Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 222 Are all the gods of the little devil so poor?

Chapter 222 Are all the gods of the little devil so poor?
225. Are the gods of the little devil so poor?
The Grim Reaper was completely confused when he saw the introduction on the business card, where did the small advertisements get in here.

"Brother, I see that this broken knife is not bad all over your body. Look at you, you are all tattered and tattered. You don't have the aura of death. Give me the knife, and I will give you a complete set." The Hell Judge suit was designed by Huang Daopo, a famous costume design master of our exchange, which will definitely show your arrogance of the god of death. In addition, the discount is now, and you will also get a Soul Slayer Knife personally made by Master Ou Yezi, which is definitely worth the money."

"You dare to trick me, I'll kill you." Immediately, the god of death came to his senses. Tang Ming had taken a fancy to his own soul-killing knife, and was furious, and directly slashed at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming didn't even react when he saw Death God's knife filled with mighty death energy, he just skipped over and jumped directly onto the knife, and tapped the back of the knife lightly with his fingers: "Brother, I didn't say you, how about it, you If you still think it’s not good, then I’ll make the decision and give you a heterogeneous three-headed dog, pretending to be a hell three-headed dog is absolutely extraordinary, and it’s a real one.”

"I'm going to kill you." The god of death was even more furious when he saw that Tang Ming was not hit with one knife, and another knife was followed immediately.

"I warn you, don't be too greedy, your broken knife is worth the price."

The god of death ignored it even more, and continued to wave the soul-killing knife in his hand, slashing at Tang Ming one after another. Although Tang Ming was not harmed at all, it completely shocked everyone around him, and it was broken with just one knife. The solid Four Purple Flame Formation cut open a huge gap in the arena again with one blow. Fortunately, the crowd also retreated at this moment.

"Hey, let me tell you, don't go too far, I'll fight back if you do this again. Oh, shit, I'm giving you a face, right?" The reason why Tang Ming wanted to make a deal so eagerly was not for anything else but to see On the soul-destroying knife in the hands of the god of death.

And this knife can not only cut off the soul, but because it has been in hell for a long time, it is full of the power of reincarnation as the weapon used by the god of death to cut off the soul, and Tang Ming is worried that the six reincarnations in A Chinese Ghost Story world lack the power of reincarnation Unable to recover, there is no reason to refuse the baby that was delivered to your door.

And I endured again and again, but the god of death didn't appreciate it, which completely angered Tang Ming, and Tang Ming directly faced the god of death with a shocking knife, and he didn't stop.He grabbed Miehun Knife directly, grabbed the back of the knife, and pulled it directly from Death God's hand.

And watching the baby who had been with him for many years suddenly disappear, and when he was about to get angry, a huge arm suddenly grabbed him, even grabbed his neck, and threw him to the ground hard.

Just when the god of death was thrown dizzy and wanted to get up, one of his arms was suddenly pulled up by a huge force, and he saw that the god of death was grabbed by a finger by an incomparably small figure, without any effort. With great force, he fell to the other side again, and then was pulled up again, and fell to the side again.

As for the God of Death, Tang Ming kept pulling his fingers, throwing him back and forth.And the heads of the original Konoha clans around him were sweating profusely at this moment. Could this be the legendary god of death, but why was he caught and thrown around by such a human being?
Everyone even hid in the hiding place, their eyes were fixed on Tang Ming and the god of death in his hand, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Don't you still drag me, are you still arrogant?" Tang Ming also stepped on the face of the god of death at this moment, lit a cigarette, and watched the face of the god of death spit out a big mouthful of smoke, like a local hooligan asked arrogantly.

"No, I dare not." The god of death is completely afraid of Tang Ming at this moment, this **** is not a businessman, this **** is definitely a hooligan before changing careers, or the kind of professional debt collector.

Originally, the Grim Reaper summoned by the ghoul seal was just a projection of the Grim Reaper, that is, a clone, but the Grim Reaper suddenly had a whim today, and felt a powerful force. He wanted to see it, so he threw his real body into this world. Even if he met Tang Ming, who bought and sold by force, he would be considered unlucky.

"Okay, then the transaction is complete, and I'll accept the knife. This is your proceeds from the transaction. Get out of here." After speaking, Tang Ming directly took down the soul-killing knife, and took it out of the system space. A bunch of things came out and they were thrown to the god of death without looking at them.

And the god of death looked at his soul-killing knife with distress. This is his treasure that has been with him for many years. All his belongings are pointed at this knife. Soul of the sword, but whoever let him come in real body, the real sword will naturally come together, and in the end he was taken over by someone.

The God of Death also glanced at Tang Ming with grievances, but then his eyes were attracted by a bunch of things Tang Ming threw, a set of judge robes, a soul-slaying knife, and more than the two contained more All kinds of spiritual power, and the Soul Slaying Knife also contains the power of the soul, although the power is far less than the one he had before.

But the shape and material of the two are far better than my old soul-killing knife. The previous soul-killing knife was refined when he first became a god of death, and the material is only ordinary. If he hadn't been with him for thousands of years, he might be just an ordinary magic weapon.

What's more, the judge's uniform and soul-slaying knife that Tang Ming gave seem even more majestic and even like it. Although these two are only ordinary at the beginning, if they are properly cultivated for thousands of years, they will be a peerless treasure. As a god of death, the most indispensable thing is time.

"Thank you, thank you." The God of Death was even more delighted holding the two treasures, and he didn't care about the humiliation he suffered before, and he was grateful again and again.After all, I am in a plane where resources are scarce, otherwise I wouldn't have been using this broken knife for thousands of years.

"Believe it now, the world lord, I am an innocent businessman, and the world lord has always been adhering to..."

Just when Tang Ming was talking happily, he was suddenly interrupted by the god of death: "Ahem, that world lord, is this dress too small for me to wear?"

But Tang Ming was talking about being happy but was interrupted by the god of death. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw the god of death holding a judge's robe that was many times smaller than him and looking at it hard.

"Are you a fucking fool or not? This fucking thing is a treasure. You don't know if you recognize the owner with blood and accumulate it yourself, you idiot." Tang Ming immediately cursed, and he didn't even dare to lift his head when he was scolded by the god of death.

"But the World Lord..."

"What's the matter?" Tang Ming asked again impatiently.

"But I'm a soul body, and I don't have blood. How can I recognize the Lord with blood." Seeing the expression of bitter melon on the face of Death God, pointing to his illusory body, he said helplessly.

Tang Ming also patted his head helplessly, told himself to hold back, and eased his irritable state of mind: "Don't you fucking use the power of the soul to instill nourishment? That knife is the same, don't worry about it anymore. Mine, ask me again if you believe it or not, and I'll give you another bite."

When the God of Death heard Tang Ming's words, his eyes lit up with golden light, and he automatically filtered the words behind Tang Ming, and directly instilled the power of Tang Ming's soul into the judge's robe and the soul-killing knife. in the body.

I saw him use the power of soul again, and a huge and majestic judge's robe suddenly appeared on his body, and a majestic sword appeared in his hand, and the whole person suddenly looked a lot more majestic.

"Dead dog (that's amazing), thank you Lord, thank you Lord." Death was stunned by this miraculous scene, immediately overjoyed, and kept touching his brand new judge's robe and the precious sword in his hand. (This shinigami is also too weak, otherwise he wouldn't be stolen by Orochimaru)
"Hurry up and get out, don't let me see you again." Tang Ming chased away the god of death, he really didn't want to see a god of death keep playing with such a simple trick like a turkey.

At this point, Tang Ming also gave up the idea of ​​trading with the little devil's gods. Are all the little devil's gods so poor?
Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Frog Ai and Toad Brothers, as well as the recommended monthly ticket package, thank you brothers for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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