Chapter 249

Bo Saixi didn't expect that Dai Mubai would be able to praise Seagod without blushing and heartbeat, and even shamelessly declare that he is a follower of Seagod!
How shameless!
Before she said that there was only one god bestowed spirit ring, she didn't see any admiration for Seagod from Dai Mubai at all!
"A face is a good thing, but it's a pity that Dai Mubai doesn't have one at all!" Erha sighed.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly: "A tree has no bark, so it will definitely die. Shameless people are invincible!"

"Isn't that right? Surrender when the situation is wrong. Where did the enemy come from? They are all from our own!" Erha shook his head, his face full of disdain.

"It doesn't matter if you look or not, the spirit ring bestowed by God is the key." Although Mu Bai also complained about Dai Mubai, he thought Dai Mubai did a very good job.

Apart from Sea God, they didn't know where else they could get a lot of divine power.

After all, there are not many gods as generous as Sea God!
"High Priest, look, if you are embarrassed to tell Your Majesty the Sea God, I can go and talk to his old man by myself..." Dai Mubai couldn't be extravagant now, the smile on his face couldn't be called flattering, but it was also It's all to please.

Bo Saixi was speechless.

"Okay, you can go to the temple to pray to His Majesty the Sea God..." Bo Saixi turned his eyes around Dai Mubai twice, and said, "Perhaps you will really gain something!"

Dai Mubai's smile restrained a bit, and his tone was determined to win: "There is no possibility."

He threw the god bestowed spirit ring up and down like ordinary beads, and didn't seem to take this thing he desperately needed seriously.

"The quality of this spirit ring is not enough..." Mu Bai's gaze followed the beads, "At least a god-given spirit ring full of divine power is needed."

It is not impossible for Dai Mubai to obtain the seventh spirit ring immediately.There are too many 10-year-old soul beasts in the sea, and he could have become an official soul saint long ago. could he be satisfied with a 10-year soul ring now?Especially in such a critical position as the spirit avatar!

"I've already accumulated a lot of soul power, now my origin plus the origin of the flat peach tree... I can't be inferior to a Heavenly Dream Iceworm." Mu Bai said indifferently.

"This is a very crucial step...even more important than the ninth spirit ring!"

The importance of the seventh spirit ring to the domain is beyond doubt.Only after possessing the Martial Soul Avatar can the abilities in the field of talent be truly displayed.And the quality of the seventh soul ring obviously determines the power of the talent field.

Dai Mubai has four talent domains.One is from Long Aotian, which is the soul skill "Red Dust Vientiane" that seems to be able to create illusions... In fact, after Long Aotian evolved, it became a talent field, but this field is usually not stimulated, even It didn't even appear when passing through hell road.

The second one comes from Erha, which is the spiritual realm, invisible and colorless as if it doesn't exist, but it protects his spiritual sea all the time.

The third one is from Mu Bai, it is the talent domain of the holy beast White Tiger, its effect is unknown, anyway, Dai Mubai has never used it himself.

The fourth one comes from the flat peach tree, Dai Mubai has never used it...or rather, he can't use this field at all.Except for the passive defense that this field brought him, he couldn't mobilize it at all.This is not to say that the flat peach tree has the same subjective initiative as Mu Bai, so he can't use it, but that the flat peach tree field requires too much divine power, and he can't afford it at all.

This seventh soul ring, apart from having no effect on the flat peach tree domain, is of great significance to the other three domains.

Dai Mubai knew this, this is a key step for Mu Bai and him, it can be said to be related to everything in the future.

"You have been sleeping for more than four years, maybe there is no reason for this?"

Mu Bai lazily raised his paw: "You are really...unexpected!"

There is a word called... for the tiger!
No matter how majestic the holy beast white tiger is, it is still a tiger!

"It's really despicable and shameless... Inhumane!" Dai Mubai walked into the Sea God Hall.

"You're talking... like I'm a human being." Mu Bai didn't care.

If he was in the prehistoric world, he still had to worry about killing too many evils and tainting karma, but on the Douluo Continent, who would care about the weak?

Douluo human beings are not the protagonists of the universe!

No matter how many slaughters, no matter how many human dead souls are imprisoned and used... there will be no karma at all!

"Dai Mubai, don't you think you are a good person?"

"Heh, what you said... like I'm a villain."

The Sea God Temple is dark, there is not a single window in the whole hall, the inside of the hall is very empty, it can be said to be empty, and there are no decorations to be seen.

In this hall, there are only eight platforms.The seven platforms outside form a circle, like a reduced platform of the Seven Sacred Pillars.In the center of these seven platforms, there is another platform that is several times larger. It can be seen from between the two outer platforms in front. This platform has three floors in total, and it is several meters higher than the seven outer platforms. .The entire platform is circular, and the higher the platform, the smaller the area.In the center of the top platform, there is a long stick standing up.

"Sea God Trident?" Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

He took a few steps forward, looked at the artifact, and then his face was full of disappointment.

This is not the legendary Poseidon artifact forged by Hephaestus, the god of forging, but the weapon of Poseidon, the sea god on Douluo Continent.

To be honest, it was quite disappointing.

"Let San'er help forge a weapon in the future." Dai Mubai didn't know anything about forging, he never thought of forging by himself.

Entrust professional things to professional people, this is what the superiors call knowing people and doing good things.

"Aren't you trying to pull it out?" Bo Saixi stood at the entrance of the hall with a smile.

Dai Mubai shook his head, and pulled out the Seagod Trident casually.

Poseidon: Σ()

Are you kidding me?
Isn't this the Seagod's exclusive artifact that only Seagod heirs can pull out?

Do you want to pull it out so easily?

This is not a standard spear for soldiers in your army!

"The so-called Poseidon's heir is exclusive...just because other people's strength is not enough." Dai Mubai played around twice, and found that the trident weapon was not suitable for him, and he didn't like it either. He still liked long swords or sickles.

"In the Sea God Hall, are there only weapons enshrined in the Sea God Your Majesty?"

Dai Mubai was a little disappointed, he thought that at least there must be a statue that allows him to communicate with Seagod!

"High Priest, as you know, this world has its own rules, and the strength of a 99-level Title Douluo is the upper limit of this rule. Once you reach this level, you don't want to make any progress. And breaking through this level is quite So he broke through the rules and surpassed the rules, that is, the so-called god. That is no longer something that can be accomplished by relying on individual strength. The Sea God, Your Majesty, relied on the skills of thousands of sea soul beasts and sea soul masters. The power of faith." Dai Mubai turned to look at Bo Saixi, "Your Majesty the Sea God spent a thousand years breaking this rule... The shadow left by him is enough to shorten this time a hundred times."

Dai Mubai smiled: "However, doing so will also lead to a very dire consequence... It will be difficult for his heirs to surpass his achievements."

Although Tang San not only surpassed Seagod, but also surpassed many, many.

But that's because Tang San accepted the throne of God Shura at the same time, and it just so happened...the God King of the God Realm actually ran to reincarnate to rebuild!

Most importantly, Tang San is the incarnation of the God of Creation!

His strength is natural.

"I won't accept any god position...but I can't wait for a thousand years." Dai Mubai stopped looking at Bo Saixi, he turned his eyes to the Seagod Trident, "So I need pure divine long as Seagod You can't When I come to the world, I will definitely have a way to take away the divine power that He left in the world."

"It's not my intention to plunder and plunder, and I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can threaten a god now."

"But—don't think I can't do what I say."

Poseidon remained silent.

She knew from the break of the Sea Spear Sacred Pillar before that Dai Mubai really had the ability to seize the Seagod's divine power.

It's just that His Majesty the Sea God doesn't seem to care about this loss of divine power.

Bo Saixi didn't know that Her Majesty the Sea God, whom she devoutly believed in, would be deeply afraid of a quasi-soul saint without the seventh spirit ring!

Speaking of this, the Seagod Trident suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, and Bo Saixi was immediately pushed out of the Seagod Temple by the golden light.

Bo Saixi was surprised.

She frowned, then reacted immediately, and slowly knelt down on the ground.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

In the Seagod Hall, golden lights gushed out one after another from the Seagod Trident, finally outlining a golden phantom of an old man in front of Dai Mubai.

"Dai Mubai, who the hell are you?" Sea God Avatar asked straight to the point.

Dai Mubai was neither humble nor overbearing, his voice was clear and clear: "The prince of the Star Luo Empire."

"I guessed that you were the reincarnation of a god king from some other god system." The sea god avatar said, "But it seems that you are not."

The Sea God knew that if Dai Mubai was really the reincarnation of a god king, then he didn't need the divine power of other gods at all!

He may need some help from other gods, but he can make arrangements before reincarnation, there is no need to go so hard to get it.

Of course, the most important thing is... Dai Mubai has no godhead!

The most important step to become a god is to condense the godhead and ignite the divine fire!

But Dai Mubai doesn't have the prototype of a godhead!
As the crown prince of Xingluo, Dai Mubai naturally has the power of faith that the subjects of Xingluo have in him, but this power of faith is too little.

"I can see that you are making a very bold attempt." Seagod has no lack of admiration for Dai Mubai, "Even if the Silver Dragon King's strength is inexhaustible, it is not something that mere mortals can kill. Although you borrowed part of the sword The power of God and Shura God, but with this kind of courage, I have to say that at your age, I am not as good as you."

"Didn't your Majesty just come here to praise me?" Dai Mubai asked calmly.

He didn't feel any pressure from the Seagod incarnation.

It seems that what came to the world is really a phantom without any power.

"No, I think the same as you!"

Seagod's divine power enveloped this hall. He spent a lot of divine power and thought. No existence could break through the barrier covering the hall without alerting him.

No one can overhear his conversation with Dai Mubai.

"The God Realm has decayed."

Sea God burst out a shocking melon.

"It took me only a few decades to become a god in the God Realm. I shouldn't be so eager to pass on the god position, but this God Realm has been in peace for a long time, and I am so disappointed."

Sea God is very calm, he is not afraid of Dai Mubai leaking the secret, and he doesn't mind telling Dai Mubai his plan.

"So I want to leave here and abandon the so-called god position... Although I didn't perform too many duties after becoming a god." Sea God seemed to laugh at himself, "There is no reason for me to stay in this God Realm."

Dai Mubai remained silent.

"It's my regret that I didn't catch up with that battle in the God Realm." Sea God sighed.

"I used to be a loner, but your family has great achievements." Sea God admired Dai Mubai very much, "You know more things than I used to, and your ambition is far greater than mine."

Dai Mubai looked at Seagod with some surprise.

He didn't expect that Sea God actually admired him.

"I can give you [-]% of my divine power. If it exceeds [-]%, I will not be able to return to my prime when your nephew takes over the throne from me." Sea God was very straightforward.

"I expect you to change the Douluo Continent as well as the God Realm."

After Sea God finished speaking, this avatar turned into a golden crystal the size of a brick, floating in front of Dai Mubai.

This is the crystallization of the Seagod's divine power!
It contains very pure divine power!
From the beginning to the end, Dai Mubai only said two useless words, yet he received such a generous gift from the Sea God.

"Hey, I owe the boss a favor." Dai Mubai gave Mu Bai the crystallized divine power, and sighed helplessly.

The hardest thing in the world to repay is the debt of favor.

Sea God's favor has really grown.

Sea God is a powerful first-level god, although the quality of his divine power is not as good as Mu Bai's original source, but the amount of these two percentages of divine power is really considerable.

"Let's go, go out and absorb the soul ring!" Mu Bai happily accepted the crystal of divine power.

"If you don't get a million-year spirit ring, we both could crash into the Seagod Trident!"

Erha and Lu Mingfei looked at each other.

Why are these two hearts so big?

Return the million-year spirit ring!

There has never been a million-year-old soul beast on Douluo Continent!

Even the former Dragon God...

He mainly died early.

"Both of us Silver Dragon Kings are dead, what's a mere million-year soul ring? You don't even have this bit of energy, so how can you create your own god?"

Erha and Lu Mingfei looked at each other and smiled, even though they were as venomous as Erha, they didn't open their mouths to refute.

Erha is a bastard who is so courageous that he dares to let the goddess take maternity leave, and Lu Mingfei is the only remaining fruit of the family of divine beasts and prophets.

Neither of them was afraid of anything.

It's just a big talk... Erha even yelled at the Dragon God back then!Although he was beaten half to death by his father in the end.

Dai Mubai came to the foot of Sea God Mountain, he took out the god bestowed spirit ring, and sat cross-legged.

When the three black, three red and six soul rings appeared in front of everyone, the few people who were climbing the steps lost their minds and rolled down the steps chattering.




Is this the spirit ring ratio of a normal human being? !

"Brother, are you really human?"

 Ah, adding yesterday’s addition today, it’s nearly [-] yards. . .It's really strange, why sometimes I can't code [-] characters, and I have to get on the bus first and then make up for the ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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