in another world, Dai Mubai didn't want to be used to real estate agents.

Although he hasn't thought of a good way to contain it.

After all, businessmen have no conscience.

"We only live for a few days, so we don't need to rent it for so long, do we?"

Tang San also felt it was a bit wasteful, but, "Xiao Wu and the others like it!"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Then feel free. Just be happy."

Tang San nodded, and explained: "These conch houses don't all belong to a certain family, they originally wanted to change some medicines that can calm the mind, but the test that the children of one family are facing is more dangerous, they think that if they can fly, they can complete The confidence of the assessment is greater."

"En." Dai Mubai understood.

He didn't care about this at all, anyway, this group of people have flying soul skills.Bringing the flying soul guide is just to save some soul power.

Dai Mubai chose a Wanbao snail house, Zhu Zhuqing chose a slender purple snail house, Tang San chose a Tang Guan snail house, Xiao Wu chose a pterosaur house, Oscar chose a Nautilus house, and Ning Rongrong chose a Qisi snail house. Ma Hongjun chose Fenghuang Conch House, Shui Binger chose Crystal Phoenix Conch House, and Bai Chenxiang chose Fengwei Conch House.

As for Zhuang Chenguang, he shared a room with Dai Mubai.

"The four famous ornamental conchs are all together!" Dai Mubai looked at the conch house.

The space of the conch houses is indeed very large. If it is not for the strange shape, which takes up unnecessary space, each conch house has at least [-] square meters.

"Wannian Sea Soul Beast..." Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, "Do you want to go to sea to catch conch?"

Dai Mubai stood by the window of the Conch House and asked the others.

"Ah?" Oscar poked his head out of his room, "Why are you fishing for conch? Are you grilling seafood?"

"It's a good suggestion." Dai Mubai's eyes lit up, "We haven't had a picnic for a long time, why don't we hold a bonfire party under the moonlight tonight?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong said in unison.

Tang San was speechless.

Do you all still remember why you came to Sea God Island?
We are not here to travel, but to practice!
But it was rare that everyone was so excited, Tang San didn't say anything to spoil the fun.

They don't know where to catch seafood, and they don't know what seafood is delicious.So Oscar found a guide on the island, who was also a Soul Emperor.

"In fact, almost all marine life can be eaten, but some are poisonous and some are not tasty." The guide smiled, "If you want to catch delicious seafood, the easiest way is to look at sea crabs, lobsters, shrimps, meat quality Plump conch, sea shellfish, and some schools of fish, which generally taste good."

"There are more conch shells in our sea spear city, and there are also many powerful conch spirit beasts, so if you see conch shells, you can catch them. In the conch house where you live, you can eat the original conch shells." The guide said, "But it's best not to provoke conch soul beasts that are more than [-] years old alone. They are very difficult to deal with. Sea Spear City has accumulated dozens of conch houses for thousands of years."

The road was smooth and calm, and everyone hadn't seen the strength of the sea soul beast, so they were gearing up for a big fight at this time.

"It's just food." Dai Mubai didn't care.

It is said that their strength will be weakened in the sea, but among them, except for Bai Chenxiang, everyone can hunt and kill mere ten thousand year soul beasts alone.

Bai Chenxiang: Cue again.I feel bad, I want to cry T﹏T
If she had known it would be so embarrassing here, she wouldn't have come with her new big cousin!
"Let's divide into two teams, whichever team has more rewards, the party at night is only responsible for eating and playing, and the losing team is responsible for barbecue, how about it?" Dai Mubai suggested.

The others thought about it and thought it would be more interesting, so they all agreed.

In the end Dai Mubai, Zhuang Chenguang, Zhu Zhuqing, Bai Chenxiang and Oscar's team, and the remaining Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Shui Binger and Ning Rongrong's team.

As the guide, he asked, "Are you simply comparing the quantity, or the weight, or the value of the seafood?"

Everyone discussed it and decided to simply compare the quantity.

Weight or something, in case any team meets a big guy, they will win without having to compete.

"Try not to find too big ones. We want to barbecue, not to get soul rings." Xiao Wu said, "It's not easy for soul beasts to grow so big. It would be best not to hunt soul beasts."

The others are fine.

Sea soul beasts are also soul beasts, it's normal for Xiao Wu to say this.

On the contrary, Dai Mubai gave her a suspicious look.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, Dai Mubai made her choose.

Is she a soul beast or a human?

Xiao Wu didn't give an answer at that time.

Now it seems that she still has no answer.

Two-faced, in a dilemma, there is no easy end!
But with Xiao Wu's love brain, she will definitely side with Tang San in the end.

As for Tang San, even though he had some soul beast blood, he only thought of himself as a human from the beginning to the end, and his stand was very firm.

However, Dai Mubai doesn't mind ruling the continent together with spirit beasts.Of course, the premise is that the human race has an absolute strong position.

"Within three hours, whichever group has the most seafood will win. Is there a problem?" the guide asked.

"No!" A group of young people shouted excitedly.

"Third brother, hurry up!" Xiao Wu dragged Tang San into the sea.

"Xiao Ao, we rely on you here." Dai Mubai patted Oscar's shoulder,

Zhu Zhuqing was originally a feline martial spirit, and instinctively dislikes water.Bai Chenxiang is a bird spirit, not a sea bird, so she doesn't like water either.

Zhuang Chenguang couldn't count on it, while Dai Mubai simply didn't want to do anything.

"Zhuqing, Chenxiang, just pick up conch and crabs on the beach, or go to the reef to have a look," Dai Mubai said, "I'll take Chenguang to catch fish."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Zhuang Chenguang who was still asleep, and said, "Let's take Chenguang with us, it will be safer on the beach."

Dai Mubai said: "Let him soak in the water, this will help him recover."

Zhu Zhuqing thought of Zhuang Chenguang's inheritance of Sea God, nodded his head and didn't insist anymore.

As soon as Dai Mubai entered the water with Zhuang Chenguang in his arms, a blue film covered them, it looked as if they were wearing a blue waterproof suit, the most amazing thing was that this "clothes" also gave them the ability to breathe in the sea. ability.

Dai Mubai raised Zhuang Chenguang's little hand, and let him touch Oscar in the sea, sure enough, Oscar was also covered with a blue film.

However, Zhuang Chenguang must keep in touch with Oscar, once he loses physical contact, the film on Oscar's body will disappear within 3 minutes.

Seeing that Zhuang Chenguang's breathing became longer and longer, Dai Mubai knew that his guess was right.

As long as he stays in the sea, Zhuang Chenguang will automatically absorb the energy in the sea and improve his physical fitness.

"Little Ao, there's a big lobster over there, hurry up!"

Dai Mubai and Oscar walked on the bottom of the sea, relying on his detection skills, it was easy to find seafood.

Oscar ran over, and sure enough, he saw a big blue lobster more than two meters long.

"Such a big one is not a soul beast?" It is not that Oscar has never eaten lobsters, but the lobsters he ate were not so big at all. "Could it be that all I ate were fake lobsters?"

"It's just that you haven't eaten it," Dai Mubai said, "Hurry up, there's still a big fish over there."

Oscar quickly killed the big lobster, threw it into the storage soul tool, and looked in the direction Dai Mubai pointed.

"That's salmon, right?" Oscar excitedly A'd up, and Oscar caught a salmon.

Under Dai Mubai's command, Oscar basically caught a lot of seafood without much effort.In the end, the storage soul guide he specially used to hold seafood couldn't hold it.

Oscar carried an octopus, and said helplessly, "Brother, my soul tool is only ten cubic meters, and it's all full now."

Although he has three soul guides on his body, none of them are too large.

Dai Mubai put the octopus into his storage soul tool, and said: "Catch some more, with Xiao Wu and Rong Rong's temper, they must be holding back their energy to win. As for whether we can After eating, this is not within their consideration at all."

Oscar smiled wryly.

That's really their character.

In the end Dai Mubai and Oscar caught more than 200 seafood.

Including what Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang picked up on the beach, there are more than 300 in total.

"Xiangxiang can fly, and I picked up all the conch and shells on the other side of the reef." Zhu Zhuqing laughed.

Bai Chenxiang was a little embarrassed, she knew that Zhu Zhuqing was a soul sage and also had the ability to fly, so she said this to take care of her emotions.

She was indeed holding back her energy to prove that she was not a hindrance.

The final result of Dai Mubai's team was 328 seafood, none of which had a soul beast.

Tang San's team also came back soon, and their harvest was good, but maybe it was bad luck, they encountered a ten thousand year octopus, and they were entangled, so they could only kill the unknown octopus in the end. Good or bad octopus.

So their final score was 168 pieces of seafood, including a [-]-year-old octopus.

Dai Mubai's team won!

"It's too easy to win, there is no sense of accomplishment at all!" Dai Mubai sighed.

"Ahhh! How angry!" Xiao Wu was so angry that he kicked the Wannian Octopus.

If they hadn't wasted too much time on this octopus, maybe they would have won!

"Brother's fifth spirit ability is Spiritual Detection, we can only see it with the naked eye, it's normal that the speed can't be compared," Tang San comforted Xiao Wu, "Unfortunately, it's a comparison of quantity, if it's a comparison of quality, this time we Just win."

Dai Mubai smiled.

Compared with quality, wouldn't he go to find a soul beast?
"What are you laughing at!" Xiao Wu blushed with anger, if Tang San hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed to beat Dai Mubai.

"Xiao Ao, choose what you like to eat, and give the rest to the residents of the city."

They caught dozens of tons of seafood, enough to feed the entire Seaspear City for several days.

It's useless to keep these seafood, it won't be fresh after a long time, not to mention that you can fish it anytime you want.

Why not give it to the islanders as a gift and get along well with them?

The guide laughed, knowing that this group of people didn't care, so he said: "Then thank you all, people in the city don't have to go to sea these two days."

"You're welcome, we'll be bothering you for a long time on the island, not to mention asking you to help build a house these few days." Dai Mubai said politely.

The guide said: "What trouble is it? Ross said before that we still need to get the Golden Soul Coins when we go to work! Although Golden Soul Coins are not used on the island, they are still needed when caravans come over occasionally."

Dai Mubai smiled.

The guide said again: "How about this, let me find some good cooks to help with seafood, you may not be very good at handling seafood."

"Then thank you very much." Dai Mubai did not refuse, "After the house is built in two days, we will invite everyone to the party."

He did not invite the residents of the island to join today's bonfire party.

This is the commemoration of their group coming here. If you want to invite the people on the island to have a carnival, you can wait until after the first test is over.

The guide nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll go find someone first."

After finishing speaking here, Oscar and the others picked out what they wanted to eat.

Although they are all soul masters and have a big appetite, the seafood is also big, and each person only picked five or six at most.

The guide quickly brought the chefs on the island. They are really good at handling seafood, and they quickly processed everything. Just put the sauce on the grill and sprinkle with seasonings, and they are ready to eat.They also brought cutlery and condiments.

They have a kind of shell, which also has the ability to store things, it seems that the space is not small, one shell can take away all the seafood that Dai Mubai and others don't need.

Tang San's cooking skills are good, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong also learned some cooking skills in Shrek Academy back then, Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er were in charge of arranging the bonfire.Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, and Bai Chenxiang saw them busy, and ran over to help.

Only Dai Mubai and Zhuang Chenguang, one old god is waiting to eat, the other is still sleeping.

"You're so angry!" Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong would mutter indignantly every time they looked up and saw Dai Mubai who was looking relaxed and waiting to eat.

In the end Zhu Zhuqing couldn't stand Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's chatter, and pulled Dai Mubai to the grill, and asked him to grill a few fish too.

"Come on, let's drink to the upcoming island life!"

(End of this chapter)

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