Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 213 The shackles used to bind

Chapter 213 The shackles used to bind

216. Shackles for restraint

(I can’t help it. Many readers said that the title of the chapter is not good. All Bubble Gum can only helplessly accept everyone’s opinions and change back to the original routine. / Bubble Gum fainted in the toilet, don’t ask why it is in the toilet.)
"Are you questioning me?" San Dai slapped the table in front of him fiercely, stood up and said angrily, the deep wrinkles on his face were now like ravines all over San Dai's angry face.

"Sarutobi, don't get me wrong, we just want to understand the situation, what's going on?" In the third generation office of the Konoha Hokage Building, Zhuanju Xiaochun also hurriedly comforted at this moment.

The third generation stared at the faces of the two, and saw that the two did not mean to laugh at him, and the anger gradually calmed down. The third generation also picked up his pipe, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I was Plotted."

"Conspiracy? Could it be that an unknown master really appeared in Konoha Village?" Mito Menyan asked in surprise.When he was young, he and Zhuanju Xiaochun were partners of the third generation, so he naturally knew the strength of the third generation.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the two, the third generation slowly revealed the thing about spying on Tang Ming before: "That man's strength is really unfathomable. Not only did he secretly take pictures of me, but now I don't even know his appearance." I can't remember, I just remember it was a man." Sandai also sat on the chair weakly, and said helplessly.

"Konoha unexpectedly came with such a powerful master, and it was at the time when the Chunin Conference was held, and now I, Konoha, made a fool of myself in front of the nations, but I don't know what this person's plan is. Sarutobi, what are you going to do now? Do it?" Turning to bed Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan also believed the words of the third generation, and turned to think about the next response.

Hearing what the two said, Sandai also stood up and walked to the window: "Send someone to recall Jiraiya and Tsunade, and order all the ninjas outside to cancel all missions and return to the village immediately, and all Anbu will be dispatched to monitor the wood. All the movements of the leaf, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, it seems that Konoha has been silent for too long." San Dai shook the ash in his pipe, his tone was terrifyingly quiet.

"Do you want to notify Danzo?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan also agreed with the third generation's handling method, and also hesitated to suggest.

The third generation pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.At the same time, he waved his hand: "I'm tired, you can send someone to arrange it first." Turning to bed Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan also let out a long sigh, and walked out of Sandai's office. Clearly, seeing that the third generation agreed to join forces with Danzo, he was naturally relieved.

"Bang" the door of the office was also closed, and only the third generation was left alone. He was sitting at the desk smoking a cigarette quietly, but his eyes were as sharp as a razor. But he broke it with his own hands: "Danzo, have you stayed at the root for too long, and you dare not be lonely? Do you really think I can't see the little tricks you play?"

At the beginning, the third generation thought that the shadow binding technique just now was that the Nara family wanted to challenge the authority of Hokage, but when they calmed down, they could see something strange. The Nara family is famous for their wisdom. How could they do such a mindless thing, except for Nara In the family, only Sandai and Danzo secretly collected the cheats of shadow ninjutsu.

"Bang, bang" with a few soft sounds, several masked Anbu died silently on the big tree in the wood leaf forest, and they couldn't find out who made the shot.

And in the darkness, a figure stepped out and walked slowly towards the center of the forest.

"Why hasn't Uncle come here yet?" In a clearing in the middle of the forest, Naruto was kicking the stones under his feet boredly, complaining from time to time, but he didn't notice that there were several wooden leaves from the moment he stepped out of the Konoha gate. Ye Anbu followed him.

"Ouch..." Suddenly, Naruto hugged his head and cried out in pain. When he turned his head away, he realized that Tang Ming was already standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"You liar, bastard, you ran away by yourself after the agreed treat, and I used up all my food expenses for a month." Naruto was furious when he saw Tang Ming. Tang Ming ran away before, leaving him alone , I could only cry without tears and emptied his toad wallet.After speaking, Naruto punched Tang Ming fiercely.

"Don't you want to learn ninjutsu?" Tang Ming said with a smile as he saw that Naruto's punch did not dodge at all.

"Hmph, uncle, if you don't teach me a powerful ninjutsu, I will never spare you." Naruto also hurriedly withdrew his fist when he heard Tang Ming's words, and showed off viciously when he saw Tang Ming fist said.

After calming down Naruto's anger, Tang Ming also took Naruto to a hidden cliff. After all, he had killed so many Anbu, if someone found out, although he was not afraid, Tang Ming didn't want to cause trouble.

"Uncle, hurry up, what ninjutsu do you want to teach me?" Naruto asked impatiently when he arrived at the place.

Tang Ming looked at the eager Naruto, patted him on the head and asked, "Do you know why others need three days to learn the same ninjutsu, but you can't learn it in ten days or even longer?"

After hearing this, Naruto's originally agitated expression also calmed down. Instead, he said with a bit of annoyance: "They all said that I am the tail of the crane? Maybe my qualifications are not as good as theirs, but I will prove it to them with my determination. ..." As he spoke, Naruto's chattering began again.

"Stop." Tang Ming also stopped Naruto from continuing to talk, but asked with a strange expression: "Aptitude? Hehe, do you really think it's a problem with your aptitude? You didn't even perform a simple three-body technique back then. You can’t even learn it, but in the end, you can easily learn the profound cheats from the Naruto scroll, do you really think so?”

Suddenly, Naruto fell silent. At the beginning, he didn't feel anything when he hadn't touched ninjutsu, but now he was brought up by Tang Ming and he couldn't help but silence him. The three-body jutsu is just the most basic ninjutsu. The A-level ninjutsu multiple shadow clone in the Naruto cheats is easy to learn, but now thinking about it is full of doubts.

"You don't need to worry about how I know about you. Now you just need to think about it. Is it really a matter of your aptitude? And the office of the third Hokage is so easy to get into, and it was easily stolen by you who are not even a ninja." Don’t you think it’s strange that you have read the secret book, and you didn’t pursue your responsibility at all afterwards?” Tang Ming stopped Naruto from asking, and a series of questions fell into Naruto’s mind.

"Then why?" Naruto's tone was a bit rough, he was not a fool, he also had a brain to think, but he had been driven by his own blood before, and he hadn't thought about these issues.

Tang Ming directly took off Naruto's shirt, tapped his fingers lightly on Naruto's stomach and said, "Because of this."

Suddenly, a strange pattern suddenly appeared on Naruto's belly, which had nothing. A seal with a gossip pattern appeared on Naruto's belly, and it was covered with various obscure symbols.

"What is this? Why is it on my stomach?" Naruto originally wanted to be angry when he saw Tang Ming take off his clothes, but he suddenly looked at his stomach and asked in surprise.

"This is the answer to why you can't learn ninjutsu well. It is also a shackle on your body, a shackle to restrain you." Tang Ming looked at the surprised Tang Ming, and smiled with satisfaction, but this smile But there is a little bit of evil.

 Today is April Fool's Day, so Bubblegum is preparing for the third watch. Do you think what I said is true? / squint smile

(End of this chapter)

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