Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 255 Silver Moon Blue Jellyfish

Chapter 255 Silver Moon Blue Jellyfish

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Zhu Zhuqing could feel that Dai Mubai actually didn't like Xiao Wu and Tang San.

Dai Mubai doesn't like capricious girls who bluff, so Zhu Zhuqing can understand that he doesn't like Xiao Wu.But he spends more time with Tang San, even longer than she spends with him, and he treats Tang San very well, so Zhu Zhuqing doesn't understand why Dai Mubai faintly dislikes Tang San.

Everyone's houses are stone structures, the structure is very simple, but judging from the materials... Sealance Douluo really cares about their residences.

"The surface of the house is plated with a layer of deep sea blue copper, right?" Dai Mubai raised the corner of his mouth, "And this window, is it Shenyue crystal?"

These materials are very rare on land, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare.But in the sea, it is not so precious.

"Very strong." Dai Mubai said indifferently.

Everyone knew about Dai Mubai's trench, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with Dai Mubai's indifference.

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai's side face, and suddenly thought of a sentence——

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

Leading the coast of the earth, is it a king minister.

In the human world, Dai Mubai will be the emperor above ten thousand people, judging by his appearance, he is extremely active in pursuing the immortal god.

However, he is not a character who can give everything to become a god.

Dai Mubai is different from him, Dai Mubai is a person with a very strong sense of responsibility.So Dai Mubai can take the initiative to send Zhu Zhuqing to the Star Dou Great Forest for the sake of the Star Luo Empire.

If it was him himself, Tang San confirmed that he would not take the initiative to separate from Xiao Wu without the urging of the revenge of killing his mother.

He will never neglect Xiao Wu because of the responsibility of his identity, and let Xiao Wu be wronged.

He still loves beauty but not country.

Evening party.

"Brother, will you become a god?" Slightly drunk, through the flickering bonfire light, Tang San looked at Dai Mubai with blurred eyes, and asked.

Dai Mubai turned to look at Tang San, and said, "Of course."

"Then..." Tang San hesitated for a moment, lowered his eyes, drank another glass of wine, and then continued to ask, "Have you obtained the inheritance of the god position?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing stopped talking with Ning Rongrong, and turned to look at Dai Mubai.

Although the others did not let go of the matter in their hands, they all looked at Dai Mubai with burning eyes.

"No." Dai Mubai was very calm.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened.

"Why?" She almost blurted out.

"There is no reason." Dai Mubai remained calm, "It depends on the chance."

Tang San didn't believe that Dai Mubai couldn't find a suitable god seat?

He can find the inheritance of the Moon God, the temple of the Goddess of Harvest, the temple that hides the inheritance tokens of the God of Forging and the God of Vulcan, and can bring them to the Sea God assessment, making Zhuang Chenguang the successor of the Sea God. Find a god that suits you to inherit?
"You don't have to give us all the opportunities." Ma Hongjun said.

Dai Mubai looked at him in surprise, and asked back: "Why do you think so?"

Ma Hongjun looked back at him: "Don't you always do this?"

Dai Mubai was stunned, he didn't expect that in Ma Hongjun's eyes, he was so selfless to them.

"Xiaohong, I'm not that selfless." Dai Mubai said helplessly.

Ma Hongjun didn't argue with him, but his expression clearly disagreed.

Even Xiao Wu, who had just been trained by Dai Mubai not long ago, couldn't help but said: "Although Dai Mubai is quite annoying and always wants to take care of this and that, you really have nothing to say to us."

Xiao Wu's words made Dai Mubai refresh his impression of Xiao Wu, but in just a few seconds, when he thought of Xiao Wu's outspoken and heartless character, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

"You... If I'm really that selfless, I won't always hide my strength from you." With the increase of strength, Dai Mubai became more and more calm and calm about everything.

Ning Rongrong said: "Although you say that, who doesn't have any secrets?"

Oscar immediately leaned close to her cheek, leaning against her cheek and asked, "What little secret does Rongrong have?"

The corner of Ning Rongrong's mouth twitched, and he smiled like a country: "For example, he raised a few little boys."

Oscar immediately lowered his face, and said seriously: "Rongrong, don't make such jokes in the future."

Ning Rongrong was taken aback by Oscar's serious attitude, and then laughed: "Since you know it's just a joke, why do you mind?"

Oscar lowered his eyes, and he said: "I have heard people say that when a joke is told, it means that the person really thought so."

Ning Rongrong opened her mouth.

"So... Xiao Ao, you really thought about it that way when you were joking before?" Zhu Zhuqing gave Oscar a casual look.

Oscar froze.

Was turned against the general!

But Oscar's mind was turning quickly, he raised his head, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I have thought about every joke I made with Rongrong. As for the joke with Xiaohong, it is faster to talk than to turn the brain. Do you still think so much when you have the time and energy to talk to him?"

Ma Hongjun: "...So you are always perfunctory to me?"

"Is there a problem?" Oscar's face was full of "what's the matter with me?"

The corner of Ma Hongjun's mouth twitched, and he turned away from looking at his mean look.

"Xiao Hong," Xiao Wu looked at Ma Hongjun, and said with a smile, "You joked before that you should hug left and right to enjoy the blessing of being equal, is it true?"

Ma Hongjun snorted, and said: "Didn't you be young at that time! Besides, which man didn't think about it?"

"I didn't." Tang San opened his mouth and came.

Oscar was a step slower, but he also said: "San'er said something earlier, I think it's very good. What's it called? I hope to win the heart of one, and the white head will not be separated."

After reading that poem, Oscar stared straight at Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong blushed pretty, and punched Oscar a loving little fist.

Oscar snorted.

Ning Rongrong gave Oscar a blank look.

She knew how much effort she used, and only Oscar, a guy who always wanted to be good, was the one who made the joke.

Shui Binger stared at Ma Hongjun, her pretty face covered with frost.

"Xiaohong, she is young, but she has a lot of thoughts..." Shui Binger said in a strange way to Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun hastily begged for mercy: "Bing'er, I was wrong, I was really ignorant back then, you have a lot of adults, please forgive me!"

Not to mention, Ma Hongjun's so-called earth-shatteringly handsome face, which is not at all compromised, is used to beg for mercy and act good, and anyone who looks at it will soften their hearts.

Shui Bing'er would choose Ma Hongjun, this face accounted for at least [-]% of the factors.

After all, this is a world of color control!

Dai Mubai didn't participate in this topic.

He can't participate, a scumbag is not qualified!

"Is it a crooked building?" Xiao Wu, who Tang San regarded as the only love in his life from the beginning to the end, did not receive the affectionate confession from the straight man Tang San who took the opportunity, so he had to forcefully break the atmosphere full of dog food. "Aren't you asking why the eldest brother didn't get the inheritance of the god?"

Oscar curled his lips: "Anyway, there is no result of asking. It is useless to ask more about the things he doesn't want to tell us."

Dai Mubai laughed: "Xiao Ao, you know me pretty well, don't you?" He paused, then said, "It's really not that I deliberately kept it from you, the succession of the god position really depends on chance. Think about it, Moon God, Fire God, Forging God, Sea God, which one is suitable for me? None of them are suitable."

"There are other gods' inheritances in the Douluo Continent, but they haven't been found yet. I hope everyone has a share, otherwise we can only rely on being brought to the God Realm in the end."

"How do the gods divide their strength?" Ma Hongjun asked curiously.

Dai Mubai said: "Priest officials, third-level gods, second-level gods, first-level gods, god-world law enforcers, and god-kings. Maybe there are realms above god-kings, but that's beyond my knowledge."

"This division method is quite simple," Xiao Wu said.The basis of her judgment is that she understands.

Zhu Zhuqing asked: "What level of god is the moon god?"

Dai Mubai replied: "Should be a first-level god, yes, only a rank above the first-level god can lead people into the God Realm, other ranks are not qualified, only enough to enter the God Realm by yourself."

Zhu Zhuqing was relieved.It's good to be able to bring people.

"Then what about the other gods you mentioned?" Tang San asked.

"Of course they are all first-level gods," Dai Mubai said, "San'er, as I said, Xiao Wu is surrounded by big bosses, so it's not a problem to be a god. As for you, don't expect her to be a god." What a high position. That may not be good for her."

Tang San nodded, he actually didn't think that much.As long as he can be with Xiao Wu for a long time, it is enough for him.

"Okay, don't think so much now, let's talk after finishing the Seagod Examination first." Dai Mubai said.

Oscar grinned and said, "We didn't think too much about it, we just wanted to get some basic information from you, big brother. We can't go there when the time comes, right? "

Ning Rongrong pinched him: "Aren't you thinking too much? No gods are looking at you right now!"

"With my Oscar's genius, it will be a matter of time!" Oscar flicked his bangs and said stinkingly.

Ning Rongrong didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

"Alright, it's time for you to rest, so hurry up and rest, the second exam will start tomorrow. Next, you challenge once a day, try to pass within forty days." Dai Mubai said.

Ma Hongjun was startled: "If I remember correctly...the soul beast that is said to be more than 20 years old is also in the ring sea, right?"

Dai Mubai smiled and nodded.

"Ah this..."

The others looked at each other.

"Break through the blockade of super soul beasts plus many other soul beasts within forty days and break through the ring sea... Hiss..."

Everyone once again contributed their insignificant power to global warming.

"Come on, won't you be rewarded after passing the first assessment?" Dai Mubai said nonchalantly, "Now the first spirit ring is more than a thousand years old, what are you afraid of?"

Bai Chenxiang remained silent.

The reward for the seventh test of Seagod is to increase the lifespan of all spirit rings by 500 years, and the reward for the eighth test is 1000 years.But Bai Chenxiang's three purple-level exams are only 100 years old.

"That's what you say," Tang San smiled wryly, "but my fifth and sixth spirit rings are forbidden to be used."

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing nodded at the same time.

So did they.

Dai Mubai blinked, feeling that this situation is not serious.

"The assessment didn't prevent you from forming a team to pass," Dai Mubai smiled, "Don't tell me that you are not sure of passing the assessment yet!"

A few people are not convinced now.

With their genius level, with so many people, how could they fail to form a team!

Looking at each other, everyone found that their fighting spirit was on fire!
"Let's go, go to rest." Dai Mubai hugged Zhuang Chenguang and prepared to go back to sleep.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Zhuang Chenguang helplessly.

I feel like that should be my place!
Although she didn't want to really do anything, but even if they chat together, it's fine!
Dai Mubai was about to enter the room, but Zhu Zhuqing's gaze was so resentful, he abruptly stopped, and looked back at her.

Dai Mubai sighed.

"San'er, send Chen Guang back to the ring sea."

As soon as Dai Mubai said this, everyone turned their heads to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing was watched narrowly, her pretty face flushed red.

"Why are you still staying here with me? Are you still planning to continue drinking?" Dai Mubai swept everyone around majestically.

"Let's go, let's go, don't interfere with big brother's nightlife." Oscar jumped up first, grabbed Ning Rongrong's arm and ran away.

"Let's hurry up too, don't be an eyesore here." Ma Hongjun also ran away with Shui Bing'er.

The little transparent Bai Chenxiang hurried away without saying a word.

Can't afford it!Can't afford it!Retreat first!

Tang San took Zhuang Chenguang from Dai Mubai's arms, Xiao Wu made a face at Dai Mubai, and followed Tang San bouncing away.

In the end, only Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were left.

"Zhuqing, do you have something to tell me?" Dai Mubai really didn't want to be alone with Zhu Zhuqing.

He was afraid he couldn't bear it.

Who knows what's going on with that Moon God, if Zhu Zhuqing accidentally stepped on a thunderbolt, causing Zhu Zhuqing to fail the mental exam, the two of them would really have no place to cry.

"Are you avoiding me recently?" Zhu Zhuqing approached Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai shook his head helplessly: "It's not counting as avoiding you, I'm a young man..."

Zhu Zhuqing paused, and gave Dai Mubai a charming look.

who!Full of unhealthy thoughts!

"I do have something to ask you." Zhu Zhuqing adjusted his mentality and asked a little seriously, "You really haven't met a suitable god?"

"It doesn't count, it's just not too sure yet." Dai Mubai and Dai Mubai sat down on the sofa, he said lightly.

"You're not even sure?" Zhu Zhuqing was surprised, "Could it be a god king?"

Dai Mubai: "..."

Homophony, this is embarrassing.

"No, it's not that easy to be a god king, and I definitely won't be able to reach that position in a short time." Dai Mubai really didn't think about the position of a god king.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned beautifully: "What do you plan to do?"

Dai Mubai stroked her hair, said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't fall behind you."

"Didn't I tell you to find suitable 10-year soul beasts for you before?" Dai Mubai took out a pamphlet, and said, "The ones on land are the ones in the Star Dou Forest, and other places such as the one in the extreme north." Although there are 10-year-old soul beasts, I don’t think any of them are suitable for you, so I found a suitable one in the sea.”

"Silver Moon Blue Jellyfish," Dai Mubai pointed to a blue jellyfish with small silver dots on the canopy, exuding a little silver light, and said, "The age limit is suitable, and the soul skills are also suitable, with your strength it can be regarded as a blue jellyfish." You can overcome it alone."

(End of this chapter)

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